Wlic Fortiani» Cff)bsfruer SECTION "ffiiidgirip f?(wt£and'ô Communities ■ CC n m tn n n 11 g a t e tt b ä r The Bite of Portland Safew ay’s Bite o f Portland is the city’s tastiest food, music and w ine fes­ tival. There will be international cuisines, Oregon wine tasting and six stages of music. Lots o f fun for the w hole family. The event will be held at W aterfront Park, Aug. 1 7 ,18and 19. For more info., go online to www.biteofportland.com . Oktoberfest Sports Mt. A ngel Oktoberfest 2001, from Sept. 13through 16, offers a wide variety o f sports for the visitor to w atch or to take part in. There will be a softball tournam ent, g o lf tournam ent, high school volleyball tournament, volkswalk and ten-mile fun run. For more info., call 503/845-9440or visit Oktoberfest on the Childbirth in a Nutshell O H SU ’ s Center for W om en’s Health classes will be having a talk on ‘C hild­ birth in a N utshell” on W ednesday, Sept. 12 and 19, from 1-4 p.m. in the Outpatitnet Clinic Building, Room 1332. T his class is for first-tim ers and a re­ fresher course forexperienced parents. Call 503/494-8231. Energetic Healing Learn aChinese form of energetic self healing called "Heaven, Earth, Sun and M oon Q igong” from the originator of the exercise. M aster Ou W'en Wei. Wei has taught the technique to thousands all over the world with great results. He will be dem onstrating at N atures’s W ellness Center, located at 3535 N.E. 15lh and Fremont from Aug. 2 4 - 26. Call Donna Selby at 503/675-9809. Senior Art Show & Sale S how casing artw ork created by se­ niors w ho have taken part in Portland Parks & recreation’s w ide variety o f art classes, including draw ing, painting, sculpture, textile, and m ixed media. Seniors are encouraged to bring their w ork to th e c e n te ro n Aug. 18, betw een 10-11 a.m. Prizes will be aw arded along w ith f re e fu n , f e s ti v itie s an d intergenerational activities. C all 503/ 659-4180o r503/823-4328. Open Hand O pen H and is boldly m oving into our third year with a celebration o f their fabulous youth and innovative pro­ gram s. T hey will be having a youth perform ance and fund raising party to help support their scholarship fund. Food and drinks will be provided. Join them on A u g .2 8 ,fro m 6 :3 0 -8 :3 0 p .m . Call 503/493-1000. Car Seat Safety Clinic T he Providence St. V incent M edi­ cal C enter will be offering a free car seat safety clinic for parents, grandparents, babysitters and anyone w ho uses child car seats in their vehicles. T he clinic w illb e h eld o n Saturday.Sept. 15.from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the hospital, located at9 2 0 5 S .W . Barnes Rd. Summer Fresh Salsa Preserve the sum m er fresh and fla­ vorful salsa at K ruger’s Farm Market, located at 17100S.W. Sauvie Island Rd., where visitors can learn the basics of canning on Aug. 18 and 19, with classes taught by master food preservers on site at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. each day. Call 503/ 621 -3489. There will be live music and hayridcs. A Holy Ghost Block Party The Fellow ship M issionary Baptist Church Youth Anti-Gang M inistry will be presenting “A Holy G host Block Party"on Saturday. Aug. 18. from Noon - 6 p.m . at 4009 N. M issouri Avde. There will be BBQ, games, music, dance, rap. balloons, prizes and more. All arc welcome. Kids Create, Edit and Produce TV Spots A T& T B roadband and Portland Cable A ccess have team ed up to host "A dven­ tures in T elev isio n ,” a co llab o rativ e project to help the children o f Boys & G irls Clubs improve their com m unication skills. A one-w eek sum m er cam p w as held last w eek featuring lessons in interview ­ ing people, identifying and assem bling com pelling video and other m edia skills. Team s o f students produced and ed ­ ited five 30-second public service an­ nouncem ents for their respective clubs, w hich will air on Portland C able A ccess channels 11, 22 and 23, as w ell as other select cable channels from O ctober to December. “T he quality program s that w e provide for Portland area youth are m ade possible by the generous donations o f our co m ­ m unity partners," said V irginia H ensen, executive director o f Boys & G irls Clubs o f Portland. “Investing in our children and the com ­ m unities w e serve is a top priority for us at A T & T B r o a d b a n d ,” s a id C u rt H enninger, sen io r vice p resid en t for A T & T B roadband in O regon and S outh­ w est W ashington. "The lessons in co m ­ m unicating and w orking in team s, as well as the w onderful feeling o f accom plish­ m ent will stay w ith these kids long after this cam p is over.” Rob Skelton, executive director o f Port­ land C able A ccess TV , added, “T his is a w onderful opportunity for the youth o f Portland to learn how the m edia has the pow er to increase aw areness o f issues. T hey also begin to understand how effec­ tive com m unication influences the world around them .” Speakers at the cam p included C.J. G lazerof Will V inton Studios, Gary Nolton o f Limbo Films, Ken Ackerman of KPTV ’s P hoto by D eborah P i . eva Tiffany Shimabukuro, a camp mentor, and Maurice Stroud, a young participant from the Blazers Boys & Girls Club use an umbrella to bounce light across a TV set. G ood D ay O regon, and other guests. T im Larson, director o f D ow nstream V ideo Production showed the kids how to create storyboards. Students also re­ ceived hands-on training from cable ac­ cess volunteers and A T& T Broadband staff in using video equipm ent, cameras, editors, audio boards, video sw itchers. and graphics. The lessons learned m ay be applied to future jobs in the television and com m u­ nications industry. Portland C able A ccess, a non-profit charitable organization, prom otes broad participation in civic cultural life by en­ couraging effective use and understand­ Summer Camp Delights 4 counselor leads a camper on a horse ride at Camp Rosenbaum, one of the many activities during citizenship camp on the Oregon Coast, sponsored by the Housing Authority of Portland, Oregon National Guard and Portland Police Bureau. More than 100 children from Portland and about 60 other young campers from the area attended the Aug. 1 camp named in honor of Fred Rosenbaum, former Housing of Portland Commissioner and Oregon Air National Guard assistant Adjutant General, who helped transform the National Guard Camp at Rilea near Astoria into great summer camp experience for Housing Authority Children. G ro u p W in s F ig h t for L o w er B u s F a res T ri-M et has voted to cut m onthly passes for students in half, thanks to the efforts o f Sisters in Action for Power. T he m u lti-racial o rg an izatio n has fought for cheaper student passes for nearly four years. M embers protested, held a rally and attended m eetings to get their dem ands met by the T ri-M et T rans­ portation Board. The effort was done for the sake o f low -incom e and m inority stu­ dents w ho couldn’t easily afford to pay $31 per month. Through their persistent efforts, student passes arc now $16 a month. Studies conducted by Tri Met determ ined that charging students $31 per month was too high, com pared with fares in other states T ri-M et officials say the new rate change could result in a loss o f $1 million in revenues each year - forcing the transportation provider to spend less on new products. Fiesta Coming to 42nd Avenue A f ie s ta to c e le b ra te th e d iv e rs ity an d u n iq u e n e s s o f th e 42"d A v en u e c o m m u n ity w ill be h eld o u td o o rs on th e c a m p u s o f th e P C C M e tro p o lita n W orkfo rce T rain in g C en ter, 5 6 0 0 N .E. 4 2"d A ve. an d K illin g s w o rth , S a tu r ­ d a y , A ug. 2 5, fro m 11 a m. to 3 p .m . T h e p a rty w ill in c lu d e lo c a l fo o d 1 v en d o rs, a live Larin b an d , salsa d a n c ­ ing le s s o n s , sp e c ia l a c tiv itie s fo r c h ild re n , a d o g w ash an d lo ts o f c o m ­ m u n ity fun. T h e new d ire c to r o f th e P o rtla n d B u rea u o f H o u sin g an d C o m m u n ity D e v e lo p m e n t, T o n y a P a rk e r, w ill o p e n th e fie sta . E v e ry o n e is in v ite d V to a tte n d . E v e n t s p o n s o rs in c lu d e th e 4 2 nd A v e n u e T a rg e t A re a b u s i­ n esses, C e n tra l N o rth e a st N e ig h b o rs, th e B u reau o f H o u sin g a n d C o m m u ­ n ity D e v e lo p m e n t, P o rtla n d C o m m u ­ n ity C o lle g e , th e H a c ie n d a D e v e lo p m ent C o rp o ra tio n . St. C h a rle s C h u rch an d W h ita k e r S U N S c h o o l. ing o f com m unity media. PCA offers affordable classes in television produc­ tion where people learn w ith hands-on- experience about cam eras, television stu­ dios and editing. Their flagship channel, CityN et 30, is dedicated to public affairs program m ing and is one o f the largest o f its kind in the country. Fewer Women Smoke During Pregnancy Oregon is making headway in re­ ducing tobacco use among expectant mothers, according to data that ap­ pears in the Oregon Vital Statistics Annual Report for 1999, recently pub­ lished by the state Department of Human Services. “We found some positive changes in the 1999 birth data.” says Mel Kohn, M.D., state epidemiologist at the Health Division. "We are espe­ cially encouraged by a decline in the number of women who smoked while they were pregnant." “The fact that fewer mothers are smoking means they are getting the message that tobacco is harmful to them and to their babies,” says Kohn. “ But we need to redouble our efforts, because far too many women continue to sm oke.” , The Health Division is planning a new program that will enhance current tobacco cessation efforts, according to Donalda D odson, d i­ rector of child and family health programs. “We are working with health care providers to increase their use of interventions to help pregnant women stop sm oking,” Dodson says The program has sup­ port from the Robert W ood Johnson Foundation’s Smoke Free Fam ilies program. (■