Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 15, 2001, Page 10, Image 10

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    Page B4
August 15, 2001
bsrm rr
A Closely Watched Fidel Castro Turns 75
M IAM I — Fidel Castro, a thom
in the side o f 10 A merican presi­
dents, m arks his 75th birthday to­
day. But celebrants are few in
M iam i’sC ubancom m unity, where
many have finally begun to envi­
sion C astro's end.
This area is hom e to more than
half the U SA ’s 1.2 million Cuban-
Americans. That m akes it a place
where everyone watches C astro’s
health closely. It’s said that when
the Cuban leader sneezes, Miami
catches a cold.
C astro’s near-collapse in June,
during one o f his fam ous lengthy
speeches, set off a frenzy among
many who have waited 42 years for
his fall. The onstage stum ble in
Cuba merited most o f The M iam i
H e ra ld s front page and tw o inside
pages, despite C astro's reappear­
ance that evening to finish speak­
ing and assure Cubans he had re­
covered from the sweltering heat.
Cuban Vice President Carlos Lage.
visiting New York at the time, joked
about the short-lived swoon. It was
so brief, he said, that C astro’s en­
em ies in Miami "didn't even have
tim e to uncork their bottles."
The once-robust Castro is now
gray. Age spots dot his face. His
trademark beard, though sparser,
remains, along w ith his green mili­
tary fatigues. Cubans on the island
refer to their leader as "el barbuda,"
the bearded one. They silently
evoke his name by making a motion
as if stroking a beard.
A transition from a Castro-led
Cuba carries political and economic
implications for both Cuba and the
U SA . B ut C uba scholars say
Castro’s death or retirement w on’t
m ean overnight change in the
country’s political system. Pos­
sible successors are Communists
many here feel for him has driven
U.S. policy. W ithout him as a tar­
w ho support a revolution that many
in C uba speak o f as if it happened
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Fidel C astro, th e Com m unist leader of Cuba since 1 9 5 9 .
get, some experts say, the relation­
ship between the two nations could
soften. Castro has held near-abso­
lute pow er in Cuba since Jan. 1,
1959, when the revolution he led
o v e rth re w P re s id e n t
However, pressure in the USA
to end a nearly 40-year trade em ­
bargo likely will increase once
Castro is gone. The hatred that
Fulgencio Batista. His government
confiscated more than $ 1 billion in
A m erican-ow ned property, ex ­
ecuted or imprisoned thousands
o f enem ies and put Com munist
doctrine in the schools. C astro’s
adm irers note the country has
made vast improvements in health
care and educational opportuni­
ties. especially for the poor.
The United States cut diplo­
matic relations in 1961 and insti­
tuted a trade em bargo in 1962.
Restrictions on business with and
travel to C uba still stand.
In M iami, a flood o f refugees
from C astro’s regim e has remade
the city in a Cuban mold. Spanish
dom inates. C uban heroes are
honored on street signs. Restau­
rants and nightclubs bear the
same nam es as fam ed spots in
Cuba. C uba’s future is discussed
en d lessly at co ffee co u n ters
along Little H avana’s Calle Ocho,
or Eighth Street Bankers in suits
and ties jo in blue-collar workers
to trade opinions about the island
and sip cortaditos, sw eetened
espresso with a swirl o f milk.
Miami-Dade County’s Cuban-
Americans wield trem endous po­
litical and econom ic clout. Last
y ear's Census found th at650,601
people, 29% o f the county, claim
C uban heritage. Yet the com m u­
nity is far from monolithic.
M any youngerCuban-A m eri­
cans don’t have the same hatred for
Castro or longing for a stolen home­
land that their parents or grandpar­
ents do. The desire by those with
painful m em oriesoffleeingCubato
return after C astro is gone is now
complicated by roots set in Miami ’ s
sandy soil.
A stunning rift was seen in the
past month in the Cuban American
National Foundation, a group that
has long been an influential voice
in U.S.-Cuba policy.
In a very public falling-out,
nearly two dozen o f 170 board mem­
bers quit in protest over what some
see as a softer approach toward
Cuba by the group’s leader, Jorge
Mas Santos. M as Santos, 38, is the
A m erican-born son o f the group’s
legendary hard-line founder, the
late Jorge M as Canosa.
Analysts have interpreted the
split as everything from simple
generational differences to a signal
that the once-hard-line foundation
will encourage m ore m oderate
v ie w s. F o u n d a tio n o f fic ia ls
downplay the impact o f the rift on
the group’s continuing focus: free­
dom for Cuba post-Castro.
The foundation fight com es a
year after the furor over Elian
Gonzalez, the Cuban child w ho sur-
vived a boat capsizing in which his
m other and other refugees died.
Elian was ultimately returned to
Cuba by the U .S. governm ent over
the protests o f anti-Castro activ­
ists. M any see both issues as blows
toCuban-American political power.
M uch to the dism ay o f many
here, Castro could well have a long
life: His father was 82 when he died,
and his m other lived well into her
80s. Like most detai Is aboutCastro’s
personal life, his late m other’s ac­
tual age is unknown. Yet when
Castro dies, Miami is sure to cel­
Redistricting and Latinos in Oregon
^ u p o n g a que esta noche un árbol cae sobre su garaje...
\ ^ )
Som e cities in Oregon
like Salem , W oodburn,
C ornelius and H illsboro
are experiencing rapid
growth and concentration
o f Latino residents and
it’s im portant that the
voice o f Latinos is heard
and valued in important
decisions that affect the
state o f Oregon.
The Latino community
U ortlanii
is the largest m inority group in the
state o f Oregon com prising 8% o f
the state’s population. The Latino
population grew 144% over the last
10 years and’rapid growth is ex­
pected to continue.
Redistricting lines are evaluated
and redrafted every 10 years and
we are o f the position that the 1990
redistricting lines w ould dilute
Latino voting strength in M arion
County because the lines w ould
divide the Latino com munities into
separate districts. This would be in
violation o f Section 2 o f the US
voting rights.
Secretary ofState Bill Bradbury
understands this, and has devel­
oped House District 33 w hich es­
tablishes a district encom passing a
large portion o f the Latino popula­
tion in M arion County and thus
assuring a sound voting voice from
that com m unity.
FILE NO: 01 S P ___
In Re:
To: Roland Romango Brumfield, Respondent
Take notice that a pleading seeking a Guardianship Action has been filed
under the heading In Re: Dereje Kion Parker-Brumfield in Guilford County
District Court.
The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: Lee S. Parker, mater­
nal grandmother, is seeking appointment as guardian of the minor child,
Dereje Kion Parker-Brumfield.
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You are required to make response to this action no later than the 10 day
of September, which is 40 days from the first publication of this notice.
Upon your failure to file a response by the above date, the prospective
guardian will apply to the Court for appointment as guardian.
THIS t h e l . day of August. 2001
Stan H. Dick
Attorney for Plaintiff
1403 Eastchester Drive, Suite 101
High Point, NC 27265
(336) 886-5444
State Bar No: 18150
August 1, August 8. and August 15
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