W > r tU „ & © bsrruer____ FOCUS O------------------ 8 ’ ~ Profile of a Zen Master with AIDS Hand 2 Mouth Theatre will be giving a performance on the true life story of Zen Mas­ ter Tommy “Issan” Dorsey. The play, entitled "The Pos­ ture Queen,” will be shown from Aug. 10 through Sept. 2. From Tom m y “ Is s a n ” D orsey's hot days as a cute young sailor among the well­ muscled men of the US Navy, to an impressive stint as a gor­ geous female impersonator. Tommy Dee experienced a de­ scent into drug and alcohol addiction traveling across small town America with the Drag Revue “Party of Four". "The Posture Queen" contin­ ues with Tommy’s psyche­ delic introduction to Zen Bud­ dhism and a slow, long ascent up the ranks of enlightenment. In his final years Tommy turned his Zen compassion towards the AIDS epidemic. converting the Hartford Zen Center into one of America’s first AIDS hospices and fight­ ing desperately to give vic­ tims a death with dignity. Tommy’s final triumph oc­ curred as he approached his death by AIDS. Ordained as an Abbot, the highest honor for a Westerner, Tommy died as one of the most respected and adored Zen teachers in the country. History According to a 103-Year Old B y G eorge D awson and R ic hard G laibma > A P i .NUIN B<><>«2()01 In this re- m a rk a b le G e o rg e D a w s o n and R ic h a rd G lo e b n a n book, George D aw so n , a 103-year-old s la v e ’ s g ran d so n w ho learned to read at age 9 8 , r e f le c ts on his life and o ffe rs v a lu ­ able lessons in living and One m a n » ««troordtnar y iowrney through »he 20tk tentwry a fre sh , and how he learned la read at age 98 f r i s t h a n d v ie w of A m erica d u r­ ing the tw en­ tieth century. R ic h a rd G 1 a u b m a n c a p tu re s D a w so n 's ir­ re s is tib le v o ic e and view o f the w orld, o ffe r­ ing in sig h ts into h u m an ­ ity, history, hard sh ip s.an d happiness. From segregation and civil rig h ts, to the w ars and the p resid en ts, to defining m om ents in h istory, G eorge D aw so n ’s descrip tio n and assessm ent o f the last century inspire readers w ith the m essage that — through it all — has sustained him ; “ L ife is so good. I do believe it’s getting b e tte r.” Is . ■ » t ; As a relative newcomer to Portland, Hand 2 Mouth The­ atre will capture the width and breadth of this modern day saint’s remarkable story. The Hand 2 Mouth Theater arrives from several years spent making cutting edge work, and doing theater with youth in Poland, Romania and M acedonia. Hand 2 Mouth incorporates move­ ment, imagery and sound into their performances in an in­ novative. highly evocative and poetic manner. The Hand 2 Mouth The­ atre is located at the Rose City B allroom , 700 N.E. Dekum and Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. A benefit for the Cascade AIDS Project will be given on opening night, Aug. 10. For more in­ formation and to make reser­ vations, call 503/283-3311. The Hammer is Back! Rap Artist M.C. Hammer’s Mission for God M.C. H am m er’s on a m ission to revive the positive aspects of rap and clean it up a bit. He is focused on God, his family and his new ventures. Ham mer will return to Portland on Aug. 26 to give a talk and sing at the 11 a.m. Sunday service at the New Beginnings Christian Center, located at 7600 N.E. Glisan St. Arrive as early as 8:30 a.m. to insure seating. This is a free event. Childcare is provided for kids 6-years-old and younger. For more inform ation, call 503/ 256-6050 or go online to w w w .new beginnings.org. Legal Sendees So G o o d " ! ¡4 .. ■ ...■ j f. .1 > , ................. :__ _ Com prehensive W ills & Y early Updates Debts, Dispute Decisions, Divorce And more $ 2 6 .0 0 or less per month For more in fo rm a tio n c a ll Norman Ross at (503) 757-8409