August 8,2001 Page A5 ®h* Jlo rtla u b (Obseruer Leaders Squabble Over Mushroom Boycott (A P) — O reg o n ’s only farm w ork ers’ union is hoping that a w id e n in g g ro c e rs* b o y c o tt ag ain st P ictsw eet m ushroom s w ill help the union land its first m ajor labor agreem ent. H ow ever, decisions by two m ajor grocery stores to stop buy­ ing the brand h av en ’t produced any m ovem ent tow ard neg o tia­ tio n s . W h a t h a s r e s u lte d , though, is a political squabble in th e co m p a n y ’s h o m eto w n o f Salem, where M ayor Mike Swaim thrust h im self into the issue by successfully urging Fred M eyer s to r e s to q u it b u y in g th e Pictsw eet mushroom s. Fred M eyer, w h ic h o p e r ­ ates about 120 sto re s in the W e st, an­ n o u n c e d its d e c is io n in early July. State Senate P re s id e n t G eneD erfler.a R e p u b lic a n and longtim e S a le m b u s i­ nessm an, said Supporters of workers at the Salem Pictsweet S w a im ’s a c ­ plant rally on the Capitol steps. (AP Photo) tions hurt the city and interfered w ith a m atter that should be settled betw een the em ployer and its w orkers. “ I f he continues to attem pt to stop businesses from operating in Salem , his ability to continue spending taxpayer m oney will d is a p p e a r,” D e rfle r to ld the Statesm an Journal. ” I ’ve never had the Senate president sug­ gest 1 sh o u ld n ’t intercede on b e h a lf o f Salem co m panies,” Sw aim countered. “ W hy is it these Salem citizens d o n ’t have the sam e legitim ate claim on my time? I don’t think it’s inappropri­ ate at all that I intercede in their interests.” Grocery giant Safeway joined the boycott in mid-July. Swaim and the union, Northwest Treeplanters and Farmworkers United, c laim that employees at the mushroom farm work under"stoop- labor” conditions for low pay. PCUN organizer ErikNicholoson estimated that 90 percent o f the Pictsw eet plan t’s em ployees are Hispanic and that most are paid the state minimum wage o f $6.50 an hour, up to about $7 an hour. Pickers tell ofworking 12-hour shifts, often bent over or on their knees harvesting m ushroom s in darkness except for beams from m in e r’s-ty p e lig h ts on th e ir h eads. A June 8 citation from the state Qwest O ld • r Burger King Offers Exchange in Toy Recall c h ild ren . u rg e r K ing an sm all Burger King received 18 nounced a volun tary nationw ide reports of the toys break­ ing. Kids They were offered for recall of 2.6 million I Meals toys because they are children under 3 years old. The Consumer Product potentially hazardous to chil­ dren. It’s the co m p an y ’s third toy recall in less than two years. The fast- food giant w arned p a r­ ents last week to tak e the “Look For Me Bumb e ee 'Look For Me Bumble Bee'and‘Hourglass and H our- Space sprout'are deemed potentially g la ss Space hazardous to kids. Sprout” toys away from their youngsters Safety Commission joined and return them for a free Burger King in making the announcement, which was replacement toy. There have been no inju­ on the company Web site. ries or deaths associated “We guard the safety and with the toys, but Burger well-being o f our customers King decided to voluntarily very seriously,” said Burger recall the toys after an inde­ K ing spokesm an C hris pendent consultant found Clouser. “We believe this is they could break into pieces, an appropriate precaution­ posing a choking hazard to ary move.” U.S. Sen. Gordon Smith, R- Ore., has voiced his support for the Employment Non-Dis­ crimination Act. The bill, introduced in Sen­ ate last week and cosponsored by Smith, protect gay men and women from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. “Every American should have the opportunity to work and should not be denied that opportunity because of their sexual orientation,” said Smith. “That legislation represents the next logical step in anti-dis- criminatory protections in the workplace.” The legislation will not cre­ ate any special rights for gays and explicitly prohibits quotas; it also exempts small busi­ nesses, religious organizations and the military, and does not require benefits to the same- sex partners of employees. “The measure is a simple, narrowly-crafted solution to a significant omission in our civil rights law,” said Smith. “No one should be denied employ­ ment on the basis of sexual orientation or any other factor not related to ability to do a particular job.” iw • to Give Easter Service B Workplace Discrimination Law Sponsored D epartm ent o f C onsum er and B usiness Services directs the com pany to “address the hazard o f eye strain.” The light intensity from the battery-operated lamps dim in­ ishes during final hours o f pick­ ing, the reports says, and em ­ ployees “experienced dizziness, redness and pain in their eyes.” The com pany, part ofT ennes- see-based United Foods, isn ’t com m enting on the situation. Several requests for com m ents from the Salem office and tele­ p h o n e m e s s a g e s le ft w ith Pictsw eet offices in Tennessee w ere not answ ered. P hoto by S herena S mith /T he P ortland O bserver Families in Need Get Legal Help The St. Andrew Legal Clinic, 807 N.E. Alberta, was recently awarded $111,500 by the Meyer Memorial Trust to support its low cost legal services to low-income residents of the Portland metropolitan area. The trust, established by the late FredG. Meyer and not affiliated with the current Fred Meyer stores, also awarded a local grant of $65,000 for the Homowo Festival of African Arts, taking place Saturday, Aug. 25 and Sunday, Aug. 26 at the South Park Blocks on the Portland State University Campus. For more information regarding the legal clinic, call 503-281-1500. (AP) — O regon regulators have given Q w est C om m unica­ tions International six m onths to reverse a decline in service to their custom ers by answ ering calls m ore quickly, and the com ­ pany says it will hire m ore than 2,400 em ployees to do so. U n d e r th e a g re e m e n t a p ­ proved by the O regon Public U tility Com m ission, Q w est must answ er custom er calls w ithin 20 seconds at least 85 percent o f the time. The PUC can issue fines o f as m uch as $50,000 a month if the goals are not met. Qw est also will be under scru­ tiny for 17 m onths, during which it will be required to provide m onthly progress reports to the PUC and m aintain perform ance goals. Q w est officials have blam ed the delays on staffing shortage and an increased volum e o f calls to its sales prom otions for w ire­ less telephone service and DSL lines. State regulations require Qwest to answer 85 percent o f nonrepair calls in no more than 20 seconds. In April, the most recent number avail­ able, the company answered 29 percent on time, down from 69 per­ cent the previous April. Consum er complaints to the PUC have increased from 186 in January to 323 in May. The PUC received 321 complaints from June 1 through June 22. H. & B. Too Now Open Oregon’s Oldest Licensed Pawnshop 4709 N. E. Martin Luther King Blvd. 2 blocks South of Alberta Weekdays tin 5:30pm - Saturdays tin 4:00pm Free P arking — State C ontrolled R ates — Se H abla Espanol w w w Oregon Family Business for over 50 years.