Page A2 August 15,2001 ¿Elie KJortlanò (Dbseruer ® Police News/Vancouver Officers Won’t Face Charges in Shooting Death ( A P) - T h ree B e av erto n p o lice o ffic ers w h o sh o t to d eath a 29- y ea r-o ld m a n w h o ch a rg ed at them w ith a k n ife w o n ’t face crim in al charges. W a sh in g to n C o u n ty D istrict A tto rn ey R o b ert H erm an n said h e w o u ld n o t ask a g ran d ju ry to co n sid e r c h a rg e s ag a in st the o f­ f i c e r s f o r th e d e a th o f S en g sad ap h et “ Seng” P h o n g sav a n h w h o w as sh o t 10 tim es o u tsid e h is ap a rtm en t on Ju ly 1. C h ie f D ep u ty D istrict A tto r­ ney R ob B l e tk o s a id P h o n g s a v a n h w a s d e p re s s e d , p ara n o id an d d elu sio n a l. H e said P h o n g sav a n h u sed th e k n ife a t­ tack on th e o ffic e rs as a w ay to c o m m it su icid e. P o lice re c e iv e d a call at 5:13 a .m . t h a t m o r n i n g f ro m P h o n g sa v a n h , w h o sa id th e re w as a “ c ra z y d u d e ” in h is a p a rt­ m en t w ie ld in g a k n ife. H e w ent on to d e sc rib e h im self. W h e n o f fic e r s a rriv e d , P h o n g sav a n h c h a rg e d at them w ith a 14-inch b u tc h e r knife. T h e o f fic e r s - R ic h a rd R ay n iak , 4 0 , T y H an lo n , 3 1, an d N ath an iel “ S c o tt" W 'arren, 30 - said th ey d id n o t h av e tim e to o rd er P h o n g sav a n h to d ro p the k n ife. A s th e m an g o t n ear, all th ree o ffic ers fired. T h e sh o o tin g w as “ n ecessary to p ro tec t th e liv es o f th e o ffic­ ers in v o lv e d ,” B letk o w ro te in a le tte r to B e av e rto n p o lic e C h ie f D av id G . B ishop. Ecstasy Death Leads to Criminal Investigation Richland Boat Rentals & Guide Service Some of the boat we have at this time: 15’ Tri-Hull holds 5 avr size adults Cost $60.00 Per Day 14’ Starcraft holds 4 avr adults Cost $50.00 Per Day 14’ Gregor holds 3 avr adults $50.00 Per Day Richland Boat Rentals docks at Hewitt Park in Richland Or. and serves the Powder River Arm of Brownlee Res. We are offering guided trips for crappie, bluegill, catfish and perch. Feel free to give us a call for up to date fishing conditions or for a guided trip or boat rental. For more information calll-541-893-6014. Will return all calls. Portland Police B ureau H om icide Investigators, in cooperation w ith C rim e S toppers, are asking for y o u r help in determ ining the circum stances surrounding the death o f a young C lackam as woman. O n Saturday, M arch 3 ,2 0 0 1 ,1 9-year-old M elissa Joy Flaherty and seveial friends attended a “rave” p arty w here an estim ated 3,000 people g athered at a w arehouse at 1225 S.E. W ater Ave. At 3 o ’clock in the m orning, she w as found outside the building. A ppearing sick, F laherty w as taken to the party ’ s m edical tent, but later in the m orning h er condition w orsened and she w as taken to a local hospital w here she w as pronounced dead. A n autopsy revealed that F laherty died from an overdose o f the designer drug ecstasy. Investigators w ould like to speak w ith anyone w ho m ay have had contact w ith Flaherty, o r know o fh e r activities from midnight to 3 a.m . on the m orning o f the rave. C rim e S toppers is offering a cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for inform ation, reported to C rim e S toppers, w hich leads to a resolu­ tion o f this case, and you can rem ain anonym ous. Call Crime Stoppers at (503) 823-H ELP. Melissa Joy Flaherty Shrapnel, Hot Liquid Spews From Ride (AP) — Three people were taken to the hospital Saturday when they were injured in an explosion at the Clark County Fair near V ancouver. A m echanical problem caused the Star D ancer ride to autom atically shut down. Riders had exited the ride, and m ainte­ nance crew s were w orking on the prob­ lem when a hydraulic pum p exploded, sending shrapnel and hot liquid into the air. Fair officials say that the ride had not had problem s before. Three victim s were taken to Southwest uppose a tree fell through your garage to n ig h t... WHO WOULD COME THROUGH FOR YOU TOMORROW? W ashington M edical C enter with non- life-threatening injuries. Eight-year-old Nathan Rogers was treated for abrasions and released. Larry Hagerdon, 52, complained o f ring­ ing in his ear and was in satisfactory condition. C arnival worker M ichael Shaffer, 54, suffered a heel fracture and was also in satisfactory condition. A fourth person was taken to Legacy Emanuel Hospital with unrelated health problem s. He was treated and released. The explosion is being investigated. DNA Shows Age of Theft Suspect (AP) - The DNA test results are in, and teen impostor Treva T hroneberry o f V ancouver flunked. The tests showed a 99.9 per­ cent likelihood that Throneberry is the 32-year-old daughter of Carl and Patsy Throneberry of Comanche, Oklahoma, and not the motherless 18-year-old she claims to be. Throneberry re­ quested the test in May after she was accused o f cashing in on state services for her high school education and foster care. She is c h a rg e d in Vancouver with theft and per­ jury. Prosecutors say she’s an emotionally disturbed young woman. She has been in pro­ tective custody in jail. In April, a Camas man who was con­ victed in 1998 o f hav­ ing sex with a minor had his rec o rd cleared. The victim w as T h ro n e b erry , who was 28 at the time. Woman Wanted fo r Bank Fraud You’re inside your house, safe from the big storm. When, boom! Lightning strikes. Next thing you know, there’s a tree all the way through your garage roof. Taking care of claims like this is what American Family Insurance is all about. Over 70 years of experience means fast, efficient service and home protection you can trust. Life is unpredictable. That’s why it’s good to have a homeowners insurance policy you can count on. If a storm should put a tree through your garage tonight, it’s comforting to know you can depend on Family to come through for you tomorrow. Call one of our knowledgeable, friendly agents today. Or visit our website at Find out all the ways “Family” comes through for you! AMERICAN FAMILY ■ L I I'l.f .l.'C T Alini nnu¡ wsivrss m tir h ari L=J SS,S3 All Y our P rotection U nder One Roof. Check your local directory for the agent nearest you. 02000 American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries Home Office - Madison Wl 53783 Home Office 4 Columbus. OH 43240 www amfam com 4 The Portland O ffice o f the F B I, in c o o p e ra tio n w ith Crime Stoppers, is asking for your help in locating and ap­ p re h e n d in g B e v e rly L ois W aldock. W aldock, 46, has an out­ standing arrest w arrant for using m ore than 20 false iden­ tities to steal $100,000 in a bank fraud schem e from July 1996 to August 1999. An indictm ent alleges she obtained driver’s licenses and state ID cards in false identi­ ties, then used this identifica­ tion to open num erous check­ ing accounts in Oregon and Arizona. The theft occurred by d e p o sitin g c o u n te rfe it checks and then withdrawing the money. W aldock is de­ scribed as 5 ’ 8” tall, weighing 250 to 300 pounds, with brown hair, brown eyes and scars on her left ankle, right eye and left eye. Crime Stop­ pers is offering a re­ ward o f up to $ 1,000 for inform ation, re­ p o rte d to C rim e S to p p e rs , w h ic h leads to an arrest in this case, or any un­ solved felony crime, and you can remain a n o n y m o u s . C a ll C rim e Stoppers at 503- 823-HELP. Man Shot in Vancouver Neighborhood A m an was in critically injured in an Aug. 8 shooting inside a vehicle trav­ eling through the Rosemere neighbor- hoodofVancouver. Police said he was not expected to recover from the head wound. The victim was identified as Dylan R. Beck, 20, ofthe Salmon Creek area. Beck was found by officers inside o fa vehicle on “P” Street with a gun­ shot wound to his head. Tommy A. Gordan, 18,alsoofthe Salmon Creek area, was arrested and charged in the shooting. Police said tlie two men knew each other Detectives are interested in hear­ ing from anyone that m ay have seen a red colored 1984 H onda Prelude vehicle, with a sunroof, in or near the Rosemere neighborhood between 6:55 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Aug. 8. The specific area ofinterest is the 1-5 south exit at 39,h continuing onto “P" street Anyone with informa­ tion is encouraged to con­ tact the Vancouver Police Detectives unitat 360-696- 8822or360-696-8226. i