s u p p l ' b m k n t August 15,2001 Page 3 ■ I A (£ije ^JnrtÌanh Oìhsuruer__ FOCUS _____ The Garlic Festival... Focus Stiri kin7 Gooct Funi of (Elje •^ Ìn rth u tìt O frbseruer Editor in Chief, Publither Charles H. W ashington Editor L arry J. Jackson, Sr. As an Oregon tradition, the Elephant Garlic Festival will be held on Aug. 17 - iy in North Plains, OR. Garlic ice cream, gar­ lic chips, garlic sausages, garlic pizza - all these delicacies are among the many reeking food dishes which folks can enjoy. And they can be washed down with garlic lemonade, garlic lattes or garlic wine and beer! Continuous entertainment for all ages, including live mu­ sic, will occupy the Main Stage at all times the festival grounds are open. The popular Grand Fes­ tival Parade will be a featured attraction. F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n , contact the North Plains Area Chamber of Commerce at 888/ 771-3708. Business Manager G ary A nn Taylor Assi. Publisher M ichael Leighton Copy Editor Jo y Ramos N E W i (ENHEOY5CHO0| l* Y O R K T IM E S B E S T S E L L E R Ely y G ist J ljliisriJ . IM enam inî • t Creative Director R obert Parker 4747 N E M artin L uther King.Jr., Blvd. Portland, O R 97211 503-288-0033 Fax 503-2884)015 e-mail: tlieiocu^^nlLuidobservvrciMn AUGUST EVENTS siiiBaiptiri^ijxxtlandLsavHinrn ads@pOrtlandobserver.com Tuesday, August 7, 14, 21 and 28 LIVE IRISH OPEN SESSION D e a d lin e s for Courtyard Restaurant 7pm to 10pm • No cover All ages A W I s u b m itte d m a te ria l: Articles: Friday by 5 p . m . Adi: Monday by Noon Sunday, August 19 CRAIG CAROTHERS' SONGWRITERS IN THE ROUND Focus welcomes freelance Kennedy School Gym • 7:30pm • $7 • All ages submissions. Manuscripts and photographs can be returned if accompanied by a self addressed stamped envelope. All created display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent of the general Thursday, August 30 BATTLE OE THE BANDS AND BARBECUE X Angels vs. Steve Bradley Band Kennedy School Gym • No concert cover • 7pm ■ All ages MOVIES ON THE BIG SCREEN Kennedy School Theater Showing great movies every evening with afternoon matinees on Saturday and Sunday. Pizza and our own wines, ales and cocktails are available. manager, unless the client has the ad. McMen.imins Kennedy School 5736 NF 33rd • Portland. Oregon til* Tfcr Portlwd O*IMTW (503) 249-3983 ■ www.mcmen.imins.com purchased the «imposition of tilin g a u th o r o f Vlyy G irl In Print .lu st Say IMo! Schuster 2000 Older, Wiser and Wealthier “Flyy Girl” From hard-knocks Philly toglamorous Hollywood. Tracy Ellison has truly walked the walk. Now twenty- eight years old and a major movie star, the original Flyy Girl is returning to her East Coast roots. As Tracy reconnects with friends, she seems on the brink of a happily-ever-after existence. But as she begins to address the uncertainties of her youth. Tracy stirs up a string of difficult questions about past loves, ambivalent family ties and her artistic ambitions. Can attaining success and happiness really he as simple as Tracy makes it look? Crackling with honesty and passion, “For the Love of Money" is a triumphant continuation o f the adven­ tures of one of contemporary fiction’s most outra­ geous young heroines J