Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 15, 2001, Image 1

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    Sports Illustrated Likes The Beavers Best
See story, Metro section Page B3
iM I
Volume XXXI
Num ber 33
"T U
C iti
The City Of
Knight Library
W ednesday
C om m itted to Culture 1299 University of Oregon
Established in Eu6ene (JR 97403-1205
August 15,2001
Hired for
Bush Signs Farm Aid Bill
C R A W FO R D , Texas — President
Bush signed a $5.5 billion em ergency
farm aid bill, intended as com pensation
for low prices. T he m easure should
boost net farm incom e to $47.9 billion,
the highest level since 1997.
Isr a e l E n te r s
P a le stin ia n C ity
JENIN, West Bank— Israeli tanks lev­
eled the main police station in Jenin in the
biggest Israeli military incursion into a Pal­
estinian-controlled city since 1994. Israel
said the mo ve was in retaliation for repeated
suicide bombings. “Jeninisacityofbom h-
ers,” an Israeli army official says.
Germans Mark
Anniversary of Berlin Wall
BERLIN— Germany marked the 40th
anniversary o f the construction o f the
Berlin Wall, but the country w as focused
more on present concerns over whether
the successor party to the form er East
German com munists has properly recon­
ciled with its brutal past.
C o m in g so o n e r : S ta r t
o f School
Pressures from m andated state test­
ing and academic dem ands are causing
more school districts to start school be-
foreSept. 1, some as early as the first week
o f August. A survey o f all school dis­
tricts show s the percentage opening
before S ept 1 rose from 51 % in 1988-89to
76% last year.
P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
4 relieved LouAxtman in the aftermath of a fire on the North Portland bluff. She told the Portland Observer that the fire would
have destroyed her home, if not for the help o f University o f Portland students and neighbors who helped beat back the flames.
Fire Damage on Bluff Adds Up
A blaze that threatened a N orth-Port­
land neighborhood and sent residents
rushing out w ith hoses to protect their
hom es caused only $20,000 in dam age, an
early estim ate from the Portland Fire Bu­
reau shows.
“B asically w e kept all the structures
from being involved,” said Earl D im ent,
bureau spokesm an.
D am age from last W ednesday’s fire
w as m ostly to decks, greenhouses and
sheds that faced the bluff, w hich becam e
engulfed in flam es after a passing train
threw sparks that ignited dry grow th in the
area, D im ent said.
Fueled by trees, brush and piles o f
w ood, flam es reached as high as 100 feet
as the fire threatened to creep up the bluff
and into N orth Portland neighborhoods.
The dam age estim ate does not include
tim ber loss, D im ent said.
Every fire truck in the city w as sent to
fight the nearly 2-m ile-long blaze, w hich
w as contained after about five hours.
The Portland School District has hired
James Carlile, a long-time school administra­
tor, to serve as acting principal o f Jefferson
High School while the search for a perm a­
nent principal continues.
C arlile retired as superintendent o f
Gresham-Barlow public schools in 1998.
Tw o years ago, he served as interim
superintendent for the Sherwood School
District Other experience includes two years
as director o f school im provem ent for
Beaverton schools and principal positions
at Beaverton and Tigard high schools.
“W e are fortunate to find such an expe­
rienced adm inistrator to take the leadership
reins at Jefferson High School,” said Jim
Scherzinger, interim superintendent for Port­
land public schools. “Jim Carlile brings an
impressive am ount o f experience with him,
and we are delighted that he will be joining
our district's adm inistrative team .”
Steve Goldschmidt, the Portland School
District’s director of human resources said
Carlile is well know n for engaging parents
and com munity members in working with
schools, and for inspiring teachers and stu­
dents to excel.
“W e are very pleased he w ill be working
with us while we continue the search for a
permanent principal for the school," said
Carlile already is oh the jo b at Jefferson.
“I’m very excited about the opportunity
to go to work at Jefferson,” he said. “Even
though it’sjust fo ra year, T m really looking
forward to it. Everything I hear about
Jefferson tells m e it has very dedicated staff
and students, and I’m looking forward to
working with them .”
Ford Deal Could Cost $1B
SA N FRA N C ISCO — In a deal that
could co$t Ford M otor as much as $1
billion and affect millions o f vehicles, the
autom aker has agreed to settle a lawsuit
that alleges its cars and trucks stall.
P rosecutors to Seek
D eath for H ouston M om
Gets Lesson in
H O U S T O N — Prosecutors said they
would seek the death penalty against a
m other accused o f drowning her five
children in a bathtub. A ndrea Pia Yates,
37, pleaded innocent by reason o f insan­
ity to tw o counts o f capital m urder in a
brief court session.
Renters, property
owners in path of PCC
Cascade expansion
prepare for legal battles
J u s tic e P la n s to P ay
fo r D N A T ests
P ortland O bserver
N o one likes being told to sell their
property, m ove o ut o f their hom e or relo­
cate their business.
H ow ever, w hen carried out under pub­
lic condem nation o r em inent dom ain pro­
cedures, it is not necessarily all bad.
Portland Com munity College ’ s Cascade
C am pus is currently using its em inent
dom ain pow ers to acquire nearby proper­
ties in the path o f its proposed expansion,
across the street from the cam pus on
K illingsw orth Street and on A lbina A v­
The college has hired ERL D evelop­
m ent to negotiate purchase o f the proper­
ties and R ight o f W ay A ssociates o f
Beaverton to arrange for relocation o f
hom eow ners, com m ercial property ow n ­
ers. and residential and com m ercial ten ­
T he federal U niform R elocation A ssis­
tance and Real Property A cquisition Poli­
cies A ct governs the relocation o f people
displaced either by em inent dom ain or
condem nation, w hich is the purchase
o f property against the o w n er's will.
The H um boldt N eighborhood A sso­
ciation, w hich is located in the around the
college, sponsored a recent forum to help
people understand those procedures.
“ If people pay attention and play their
W A SH IN G TO N — T he Justice D e­
partment is preparing to offer $500,000in
federal grants to pay for D N A tests for
inmates, even though the results could
overturn their convictions.
G as Prices Seem to
Bottom O ut
Gasoline prices nationwide appear to
be hitting bottom after nearly six weeks of
falling prices at the pump. M ost regions
are seeing m odest increases o f a few
pennies a gallon after prices plunged 20-
40 cents a gallon since M em orial Day.
S tory
continues on
P age A 6
P hoto by H arold H utchinson /A ckroyd P hotography
The magnificent view of the Willamette River from the new Eastbank Esplanade hides much of the environmental problems
the waterway faces from sewer overflows that degrade the quality of the water for recreational use. fish habitat and wildlife.
River Cleanup Soars to $1 Billion
T he P ortland O bserver
Acting as stewards o f our great
resource, the City of Portland will
spend an estim ated $1 billion to im ­
p ro v e the w ater q u ality o f the
W illam ette River.
This grand undertaking will make
it the largest local public works project
in cost, second only to Tri-M et’s light
rail system.
Under the Clean River Plan, com ­
bined sewer overflows will be re­
duced by 94 percent in 10 years.
This will be good for all concerned -
protection for the fish and wildlife
and for those who use the river for
its many recreational uses.
P ortland’s Environm ental Ser­
vices cites that com bined sewer
overflow s occur nearly every tim e it
rains in the city. During a com bined
sewer overflow, storm w ater quickly
fills the com bined sew ers, which
carry both sanitary sewage and ru n ­
o ff from streets, parking lots and
rooftops. Combined sewer overflows
contain bacteria from untreated sew-
S tory
continues on
P age A 6