August 15, 2001 Page B2 Obituary Henry Mangum A funeral was held Friday. Aug. 10, 2001, in Life Change Christian Center in Portland for Henry Mangum, who died Aug. 5 at age 86. Mr. Mangum was born Nov. 14,1914, in Mendenhall, Miss. He moved to Portland in 1943 and was a sand blaster for the shipyards for 25 years, retiring in 1968. In 1934, he married Frankie Newsome; she died in 1993. Survivors include his daughter. Ruby N. Carter; sons, John H . and James W .; brother, Lewis; sisters, Almedia Floyd and Lula Mangum; 12 grandchildren; 28 great-grandchildren; and six great-great-grandchildren. Interment in Rose City Mausoleum. Remembrances to the Kid­ ney Foundation of Oregon. Arrangements by Killingsworth Little Chapel o f the Chimes. Get Connected!! Hood » Telephone ot Homo? Tim» To Got a Ç & ( Al l. FOR APPOINTMENTS 5113-2« I -3949 Lutherans May Endorse Same Sex Unions (AP) — The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America decided Monday to undertake its first major study on whether to endorse the morality of homo­ sexual relationships. The church's national assembly was also to vote later on a separate proposal to start the process of repealing the church’s ban on actively homosexual clergy. The new study will involve the Chicago headquar­ ters staff, the church’s bishops, its 65 synods — or regional units — and colleges and seminaries. The 5.1 million-member denomination will also conduct open hearings and local focus groups on the issuei An interim report with possible recommendations is due in 2003 and the final report in 2005. The Rev. Ronald Rude of Denver said theologians are divided on homosexuality so Lutherans must ask “does the Gospel override the Bible” in this case. The church had previously concluded it did regarding other issues such as slavery, women’s role in the church and divorce, he said. The Rev. Kim Lengert of Reading, Pa., told of a homosexual couple that asked her for a church bless­ ing ritual. “We are about to deny the crumbs from the table. We have a part of our congregations that is starving spiritually,” she said. For technical reasons having to do with the church’s governance, the gay clergy ban can’t be completely repealed in a single vote. Rather, the national as­ sembly can only start the process of repealing the ban. When the gay clergy debate began Saturday, retired Presiding Bishop Herbert Chilstrom of Pelican Rapids, Minn., said he had changed his mind and wanted the church to accept homosexual relationships. It was under Chilstrom’s leadership that the church council set the clergy ban and the bishops’ conference advised congregations against blessings for same-sex couples. Violations Get Attention Worship with u at the: Comprehensive Wills ft Yearly Updates Debts, Dispute Decisions, Divorce A C b b tia a Ufe C este And more 1> V líM $ 2 6 .0 0 or less per month K K T I 5522 S. «bina Fortiasi, Oregon For more -in fo rm atio n c a ll Norman Ross at *V m A « m m * » • 513 283-1535 Hianirifi 1 ani tn n c r, It e th in p fe n Puster M e tttn J . In te # (503) 757-8409 r «217 Other Church o f Gwl Location f «vwér t t f P r a u r i i IS in (©baeruer