Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 15, 2001, Page 5, Image 5

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    August 15,2001
Page A5
(Etje Jìortlanù ffibseruer
Forum Helps With Stroke Prevention, Care
People at a recent public
forum on stroke look
over some of the
materials before the
event gets underway at
Providence Portland
Medical Center. The
forum addressed stroke
preventive measures,
symptoms and warning
signs that could indicate
an oncoming stroke, as
well as advice as to
what to do In case o f a
stroke. The hospital
responds to the
challenges o f strokes
with a team of experts
who provide a 24-hcur
rapid response and
acute stroke treatment.
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Affordable Health Care Out of Reach
(A P) - W hen it com es to
health care, escaping p o v ­
erty can be a bad thing.
F o r ty - th re e p e rc e n t o f
those covered by the O r­
egon H ealth Plan, the sta te ’s
m edical safety net, leave the
plan w ith in a year. M ost
leave because rising incom e
from a new jo b m akes them
ineligible under the p lan ’s in­
come limits.
But the money that disquali-
< fies them is usually not enough
to buy private insurance or
pay for their health care out
o f pocket, according to a study
released by the Providence
Health System.
O f those who leave the plan
within a year o f joining it, 71
percent stay uninsured, the
study said. M ore than h alf o f
these people forgo some type
o f m edical treatm ent, and one
in four said a lack o f money or
insurance forced them to skip
urgent care.
Lack o f insurance deters
people from finding regular
sources o f health care and
prom pts them to use hospital
em ergency room s as a costly
substitute, or put o ff treat­
“This may cause people to
becom e much sicker in the
long term , m aking them more
expensive to treat later,” the
Providence report said.
Oregonians are eligible for
the Health Plan if their house­
7he weekend is
what you make o f it.
hold incom e is at or be­
low the federal poverty
level - $ 1,219 a month for
a family o f three - and
th e y h a v e le ss th a n
$2,000 in financial assets
not counting a car or
T he re p o rt re c o m ­
mends several steps to
reduce barriers to eligi­
bility and improve conti­
nuity o f care under the
Oregon Health Plan.
Director Named for Women’s Program
and as a d ire c to r for the women. She is a scien­
W om en’s H ealth Fellow ship tific advisor to the U.S.
— positions she will continue Preventive Services Task
Force and has been in­
to hold-
in work related to
elson is also the prin­
cipal investigator for chlamydia screening, hor­
re p la c e m e n t
a National Institute o f m o n e
s te o p o ro s is
Alcohol Abuse and A lcohol­
ism study on the effects o f screening and domestic
m oderate alcohol use in older violence screening.
r. H eidi D. N elson
is the new m edical
d i r e c t o r o f th e
W om en and C h ild re n ’s P ro­
gram at P rovidence H ealth
S y s te m . S h e p r e v io u s ly
served as a s ta ff physician
for the W om en’s M edical
C linic at the V e te ra n ’s A d­
m inistration M edical C enter
luxurious Radisson Hotel Seattle A ir p o rt Centrally located between
Seattle and Tacoma, you can unwind in the garden courtyard with a
heated pool, m elt away stress in the sauna, and even savor fresh
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University of Oregon Rated ‘Best Buy’
U niversity o f Oregon stu­
dents are getting a high qual­
ity education at a reasonable
price. T h at’s the word from
two publishers o f national col­
lege consum er guides.
For the fourth year in a
row, the UO is listed in “The
Fiske G uide to C olleges” as
one o f the nation’s best bar­
gains for students. The popu­
lar publication’s 2002 edition
includes the UO in its “ Best
Buys” list o f 43 schools-21
public and 22 private-in the
United States and Canada.
T he K a p la n /N e w s w e e k
College C atalog 2002, based
on a survey o f high school
counselors, also lists the UO
as one o f the 70 U.S. colleges
that offer the highest quality
for the tuition dollar.
In essay questions on the
university, the surveyed stu­
dents nam ed architecture and
music as the U O ’s strongest
p ro g ra m s . S tu d e n ts a lso
praised the university’s other
professional schools-joum al-
ism, education, law and busi­
ness. The students gave a
four-star rating to the U O ’s
quality o f life and three stars
each to academ ics and social
“ T h e se re p o rts co n firm
what we already know ,” says
M artha Pitts, UO director o f
adm issions. “ Students at the
UO get an excellent educa­
tion at a reasonable price.”
Surveyed counselors listed
A weekend escape is closer than you think. In fact, you'll find it at the
the U niversity o f Oregon as a
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