August 15,2001 (Elp> Jin r tlattò (Obseruer------------------------___ Page A3 Alliance Unites to Promote Harmony he Albina M inisterial Al­ w hether intentional or not. It Semitic rem arks and the pain liance, the oldest ecu­ is a rem ark that cuts to the that it c a u se d to Jew ish - menical body of Chris­ heart o f every victim o f the Am ericans and others. As a tian pastors and churches in Holocaust the and Jew ish fam i­ result, we called upon Mr. North and Northeast commu­ lies that lost loved ones at the Jackson to give an apology nities o f Portland, held a press with contrition that cap­ conference Thursday to dis­ tures the hurt and pain L e t u s s ta n d to g e th e r cuss relations between the Jew- a n d r e - a ffir m th e r ic h , caused by his remarks. ish A m erican and A frican F u rth e rm o re , th e h is to r ic a l r e la tio n s h ip AM A calls upon the American communities in the b e tw e e n th e J e w ish - m em bers o f the A fri­ wake o f remarks by Portland School Board Member Derry American Community and the can-A m erican and the Jackson. African-American Community ’ Jewish-Am erican com ­ The m eeting was held just m unities o f Portland to two days after Jackson is­ not allow these divisive sued his second public apol­ hand o f H itler's Nazi G er­ and anti-Sem itic rem arks to ogy for his com m ents to the many. Therefore, it is inex­ create a wedge betw een the O regonian new spaper that cusable and cannot be toler­ two respected com m unities. Jews run everything. ated. Rather, let us stand together The m inisterial alliance’s ecause our Christian and re-affirm the rich, histori­ statem ent follows: fa ith tra d itio n d e ­ cal relationship between the The recent statem ent made mands justice, as well Jewish-American Community by Mr. Jackson in reference as reconciliation, the AMA and the A frican-A m erican to Jew ish-A m ericans carries engaged Mr. Jackson in con­ Com m unity, as well as our clear anti-Sem itic overtones v e rsa tio n ab o u t his an ti- two faith com m unities. T Pastor Amzie Bailey (from left), Dr. LeRoy Haynes Jr., Bishop A. A. Wells, Bishop Grace Osborne, and Pastor George Merriweather of the Albina Ministerial Alliance Issue a statement Thursday responding to remarks concerning Jewish Americans made by Portland School Board Member Derry Jackson. Pastor Henry Greenidge and Pastor Mark Knutson were also present, but not pictured. B C hildren’s Center Coming to Northeast A groundbreaking ceremony begins construction of a new center in northeast Portland to provide short-term care for children who are taken into state custody for reasons o f abuse or neglect. The C hildren's Receiving Center Northeast at 102nd and Burnside Center will house up to sixteen children under age 12 who cannot be immediately placed with a relative and who do not need extensive services offered by hospitals or special residential care facilities. Funding for the first phase o f construction is provided by Multnomah County through a 1996 public safety bond and other county funds, “ I am pleased that we are finally moving forward on the construction o f the center. Children that have been abused need an immediate safe haven,” Multnomah County Commissioner Lisa Naito said in the Aug. 3 ceremony. “The current system often puts a child in the back of police car driving around trying to locate placement, or hours of waiting in a state office until emergency foster care is found,” Natio added. “The Receiving Center will help siblings stay together and provide an instant and safe home-like, non-institutional environment so those chil­ dren are not further traumatized. The current system of housing children who have been removed from their homes has been inconsistent, and often adds to their sometimes frightening experience as they are shuttled from one agency to another.” P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Multnomah County Chair Diane Linn (from left), County Commissioner Lisa Naito, District Attorney Mike Schrunk, City Commissioner Dan Saltzman and former County Commissioner Sharon Kelley, gather on the site of a future center for children who are taken into state custody for reasons of abuse or neglect. This is the first step in development o f a 3.5-acre site, which includes the 11,800 square foot residential facility along with a services building. An existing 15,500 square foot facility will be remodeled to house social service components includ­ ing family visitation, health services, and counseling services. Portland’s Christie School will operate the residen­ tial facility. About $4.5 million will be used to purchase the property, $3.0 million for new construction and re­ modeling and $2.2 million for architect and project management fees, permits, structural and materials testing, security systems, furniture, computer and phone systems, and other costs. A future project will remodel the second existing building on the site; a three-story, 25,000 square foot structure that will house staff from the Multnomah County District A ttorney’s Office, State Office o f Services to Children and Families, Portland Police Bureau, and Gresham Police Department. “The Children’s Receiving Center is the culmination o f over ten years o f planning. This is truly a collabo­ rative effort, bringing together the creativity and com ­ mitment o f the public, children's protective services, law enforcement, health care providers, and children’s advocates from local and state levels," said Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schrunk. Gresham To Celebrate Diversity! The City o f Gresham and the Gresham Sister City Asso­ ciation welcome the commu­ nity to the 11* Annual Gresham Cultural Festival on Friday, Aug. 17 from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Vance Park, at 182nd Avenue between Main and Division. The community event rec­ ognizes and celebrates our cul - tural diversity. “Gresham’s diverse culture will finally be showcased and celebrated as one big family,” said festival creator and orga­ nizer Ken Onyima. An open-air market with foods, arts, crafts, and wares from around the world; along with children’s activities and continuous entertainment will draw friends, family and neigh­ bors for a day o f fun and cul­ ture. The entertainment begins onstage at 11 a.m. with Ballet Folklórico. Throughout the day festival-goers will be treated to the sights and sounds o f Los Regionales De Michoacan, Boka Marimba and the Rhythm Cul­ ture Reggae Band; along with the M aher Irish D ancers, Polynesian Dancers, Nzuko Ndi Igbo Masquerade of Nigeria, and Umumma Women Danc­ ers of Nigeria. I SAFEWAY FOOD & DRUG Attention SENIORS NEW FOR SENIORS ONLY... Safeway Senior Shuttle Service! Introducing a great new service for our neighborhood senior citizens FREE grocery shopping "shuttle j service" to your nearby Ainsworth M LK Bfvd Safeway Food A Dnig I and Renaissance Market. TWICE a , Month! O n or around the 3rd and 15th of each month. This Service is FREE to seniors age 60 and over A n te Stnon GnwdtWw and «bn» W U HQT K 7 W M T W on the J M * <* W one L O O K FO K O U K SPFCIAL K A T 7K A N 5PO K TA T9O N " T K O L L IY S8KVTC8 K H f D U L l FLYSK AT YO U K M L K OLVD S A F I W AY K tM A tSSA M C S M A K K IT FO K C O M F I F I T O F TAILS' fCISAFEW AY 1 >7 FOOD A (HtUC HenaUAanct fílashi C I aomwpt **** - m 2««»» n i*ñ m m a ri CIWI^BOt n Ot ^Ft nt t QfMffiON F o / M o re In fo rm a tio n Cott 5 03 572 0812 Visit Safeways V\i?b site at www Available at Safeway: áaá..1 Beef Loin T-Bone Steak Valu Pack of 4-lbs. or Sweet Cantaloupes more. Limit 2. Grown in California. save up to $2.70 ib. Safeway Club Price ManorHouse Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast save up to 40< ib. Safeway Club Price Frito Lay Variety Pack 4-lb Bag. Frozen. $7.16 each 24-pack. Limit 2. SAVE up to $1.08 Ib. SAVE up to $1.00 Safeway Club Price Safeway Club Price 4» PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 2001 1 Sun Mon Tue Wed Th,r J © 15 5 I ■ ■ , ¡J Z j[j¡8 '______ MIMWÍIHWBWW5— Nmi t pnm e tm a l n « yot« tor u Safeway No u te to * * ' mfaurann or m aM ora Safes n n W w n * Ouaroan of wme eww may b» tomfed tmi whym to o ata t * » No» rwponat* lor rypoqrapfw u * pnona mor» Wr w w • » ngN to conwt A prvurd »eon Buy O r * Gat O r» f rw pnong d n em re d by *o»«a or feww vAue of • » aam The tow* pnwd awn a dwn feat C X W Safeway S w w tot b Now the savings are in the Card! ALL LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD PER DAY!