Page A4 August 8,2001 glorila nò CPbseruer Bush Lukewarm to Voting Reforms (A P) — P resident Bush, who still faces stinging criticism over the w ay he w on last y ea r’s elec­ tion, gave a lukew arm em brace last w eek to voting reform s recom ­ m e n d e d by fo rm e r P re sid e n ts C arter and F ord, calling their pro­ posals only guidelines. Bush, casting him selfas an elec­ tion reform er, accorded C arter a Rose G arden cerem ony to unveil the report by the N ational C om m is- sio n o n F ed e ra l E lection, w hich he led w ith Ford. B ut Bush avoided taking a stand on specific propos­ als, including m aking election day a national holiday, restoring vot­ ing rights to felons and allow ing voters challenged by poll w orkers to cast provisional ballots any­ way. “T oday I accep t th eir report and reco m m en d th e k ey p rin cip les draw n from the report as guide­ lines for m eaningful reform ,” Bush said, w ith C arter standing beside him. Ford could n ot attend because o f a scheduling conflict. “ I com m end the com m issioners for their statesm anlike w ork. They from.” T h e 19-m em ber co m m issio n calls for a voluntary em bargo on airing E lection N ight projections b y the new s m e d ia u n til p o lls have closed every­ w here in the c o n tin e n ta l U nited States. F a ilin g that, C o n g ress s h o u ld c o n ­ sider legisla­ tion to ban dis­ closure o f o f­ ficial resu lts until 11 p.m. George W. Bush accepts a report on voting reforms E S T o rto s e ta from former President Jimmy Carter at the White u n ifo rm n a ­ House. (AP Photo) tio n a l p o ll closing tim e. sh o u ld listen to them and follow T h e panel asks new s organiza­ th eir lead,” B ush added. tions to voluntarily refrain from the H ouse Speaker D ennis Hastert, state-by-state calls that caused so R -Ill., said the C arter-F ord panel m uch confusion in the 2000 presi­ “to o k a serious look at our election dential race betw een Bush and then- law s an d found w ays to im prove V ice President A1 Gore. them. I think this com m ission gives “ If necessary, Congress and the us a fram ew ork from w hich to work have risen above partisan em o­ tions and p ut forth practical sug­ gestions for im proving dem ocracy and the U nited States C ongress states should consider legislation, within First A m endm ent limits, to protect the integrity o f the electoral process,” the panel concludes. Steering clear o f those specifics, Bush endorsed the p an el’s broad­ est and least controversial findings: G ive states and localities the prim e role in running elections; modernize ballots and election equipment; pro­ tect the rights o f U.S. troops voting from overseas; and enforce civil rights laws. Bush has been under pressure, particularly from Democrats, to cor­ rect problem s that arose in last fall’s Florida election. Bush was declared the w inner 36 days after the voting, following a 5-4 Supreme Court deci­ sion that effectively halted a partial recount in Florida. The president may feceeven more pressure from Carter, who already has been critical o f the adm inistra­ tion. C arter w as quoted in a recent article criticizing B ush’s positions on m issile defense, A laska oil drill­ ing and global w arm ing and said he has been disappointed m alm ost everything Bush has done. In a fol­ low -up statem ent, C arter said he respects Bush despite their honest differences o f opinion. The W hite H ouse refused direct com m ent on either statem ent. O n one o f the m ost critical de­ bates on how to craft reform, the 100-page report endorsed grants that w ould require states to make certain im provem ents if they were to re­ ceive federal money. A substantial m inority said the federal govern­ m ent should go further and m an­ date standards for better elections. T he report laid out a detailed recipe for im proving elections, from im­ proving voting m achinery and bal­ lot design to strengthening state registration procedures. It acknowl­ edged the extent o f the problem s across the country, but concluded that the fram ew ork already exists to bring the system up to expectations. “In a world o f problems that often deny any solution, the weaknesses in election adm inistration are, to a very great degree, problem s that governm ent can solve,” the report says. Faith Based Initiative Laudable, but Unconstitutional On behalf o f the Congressional Black Caucus, Chairwoman Eddie BemiceJohnson delivered thefol­ lowing statement regarding the passage o f President Bush’sfaith- based initiative called the ‘"Com­ munity Solutions Act. ” “T o d ay ’s action in the H ouse is contem ptuous to the m em ory o f the m any w arriors o f the civil rights m ovem ent. In am a tte ro fm in u tes, m y colleagues in the H ouse o f R e p re s e n ta tiv e s h av e n e g a te d years o f struggle for equality and fairness. H.R. 7, the “C om m unity Solutions A ct,” is laudable, but unconstitutional. “A s C h air o f the C ongressional B lack C aucus, I am com m itted to continuing to w ork w ith o u r reli­ gious leaders w ho have been som e o f the best leaders in our com m u­ nities for decades. I know first hand about the good that the church can do in the com - m unity. H ow ever, w e cannot for­ get that th e use o f federal funds, w hich are co llected from the hard earned tax dollars o f all ofthe people can n o t and sh o u ld n ot be used to discrim inate. “C hurches and religious insti­ tutions h av e been on the front lines o f d ealing w ith so cieties’ w oes sin ce the b eg in ­ ning o f tim e, an d in the A frican-A m erican com ­ m unity these are called the churches m inistries - the hom eless m inistry, the sick and shut-in m in­ istry and a host o f o th­ ers. So, using the faith w e have in our church to try to address the p ro b ­ lem s that m any people fa c e isn ’tn e w . “B ut, the C haritable C hoice p ro ­ vision in its current form threatens to underm ine Oregon Braces For West Nile Virus S tory continued from front page virus. T h e re h av e b ee n no h u m an c a s e s o f m o s q u ito -b o rn e e n ­ ce p h alitis in O reg o n o ver th e p ast 3 0 years. A cc o rd in g to C h risto p h e r M. W irth , su p e rv is o r o f M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty V e c to r a n d N u isa n c e C o n tro l, “T o m o st p eo p le, m o s­ q u ito e s are ju s t an an n o y in g p est, b u t th e se in sects ca rry se­ rio u s d ise a se s.” T he h ea lth d iv isio n rec eiv e d a $ 9 0 ,0 0 0 g ra n t from the C e n te rs fo r D ise a se C o n tro l an d P re v e n ­ tio n to tra c k th e d ise a se -c a rry ­ ing m o sq u ito e s. V e c to r an d n u isa n c e c o n tro l officers w ill collect field-captured m o sq u ito es and h av e them tested fo r W e st N ile v iru s, as w ell as St. L o u is a n d W e s te r n E q u in e E n ce p h alitis. A c c o rd in g to a re ­ p o rt b y th e C e n te rs for D ise a se C o n tro l, ty p i­ cal W e st N ile v ira l in ­ fe c tio n s in p e o p le are m ild inflam m ation o f die b ra in w ith sy m p to m s th a t in c lu d e f e v e r , headache, body ac h es, sk in rash an d sw o lle n ly m p h glands. “ M o re se v ere in fec­ tio n m ay be m ark ed by h ea d ac h e, h igh fev er, n ec k stiffn ess, stu p o r, d iso rie n ta tio n , co m a, trem o rs, c o n v u lsio n s, m u sc le w ea k n ess, p a ­ r a ly s i s , a n d r a r e ly , d e a th ,” the rep o rt said. What Can I Do? nearly 60 years o f federal civil rights protections against discrim ination. A dditionally, H.R. 7 would over­ ride state and local civil rights laws and ordinances that currently pro­ tect em ployees. W e can n o t afford to roll back the strides m ade in the civil rights m ovem ent by allow ing this provi­ sion, w hich w ould allow religious in s titu tio n s to re c e iv e fed eral funds, b ut w ould also allow for them to discrim inate in the use o f those funds. I ju s t d o n ’t think that w e sh o u ld let that happen. “F o r these reasons, yesterday, the M em bers o f the C ongressional B lack C aucus unanim ously passed a resolution to express our opposi­ tion to H .R . 7. U nfortunately, m any o f o u r col­ leagues in the H ouse did n ot share o u r sentim ent for the hard fought m erits o f the C ivil R ights A ct o f 1964. O u r only prayer is that our colleagues in the Senate w ill be m ore reverent.” t’s a home run and it’s sailing... straight through your windshield. NOW WHO’S GOING TO COME THROUGH FOR YOU? A talented b Little League batter hits the ball all the way out of the park... and straight through windshield! 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