V Committed to Cultural Diversity www.portlandobserver.com August 8,2001 "fBiidgdtity M a itla n d ’ ô CarntnuniUet ” n in in u n i t u — — » a 1 c ii ò a r Museum Place Passes Design Review Summer Fresh Salsa Preserve the sum m er fresh and flavorful salsa at K ru g er’s Farm Market, located at 17100S.W .Sauvie Island Rd., w here visitors can learn the basics o f canning on Aug. 18 and 19, w ith classes taught by m aster food preservers on site at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. each day. Call 503/621 -3489. T here will be live m usic and hay- rides. A Holy Ghost Block Party The Fellow ship M issionary B ap­ tist C hurch Youth A nti-G ang M inis­ try will be presenting “A Holy Ghost Block P arty” on Saturday, Aug. 18, from Noon - 6 p.m. at 4009 N. M is­ souri Avde. There will be BBQ, games, m usic, dance, rap, balloons, prizes and more. All are w elcom e. Sailing the San Juan Islands Portland Parks and R ecreation is offering a six-day sailing trip this m onth and next aboard the 124 foot historic tall ship, Z odiac. C osts in ­ volved cover the six days o f cruising and all meals. Call 503/823-5132 fora com plete inform ation packet. Caribbean Music in the Park Have lunch at the Eastbank Espla­ nade and a free noon-tim e concert. You will suddenly feel as though you are lounging on a C aribbean Island. T here w ill be steel drum m u­ sic on Friday, Aug. 10 and m arim ba m usic on Friday, Aug. 17. All c o n ­ certs are from Noon - 1 p.m. Call 503/ 823-5596. Preparing for C h ild b irth -A -Z T he P ortland O bserver The Portland D esign Review C om ­ m ission has approved the first phase of M useum Place, a three square block mixed use, m ixed income project in the heart o f dow ntow n. U nder the direction o f Sockeye D e­ velopm ent, the company will transform the area bound by Southw est 10th and 1 1th avenues and Colum bia and Main streets. It currently includes a Safew ay grocery and the main branch o f the YW CA. The finished project w ill in­ clude a new 47,000 square foot Safeway - tw ice the size o f the current store, including another 1,200 square feet o f retail space, 250 ow ner-occupied con­ dom inium units, 150 market rate apart­ ments, 100 units for very low income residents, a refurbished YW CA with a dom estic violence shelter and sw im ­ ming pool, and 500 underground park­ ing spaces. Phase One o f the project, located between Colum bia and Jefferson Street, will contain the new grocery and 220 underground spaces. It will also have 12 ow ner-occupied town houses above the store, and a six-story, 126-unit apart­ ment building, w ith a roof garden con­ necting the tw o structures. The project is cited as a m icrocosm o f the city and a developer’s vision for dow ntow n’s W est End, an effort to add m iddle and upper-incom e housing and An architectural drawing of Museum Place South shows a mixed use, housing project, including a new Safeway store, at the West End of downtown Portland, a few blocks from the Portland State University campus. retail to the area w hile preserving its existing stock o f low -incom e housing and institutions. S ockeye’s D oug O bletz told the D e­ sign C om m ission that the project "w ill continue to dem onstrate P o rtlan d ’s com m itm ent to do things a little differ­ ently and a little better.” Charles Maxey was a pillar of the com m unity Stories of the Eastbank Libraries Closing on Aug. 9 All Multnomah County libraries, the Title Wave Used Bookstore and the Library Administration building will be closed on Thursday, Aug. 9, whole library staff attend training. Normal hours will resume on Friday, Aug. 10. Teen Summer Kayak Experience Portland Parks and R ecreation is offering a chance for teens to try out several kinds o f boats, from sea kay­ aks to racing boats. Interested par­ ticipants w ill have the opportunity to continue paddling at the regular sum m er practice sessions o f the Portland Kayak and Canoe Team. Participants m ust pass a basic swim test. Participants m ust m eet at the Sellwood Pool, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. on July 29. Call 503/823-5132. t together. It’s good to have another model that says this can be done.” C o m m is s io n m e m b e r B rid g id Flanigan called the proposal “ a w on­ derful project with a very com plex pro­ gram.” The Commission will review the next phase o f the project on Aug. 16. Community Activist and Entrepreneur Dies at 84 Learn about labor preparation, birthing from w ithin, breastfeeding basics, coping techniques, m edica­ tion, anesthesia, baby care and post­ partum care for the m other and fam ­ ily. Includes tour. The C enter for W om en’s H ealth Classes at OHSU is sponsoring the event w hich will be held on Aug. 8 ,1 5 ,2 2 and 29, from 6- 8 p.m. Call 503/494-8231. Explore the un-natural history o f the W illa m e tte R iv er w ith Paul Fishm an, environm ental consultant. View and discuss how the E sp la­ nade design incorporates m any fea­ tures to protect and enhance fish and w ildlife habitat and how past land use practices com prom ised the integrity o f the riv e r’s ecological balance. M eet at the w est end o f the Steel Bridge w alkw ay at the north end of W aterfront Park. Call 503/823- 5596 for more info. T his is a free event. The Phase One design, and a series o f code adjustm ents received a rare, unanim ous vote o f approval from the C om m ission at its first hearing. Com m ission mem ber Lloyd Lindley said that combining housing, retail, gro­ ceries and social services made M u­ seum Place “a tough project to put The interior of the former Maxey’s Barbershop with Charles Maxey cutting hair is captured in an Oregon Historical Society photo. Charles Britton Maxey, a well- respected contributor to both the north/ northeast Portland community and the state, died July 29 at the age of 84. Funeral services were held Friday at the Bethel AME Church, where he was a member of the congregation. An activist, businessman and fam­ ily man, he was active in many orga­ nizations including his church, the NAACP, Urban League, Young Re­ publican Party, the Texas Social Club, Little League and Connie Mack Base­ ball. He was also active as a member of the Parent Teachers Association, Jefferson and Benson High School Dad’s Clubs, the Barbershop Con­ nection. Leisure Hour Golf Club, the African-American Advisory Council to the Portland Police Bureau and his beloved fraternity Kappa Alpha Psi. Maxey was bom Feb. 13,1917, the fourth child of five sons and two daughters, parented by Robert and Virgie Maxey. He resided with his family in Longview, Texas prior to graduating from Texas College with dual de­ grees in economics and secondary Catering to the Clean and Sober One of the best-kept secrets in Port­ land is a social club for the clean and sober called Miracles Club, located at 4069 N .E. Maitin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Itis the first African American owned facility o f its kind in the United States. Founded in 1992, Miracles Club was created for the intent o f supporting re­ covering addicts and a source of social activities. The club was incorporated in 1995, and received nonprofit status in 1996. Miracles remains committed to hous­ ing 12-step meetings and providing other services to assist recovering addicts to maintain a clean and sober lifestyle. The organization also provides activities di­ rected towards allowing their clientele an opportunity to socialize in a drug and alcohol free environment. Although M iracles’ pri­ mary clientele consists of individuals mainly from the north, northeast and south­ east areas of Portland, their meetings and events draw people from all over Port­ land as well as the surround ing cities; some o f their m em b ers are from B eaverton, W ashington. Tigard and Parkrose. The club also provides educational workshops and serves as a social club pro­ Pm in » ry M ark W ashtm ; n is /T he P orti a m i O rsery er viding a variety o f fun so­ Helpingdirectactivities at the Miracles Oub are board cial events that can be en­ members Curtis Burris (left) and Sam Brown. joyed by all. from their tal­ For more information on the Miracles ent shows to community picnics and fam­ Club, call 503-249-8559. ily night held every Friday. k Charles Maxey education. Maxey secretly married his Kappa Alpha Psi sweetheart Johnnie Obina Samples on Oct. 15, 1939. There relationship was the start of a romantic liaison which lasted over 61 years; not unlike that of the CONTINIEDON PAGE B4 Gas Company Seeks 20 Percent Rate Hike Despite a drop in wholesale prices. Northwest Natural Gas wants to increase residential rates by 20 percent in October. If approved by the Oregon Public Utility Commission, the increase would mark the second double-digit rate hike in the last year by Oregon's largest natural-gas util­ ity. Northwest Natural has about 500,000 customers in Oregon and southw est Wash­ ington The company w ill formally ask for the increase in mid-August. Northwest Natural last raised rates by 21 percent in October 2000. If approved by the Oregon Public Utility Commission, rate changes from all three utilities would take effect Oct. 1 Commission Chainnan Roy Hemmingway declined tocommcnt on potential increases until utilities formally filed requests. "Any general rate increase is subject to very intense scrutiny." he said.