Page B3 August 15, 2001 (Thv lllorthmh (Observer Portland Fire Fizzles Coach Linda Hargrove (left) can't find a solution to the Fire’s losing streak in a 64-58 loss Sunday to the Sacramento Monarchs in front o f 8,582 fans at the Rose Garden.Guard Jackie Stiles (right) will finish her rookie season in the Fire's last game o f the year against Los Angeles. Stiles made Fire history by her selection to the WNBA All-Star team. P hotos by D ave G iezyng T he P ortland O bserver Sports Briefs Bryant Causes a Stir in China BEIJING - Kobe Bryant called his basketball-playing trip to the Great W all o f China one of the most memorable events of his life. But some Chinese felt otherwise: When traffic and surging crowds prevented the NBA star from showing up for an appearance in the city, they got mad. Some hurled b o ttles at o rg an izers, pushed at barricades and criti­ cized Adidas, the sponsor. Police dragged o ff one offender by his hair and quickly dispersed the crowd o f about 1,500, though it w asn't immediately clear if any­ one was detained. The event was ahruptly canceled - apparently because the fanfare caused so much congestion that authorities wouldn’t allow Bryant’s car to enter. McGwire Homers Again; Cards Sweep Mets NEW YORK - Mark McGwire hit his 575lh career home run, his 11,h straight hit to clear the fence, and the St. Louis Cardinals beat the New York M ets4-1 fora three- game sweep. M cGwire's two-run homer highlighted a three-run first inning. His 21" home run was his second in two days. Big M ac's last hit that was not a homer was a first inning single at Houston on July 18. His streak is the longest of its kind in at least 25 years - re­ search beyond that does not ex­ ist. Darryl Kile (13-7) won his third straight start, holding the Mets to three hits over six innings. Rose Gambling Allegations Resurface Sports Illustrated Likes the Beavers Best (A P) Sports Illustrated has rated Oregon State the top team in the nation in its annual College Football Preview issue. The Beavers, not so long ago the doormat lining the bottom of the Pac-10, ha ve been ranked high in other polls, but generally trail rival Oregon in "the estimation of sports writers and analysts. Sports Illustrated put both Ken Simonton, Oregon State’s star tailback, and Joey Harrington, the senior Oregon quarterback, on the cover of the preview issue. “Everybody has an opinion,” Simonton said, when asked about the magazine’s ranking at a news conference that kicked off the Heisman Trophy campaign OSU is mounting for him. O regon S tate, w hich beat N otre Dame 41-9 in the Fiesta Bowl last season, is ranked 12th in the USA Today/ESPN poll this year Sports Illustrated has a questionable track record for picking national cham pions. Forexample, it picked Nebraska No. 1 last year and left Oklahoma at No. 23. But the Sooners whipped Nebraska, went 13-0 and defeated Florida State for the national title. In 1999 and 1997, the magazine ranked Penn State No. 1, and in 1998 it chose Ohio State as the top team in the nation. Nei­ ther won the title those years. Former NBA Star Hosts Free Basketball Clinic Terrell Brandon, the local fa­ vorite of the NBA’s Minnesota Timberwolves is providing in­ ner-city youth with an opportu­ nity to learn some of the basics of basketbal 1 and the importance o f education and good sports­ manship. The first 300 youth, boys and girls ages 7-18, will have an op­ portunity to participate. Paren- tal/guardian signature required. The 10lh annual free Basket­ ball Clinic will be held on Saturday, Sept. 1 at Irving Park, located at N.E. 7'h and Fremont, from 10 a .m .- 4 p.m. Registration forms are available at Tee Bee’s P lace and T e rre ll B ra n d o n ’s B a rb e r Shop. For more infor­ mation. call Brenda K. C alvin at 503/460- 0349. C IN C IN N A T I — T w elv e y e a rs a f te r P ete R o se w as banned from baseball, another accuser has com e forw ard to say the hit king bet on the national pastim e. In the Off.: (503) 286-1103 f f A t f *A K M S e p te m b e r is s u e o f Fax: (503)286-1146 STATE FARM Vanity F air m agazine, INSURANCE COMPANIES T o m m y G io io s a , a HOME OFFICES BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS fo rm e r c o n f id a n t o f Rose, said Rose bet on ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent baseball gam es involv­ ing various team s, in ­ cluding the C incinnati 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Reds. Among G ioiosa’s Suite A other claim s: That Rose Portland, OR 97217 used a corked bat d u r­ ing his pursuit o f Ty C o b b 's a ll-tim e h its reco rd in 1985; that Rose had G ioiosa forge R o s e ’s sig n a tu re on m em orabilia; and that Rose invested money in a cocaine deal because o f its potential for fi­ n an c ia l re tu rn . R ose Horace Simpson declin ed to be in ter­ A. D. Williams v ie w e d fo r th e 213 N.E. Hancock 282 2920 m ag azin e's story. Portland, DR 9T?11 “It doesn’t matter where you start. It matters where you finish," Simonton said. Oregon State coach Den­ nis Erickson, who guided the Beavers to an 11-1 record and a No. 4 overall ranking last year, said he was happy the Beavers are getting some rec­ ognition. “ It show s th a t peo p le around the country are taking notice of what we have ac­ complished," Erickson said. But the top priority for the team is the first game, not rankings, Erickson said. “Right now the only thing I’m thinking about is Fresno State," he said. T h e B eav ers tak e on Fresno State on Sept. 2 in Cali­ fornia in a nationally televised season opener on ESPN. G reyhound R acing M a y 4 - October 13, 2001 Post Times Wednesday - Saturday 7:00 pm Sundays/Holidays 1:00 pm NE 223rd & Glisan Wood Village, Oregon G R E Y H O U N D (503) 667-7700 F ree P arking I show no e m o t io n T he L IK E I SCRATCH. upon and A dmission v ic to r y . m in i- m a r t guy does not TO BE HUGGED. I AM AN A T H L E T E . Bran's Barber & Btautp &bop s e rio u s game, s e rio u s money. I