A u g u st 22,2001 Classifieds/Bids fjorihiiib (Pbeeruer Hillsboro Elementary School #23 Hillsboro School District 1J Hillsboro, Oregon A C C O U N T IN G A S S IS T A N T II 5: C o ld -F o rm e d M e t a l F r a m in g / M is c . M e ta l F a b r ic a tio n s / $2,373-$2,885/m onth C loses August 31, 2001 E x p a n s io n Jo int C o ve rs ; D ivisio n 6 : Finish C a r p e n tr y / C a s e ­ Salem Area M ass Transit District (SAMTD) requests sealed bids from qualified bidders for interior alterations to the SAMTD Maintenance Facility, located at 3170 Del Webb Ave. NE, Sa­ lem, OR 97303. This work involves the alteration of the exist­ ing maintenance facility to accom modate the use and mainte­ nance of buses converted to run on com pressed natural gas w o rk ; D ivis io n 7: D a m p p r o o fin g / W a te r r e p e lle n t s / B uild ing fuels. is currently recruiting for the following position: Laboratory T ech n ic ia n - Washington County Prim ary Care O p eratio n s S u p ervlsor-O ental Research E valuatio n A n alyst S en io r-H ea lth Assessm ent & A s s is ta n t- B ilin g u a l Spanish C lin ic H e a lth A s sista n t Fiscal S p e c ia lis t N O N S U P P O R T S P E C IA L IS T D ivis io n 8 : D o o r A s s e m b lie s ; Division 9: F in ish es; Division $2,752-$3,345/m onth C loses August 31, 2001 1 0 : S p e c ia ltie s ; D ivisio n 1 1 : Equipm ent; Division 1 2 : Furnish­ P h a r m a c is t-C o r r e c tio n s C a ll (5 0 3 ) 8 4 6 -8 6 0 6 / T T Y (503) 846-4898 for information or see our w e b s ite : H e a lth (F u ll And P a rt-T im e ) www.co.washington.Qr.us. S e rv ic e s S ervices S p e c ia lis t- Head S ta r t Program Application m aterials and for­ mal job announcem ents are a v a ila b le a t: County application and supple­ m ental application forms re­ quired. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are en­ couraged to apply. www.co.multnomah.or.usy Apply To: jo b s/, in person or by m ailing a self-addressed stam ped en­ velope requesting application forms to: M ultmomah County Hum an R e so u rce s D ivision , 1120 SW 5th Avenue, First Poor Lobby, PO Box 14700. Portland O R, 9 7 2 9 3 -0 7 0 0 . A s s is te d access to Multnomah County job information and web site is available at Multnomah County Libraries. Washington County Human Multnomah County Health De­ partm ent is actively recruiting persons from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds to enhance service to our diverse com m unities. Bilingual/bicul- tural candidates are encour­ aged to apply. An Equal O pp o r­ Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 H o u s in g S p e c ia lis t - Find & manage properties for teen par­ ent housing project. Experience with housing, low income fami­ lies, and custom er relations desired. Strong communication skills, detail-oriented, computer literate a must. BA preferred. P art tim e, flexible schedule, com petitive salary + benefits. Send resume by Aug. 31st to: YSC , 4839 NE MLK Jr. Blvd., Portland 97211, or FAX: 503- 281-6753 City O f West Linn tu n ity E m p lo y er D ire c to r O f P u b lic W o rk s ■ T IU W XB3 íjw o t a W Clark County, Washington Job Opportunities We are seeking qualified f candidates to be part of our dynamic public f service organization. O FF E N D E R C R E W C H IE F $14.79-$18.88/hr. DOQ P R O G R A M C O O R D IN A TO R I $3,296-$4,657/m o. DOQ Job information, applications, and benefits information are available from: Clark County Human Resources 1013 Franklin St, Vancouver WA Job Hotline: (3 6 0 ) 3 9 7 -6 0 1 8 TDD: (3 6 0 ) 397-6 032 www.co.clark.wa.us Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y er _ PARKING I V II IIY OPERATOR Immediate opening for full and p a rt-tim e a tte n d a n ts w ith Portland’s leading parking com­ pany. We are seeking depend­ able individuals w ith a neat appearance and a Positive atti­ tude. $ 8.00+ sta rtin g w age Huge overtim e potential. Ad­ vancement opportunities Medi­ cal, Dental, 401K available. Applicants must submit to drug te st and background check. Apply in person daily between 12-1, Monday - Friday. 130 SW STARK Portland, OR ' Advertise in |jjovtlant> ©hseruer Call 503-288-0033 The City of W est Linn is accept­ ing applications for the Director of Public Works. The success­ fu l c a n d id a te w ill h ave a Bachelor's degree in public ad­ m inistration, engineering or a related field and at least five (5) years of successful experience m anaging a m unicipal public works department. The position requires sound m anagement, supervision and communication skills. The sa la ry range is $4660- $66 80 /m o. (D O Q ). M anage­ ment benefit package provided. Qualified candidate must pass p re -e m p loym en t background check, reference check and drug screen. Application packets are available at W est Linn City Hall, 22500 Salam o Road, W est Linn, OR 97068, or by calling (503) 722- 3427 (Voice Mail) or (503) 656- 4518 (TDD). A Letter of inter­ est with resume and City of West Linn em ploym ent application must be received by the Depart­ ment of Human Resources at 2 25 00 Sa lam o R oad, W e st Linn, Oregon 97068, no later than 4:00 pm, Friday, Septem ­ ber 21, 2001. EEO www.ci.west- linn.or.us Employment The "Oregon Air National Guard has several part-time positions available. Let the Oregon Air Guard provide you with the ex­ perience to "enhance your civil­ ian marketability! Not only will the Air Guard train you, but pay you to leam! For more informa­ tion on pay, travel, training & various educational benefits call 1-800392-1801 & inquire about our enlistment eligibility. Waves Hair Design Looking for A Nail Tech, Barber, and licensed Hair Stylist, braiding a plus, Professionalism a must. Bus (503) 232-6263 One proposal is requested for the entire project, including Gen­ eral, Mechanical and Electrical work. ings; D ivis io n 1 4 : E le v a to rs ; D ivision 1 5 : H V A C / P lu m b in g / F ire P ro te c tio n ; D ivisio n 1 6 : E le c tric a l.” 2-B u s in e s s In fo rm atio n Systems Analyst 2 H e a lth A d v e rtis e m e n t for: H illsbo ro E lem en tary School # 2 3 “ Division In s u la t io n / F ire s to p p in g & S m o k e s to p p in g / Joint S e a le rs ; R e s e a rc h -R e v is e d H e a lth Salem Area Mass Transit District Invitation To Bid Advertisement For Bids The Multnomah County Health Department C lin ic Page B5 (Efye Jlortlanò ©beeruer Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC, serving as the Construction Man- ager/General Contractor (CM /GC) for Hillsboro School District 1J, is soliciting bids for “ Division 5: Cold-Formed Metal Fram­ ing/ M isc. Metal Fabrications/ Expansion Joint Covers; Divi­ sion 6: Finish Carpentry/ Casework; Division 7: Dampproofing/ W a te r re p e lle n ts / B u ild in g In s u la tio n / F ire sto p p in g & Sm okestopping/ Joint Sealers; Division 8: Door Assem blies; Division 9: Finishes; Division 10: Specialties; Division 11: Equip­ ment; Division 12: Furnishings; Division 14: Elevators; Divi­ sion 15: HVAC/ Plumbing/ Fire Protection; Division 16: Electri­ ca l." For the Hillsboro Elementary School #23 in Hillsboro, Or­ egon. Term s and conditions of the bid are outlined in Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC (CM /GC) “Invitation to Bid” , dated August 20, 2001, attached to and made a part of the Contract Docu­ ments. B id s w ill be re c e iv e d a t th e o ffic e s o f L eas e C ru tc h e r L ew is , LLC, 9 2 1 S W W ash in g to n , S u ite 1 5 0 , Po rtlan d, O regon 9 7 2 0 5 , u n til 3 : 0 0 p .m . PDT, S e p te m b e r 1 1 , 2 0 0 1 , a t w h ic h tim e th e bids w ill be publicly o pened and read aloud. Bids shall be clearly A pre-bid conference will be held at 10:00 AM PDST. Friday, August 24, 2001, at SAM TD ’s Maintenance Facility located at 3170 Del Webb Ave. NE, Salem. OR 97303. Attendance of bidders is not m andatory, but advised. Inquiries should be di­ rected to Dave Kussman, SAMTD Procurement Specialist, phone: 503-588-2424. Formal prequalification is not required or desired, but Bidder must be a licensed contractor under ORS 671.530. Bid documents are available, subject to deposit, from Interface Engineering, 200 Hawthrone St, Ste. B210, Salem, OR 97301, phone: 503-364-5354, FAX: 503-364-5434, and at select plan centers throughout Oregon. Sealed bid responses will be received by SAMTD, 555 Court Street NE, Suite 5230, Salem , Oregon 97301, until 1:00 PM PSDT, Sept. 7, 2001. Subm it bids in a 9 ” x 12" mamla enve­ lope, plainly marked: “ ATTN: D a v e K u ss m a n , S A M T D P ro cu re­ m e n t S p e c ia lis t, Bid Proposal for In te rio r A lte ra tio n s to S A M T D M a in te n a n c e F a c ility : Bid C lo s in g 1 : 0 0 P M PDST. S e p t. 7 , 2 0 0 1 ”. m a rk e d “ H IL L S B O R O E L E M E N T A R Y SCH O O L # 2 3 ” Construction includes all "Division 5: Cold-Formed Metal Fram­ ing/ M isc. Metal Fabrications/ Expansion Joint covers; Divi­ sion 6: Finish Carpentry/ Casework; Division 7: Dampproofing/ W a te r R e p e lle n ts / B u ild in g In s u la tio n / F ire sto p p in g & Sm okestopping/ Joint Sealers; Division 8: Door Assem blies; Division 9: Finishes; Division 10: Specialties; Division 11: Equip­ ment; Division 12: Furnishings; Division 14: Elevators; Divi­ sion 15: HVAC/ Plumbing/ Fire Protection; Division 16: Electri­ cal. "for the Hillsboro Elem entary School #23 in Hillsboro, Or­ egon. Contract Docum ents may be reviewed at the following loca­ tions: Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC (CM /GC)/Portland, OR; Con­ struction Data and News/Portland, Construction Market Data/ Portland, OR; Daily Journal Plan Center/Portland, OR; Impact Business Consultants, P.C./Portland, OR; Oregon Association of Minority Enterprises/Portland, OR; Oregon Contractors Plan Center/Clackam as, OR; Salem Contractors Exchange/Salem, OR; Southwest Washington Contractors Association/Vancouver, WA. Contract Documents may be purchased in its entirety or in part form Precision Im ages, (503) 274-2030. All bidders m ust com ply with the following requirements: Pre­ vailing Wage Law, ORS 279.350, Licensed with Construction C o n tra cto rs Board O R S 6 7 1 .5 3 0 , R esident Status ORS 279.029. Bidders m ust obtain business licenses to perform work in the City of Hillsboro, prior to mobilizing on the jobsite. No bid will be considered unless received by 3 : 0 0 p .m . PDT on and fully com pleted in the manner pro­ vided by the “Instructions to Bidders', upon the “Bid Form" S e p te m b e r 1 1 , 2 0 0 1 , provided. "N O TIC OF REQUIREM ENT FOR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION TO EN­ SURE EQUAL EM PLOYM ENT OPPORTUNITY (Executive Order 11246) Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC (CM /GC) is committed to taking affirmative action to encourage and facilitate the participation of m inority/wom en-owned business enterprises (M/WBE) in State projects and encourage Contractors to provide similar opportunities for their Subcontractors. Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC (CM /GC) Sub Bids Requested For TrinityCourt Corvallis, Oregon 2 -Story Wood Frame B u idh g Over 1 Story of Concrete Parking Garage. 1 6 U n its o f S tu d e n t H o u sing . Bid Date: August 24, 2001, by 3:00 PM Walsh Construction Co., CCB #11398 2905 SW First Avenue, Portland, OR 97201 Phone: (503) 222-4375 Fax: (503) 274-7676 Contact: Don Geddes, Brent Stutz or Cathy Adams Plans available at Walsh Construction Co., DJC Plan Center. Construction Market Data, Inc., SW Dodge @Central Print Eugene Builders Excharge. Salem Contractor's Exchange. Oregon Contractor. OAME (Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs), and Construction Data Trades Excluded: Fire Protection, Plumbing, and Electrical/Low Voltage Please call Walsh Construction Co. For Bid forms and instructions. Emerging Small Business Enterprises, Minority Business Enterprises and W oman-owned Business Enterprises areencoura«ed to bid on this work A d v e r tis e in ¿Tljc Jlnrthtnb (Obseruer, Call to d a y ! 2 Ö Ö -O O 3 3 1 First-tier subcontractor disclosure forms must be submitted prior to 5:00 PM, PDST, Sept. 7, 2001, at the same location as bids were submitted. The disclosure forms m ust be submitted in a separate, sealed, opaque envelope, plainly marked "F irst-T ie r S u b c o n tra c to r D is c lo s u re Form for In te rio r A lte rn a tio n s to S A M T D M a in te n a n c e F a c ility : Bid O p e n in g 5 : 0 0 P M . PDST, S e p t. 7 , 2 0 0 1 . ” Bid form s submitted after 1:00 PM PDST, Sept. 7, 2001, or disclosure forms submitted after 5:00 PM PDST, Sept. 7, 2001, will not be accepted. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at 5:00 PM, PDST, Sept. 7, 2001, in the Pioneer Conference Room, located on the first floor of Courthouse Square, 555 Court Street NE, Salem, Oregon, S o c ia l S e r v ic e s / S o c ia l C ha nge/D o m estic Violence. Bradley-Angle House is seeking an * Executive assistant 32 hours/weeks, $24.960/year plus benefits * Sexual Minority Services Coordinator 20 hours/ week, $12.116/year plus ben­ efits. Application packets re­ quired and available by calling 503.296.8225 or at One Stop, 3034 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Closing date: Friday, August 31, 2001 EEO/AA/Feminist Employer. needed for Neigh­ borhood Food Network project. Part-tim e contract position at $ 1 5 /h o u r a p p ro xim a te ly 10 hours per week for 9 months. Responsible for involving low- income inner N/NE community m em bers in identifying where neighbors get their food, the challenges they experience and w h a t fo o d re la te d c h a n g e s they'd like to see. Familiarity with N/NE Portland and commu­ nity organizing experience pre­ ferred. Send resume to Growing Gardens at 2003 NE 42nd Ave., #3, Portland, OR 97213. Posi- tion closes August 30th. EOE C o o rd in a to r to provide personal and confidential assis­ tance to the Dean of the Col­ lege of Liberal A rts and Sci­ ences. For details see http:// w w w .hrc.pdx.edu or contract Lena McGee at Portland State U n iv e rs ity , (5 0 3 ) 725- 3 514.PSU is an equal oppor- tunity/affirmative action institu­ tion. E x e c u tiv e A s s is ta n t © Multnomah County A g in g & D is a b ility S ervice s P ro g ra m S u p e r v is o r - N o r t h / N o rth e a s t P o rtla n d Competitive applicants will have leadership experience and Med- ic a id / M e d ic a re kn o w le d ge . $42.312 to $65,298 full annual salary range. Apply by August 31, 2001. Application materials and formal jo b a n n o u n c e m e n ts are a v a ila b le at; www.co.multnomah.or.us/iobs/. in person at 1120 SW Fifth Av­ enue, 1” Floor Lobby, or by mail­ ing a self-addressed stamped envelope requesting application form s to: M ultnom ah County Human Resources Division, PO B o x 1 4 7 0 0 , P o rtla n d O R . 97293-0700. Assisted access to Multnomah County job infor­ mation and web site is available at Multnomah County Libraries. Multnomah County is actively recruiting candidates from vari­ ous ethnic and cultural back­ grounds to enhance services to our diverse community. You Can Now Find Us On The Web!! PORT OF PORTLAND Career Opportunities Information about career opportunities with the Port of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944-7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port’s website at www.portoportlandor.com or by calling (503) 944- 7400 or by visiting the P o rt's office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland. The Port of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer