Page A6 August 15,2001 LLfyar |J o r tla n ò (ßheeruer Portland Kids Meet Washington Elite P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Northeast Portland kids question Illinois Republican Dennis Hastert (center), the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and third in line to the U.S. Presidency, along with U.S. Sen. Gordon Smith, R- Ore. (left) and U.S. Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., during a visit Thursday to Friends of the Children, an adult mentoring program at 44 N.E. Morris. Three Congressional power bro­ kers. including the Speaker o f the U.S. House o f Representatives in Washington, D.C., were in Port­ land Thursday to see first-hand how Friends of the Children is uti­ lizing one-on-one relationships between trained adult mentors and at-riskchildren. The organization, founded in Portland in 1993, with chapters across the country, is hoping to build federal support for its pro­ grams that provide help to kids who need nurturing. Friends o f the Children strives to make a difference with the prob­ lems of youth violence, drug abuse and teen pregnancy. The vision is to provide at-risk kids with a sustained relationship with an adult role model who teaches positive values and has attainable expectations for each child. Accompany ing Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-lll. at the Portland Friends o f the Children building, 44 N.E. Morris, were Sen. Gordon Smith and Rep. Greg Walden, both Republicans of Oregon ’ s Congres­ sional delegation. P hoto by D ave G iezyng /T he P ortland O bserver Portland is Bike City The Providence Bridge Pedal, an event to promote bicycles and cancer research drew a whopping 20,000 people to the Portland waterfront Sunday. Several bridges were closed for the celebration. Neighborhood Gets Lesson in Condemnation their old one. T enants w ho are forced to pay higher rent can cards right, they could come out have the difference paid for up to pretty well,” Humboldt president 42 m onths. Susan Erickson said. In addition, the college m ust The assistance could give rent­ pay all m oving expenses, includ­ Light Rail Tunnel on South­ e rs a c h a n c e to becom e in g a p p lia n c e an d u tility west Jefferson; Phase IV at homeowners, she said. reco n n ectio n fees, tem porary With property purchases, the Northwest Flanders from 19th storage and transportation in­ to 24,h to West Burnside, from process starts with an appraisal by surance. If you do the m oving 24lh to Barnes Road; Phase V the college. yourself, you can get paym ents Owners may also secure their marks the end, with a pipe ranging from $300 for one room, installed from N.W. Lovejoy own appraisal. A fair sales price is $825 for four rooms, with another determined by the appraisals and to Naito Parkway. $125 for each additional room. negotiations. If no agreement is At a cost o f $13 million, Sean Brow n o f No Fish Go reached, the parties would go to plans are in the works to build court and a purchase price would Fish, a restaurant in the path o f the expansion on K illingsw orth an enorm ous underground be established there. Street, says Right o f W ay has pump station on Swan Island Homeowners who have lived in to accommodate the increased their homes for at least 180 days been helpful in providing infor­ westside flow to the plant. and tenants who have lived there mation. “The college told us nothing That’s equivalent in size to a at least 90 days, may also be en­ before, but that was then and titled to additional money to pay 14-story building downtown. this is now ,” he says. “T h ey ’ve Because the Columbia Bou­ for housing that is “comparable” only hinted at providing more levard W astewater Treatment to what they were living in, is safe than the letter o f the law calls for Plant is limited in its capacity and sanitary, and is “affordable.” and for com m ercial people that’s Homeowners can get money to to handle the combined sewer nothing - a couple of burly guys purchase a com parable hom e overflow problem, expanding and a U- H aul.” above w hat they w ere paid for the facility is a necessity. But D eA nn Frank o f Right o f W ay, says com m ercial tenants are paid for all m oving expenses AFFORDABLE and can receive either a paym ent equal to their average annual income up to $20,000 or payment for im provem ents to their new LOCK & KEY business site up to $10,000. 503-284-9582 H um boldt board m em berC arl Flipper says the com pany’s in­ FULLLOCKSMITH-SERVICE formation somewhat differs from RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS a college brochure that show s a LOCKEDOUT7-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH cap for rep lacem en t housing HOUSE.OFFICEORCAR costs o f $22,500 for homeowners and $5,250 for tenants. “The governm ent c a n ’t force you to m ove unless they can show th e re ’s housing available Suits • Shirts • Neckwear • Footwear • Accessories th at’s com parable in size, safe Store H our M on - F ri 11 a - 7p Sat 11a-6p and sanitary, and affordable. Som etim es th ere’s no w ay to 10 % O ff Total Purchase with this ad achieve that unless you extend the caps,” F lipper says. 7618 N. Interstate Avenue He adds that this m ost often One block north o f the Lombard Fred Meyer happens w ith very low income 503-285-9500 people w ho are living in sub­ H A vw .SlEPPIXXillM ENSW EARxom standard and cheap housing. Stan Jones, a form er reloca­ tion m anager for the Portland D e­ velopm ent Com m ission says if Are Here! the sales price or benefits pack­ '/ lb. Hot Dog age dispute goes to court, and Kosher Beef Dog the property ow ner w ins, the _ Polish Dog Chili Dogs college could be forced to pay Hot Links Pop and Chips court costs as well. Flipper adds, “It is extrem ely Glad to be Working in My Community. im portant that people not move, Comer ofN.E. Shaver and Martin Luther King, from not sign anything, until they 10:30 a.m.-3:30p.m. know w hat the total com pensa­ tion package th e y 're entitled to can be. T hese aren ’t benefits as PCC says, th ey ’re legally re­ CCBt 11M 03 quired com pensation.” T here is no requirem ent that REMODELING A REPAIRS. people be relocated into the same TOOL A GARDEN SHEDS. neighborhood, and often it isn ’t FENCES. DECKS. PORCHES. possible. DRY ROT. CERAMIC TILE. Brown says his chance for staying in H um boldt is “pretty RON BECK P M O M B 460B » lim ited,” and he is looking for «301 Shaleaepeera FBJ50M Q40022 locations on N ortheast A lberta L ate Oraot. O R 87 03 6 Pgr-S09-a048000 S tre e t, S o u th e a st H aw thorne Boulevard or the Pearl D istrict. S tory C ontinued F rom P age 1 River Cleanup Soars to $1 Billion S tory C ontinued F rom P age 1 age as well as other pollutants in the storm w ater. W hen m ixed with rain, it overflow s directly into the W illam ette River. The Clean River Plan calls for diverting clean water from T anner Creek, which origi­ nates in the W est Hills, from sewage, preventing the pollu­ tio n fro m e n te r in g th e W il^ m e tte River. The city piped the creek into the sewer system decades ago, and to­ day the w ater contributes to the com bined sewer overflow problem. The second phase is already u n d e rw a y , w h e re W e st Burnside, from Southwest 14th to Southeast 19th will rem ain c lo se d fo r the n ex t th ree m onths so that construction crew s can bore tunnels for the installation of 2,000-feet of six-foot-diam eter sew er pipe. A $ 10 million grant from VOLUNTEERS NEEDED' 5 0 3 2H 8 0 6 0 0 the Army Corp o f Engineers is being allocated for com ­ pleting this second phase of the Clean River Plan. Users will be expected to foot the rem ainder of the bill through gradual, sewer rate increases - an average o f $70 a month by 2011. A fter the second phase of construction, similar work will be done throughout the city: Phase III will be along H igh­ way 26, from the zoo to the w w w T H E S A F F W A y g iT F o f S P fc T A i-^ S O regon J ^ n r s io o iO o o R M o s r * * * * * ruN0-KAi5tR P oR TLA l WAT£R.FR«NT FARK AUGTMt-lJ W W W .RlTEOFPORTLAND.COM OF rw r ^ rS fN T T D S u GGBM l O P o H M lo m » 9 - »5 ■ ''" T R È S > M A G N IF IQ U E ! s ^OQLA-LAL z ' B ä BE-O-RAMA! A I C O O K ,. THEREFORE .J A M '' ^ 'M N O T W ORTHY. I ’M N O T .. o. still MY HEART! ATSA SP IC E Y KEAT-A rallas JJ Stepping Out Menswear tuuui IT JUST KEEPS GETTlbl' RETTE RI Portland’s Tastiest Food, Music and Wine Festival! International Cuisine • Oregon Wine Tasting • Six Stages RC i TtMtaaaM«« B m < / America / la s t at Last / Five Far Fiyktiay / Csrtis BalyaJe / The Paperbays Tbs Ifie ie e free Res Irleaai Z belle Z Meek leyel / beer T ern i I Tea Creel keel Z bail belay b ail Z Ikealr CC Ibby 141 leyyae / Jeeee breeley / Tbe beetalle Z beye' 1 Ike lettle bleikee I liete le n k e ille ... Flee eeer JO aere, J a c k ie 's Ribs / l a F a n illa M aa la e a / H era e f A frla a Z Creek C aslaa / SAFIW AF Chiaese C alslae ■ y R re th e r e P is a a Z FaOSreekers Z Ceel T eaeytatleaa Z Bal Teas Tkal C alslae / Reek B s tts a i S a lt y 's Ba The Celaaibla / B alsaC er B e lly s / G arbeaaa a F a la fe l B ar / B w e y a t lastaa C alslae R a f a t l ’s lle y a a e e la C a ta rla y Z Chef L isa S e b re e le r /W e tte r a B is tr e 4 B ar / Chef Rebla M ila n S a fe w a y B a k e ry Z B re y e ra lee Creaai P a rle r Z M llle te e e le y re a e e C a fe ! / W ilm a r Brew T a a tla y f i l l : Ireieeiee fllb ta y Mie Bertaa Z Beet Cl Creyee Vlieaakere Z Ckefe Ceekley Cleye Cee Heleeiee Car free I ICC I Ml tee leer ye CeaeCy fe rtile featarlay Jeff Veyee Z lefeeey Faally Theater ~ " • i llteetytee Uf ‘ ‘ leye * ----------* " leellky ITk Mke ferklef Presented by / i n d i e d t i e r SAFEWAY roooeoMXj Smart Wireless U KryHenk Ç85 ¡ Ä B AM Mr« Cam» • Ci» Cam M a y • Saal fak • Cntaam lebl • Oe» W M u < jg g j PKUBtJggf TBÇNW ^r OreyoniZW StmM BBgffl - 1 ^ rCeew • Owe SI»» • Faamleeaaae • BkieSkyWW niiB John’s Hot and Tasty Dogs ( t or (}Jour Qiome corut. . >