August 8,2001 Ißnrtlanö (PbBfruer (ßbseruer Classifieds/Bids V A \V Jobs with Purpose I B Careers with S-: * v " ¿ ¿ r' Page B5 Vision Construction Services Coordinator - Field The candidate will be responsible for providing technical assistance regarding Commission owned public improvement projects post contract award. Works with POC Project Managers and outsourced construction management firms to develop and monitor project schedules, ensure project compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws, and assist in general contract administration. Projects consist of parks, commercial and residential buildings, and street improvements. The ideal candidate will have an Associate's degree or license in construction manage­ ment or a related field, and experience in public construction or equivalent education and/or experience. Requires four years' related experience in public construction, proj­ ect estimating and construction management. Please pick up an application packet and return with supplemental questions. If out­ side the Portland metro area, please call our job hotline at (503) 823-3463 and request a packet. Position closes August 15, 2001. Portland Development Commission 1900 SW 4th Avenue Suite 7000 Portland, OR 97201 EEO Employer roc PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Temporary On Call Positions Learn a new skill while working with children in a school setting. Substitute are urgently needed for 2001-02 school year for the following programs: Day Care Provider-Helensview HlghSchool 4- 8 hour day on an as needed basis - Salary: $7.54/hr Classroom Assistant - Special Education 5- 7 hour days on an as needed basis Salary: S10.71/hr Also Needed - Registered Nurses- Must hold a valid Oregon RN license 4-8 hour days on an as needed basis Salary: S21.64 Closes: Applications are being accepted until sufficient appli­ cations have been received to establish substitute pool for the 2001-02 school year. To be part of the Multnomah Education Service District team obtain application materials including M inim um q u a lific a tio n s M-F 8:00-5:00 in person or via mail send Self-addressed stamped legal envelope ($.64) indicating po­ sition To: Multnomah ESD, Attn. Re­ c e p tio n is t, 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland, OR 97220 or via WEB & www.mesd.k l2 .o r.u s Application materials will not be faxed. An Equal Opportunity Employer & Drug Free W ork Place Juvenile Counselor 1 $3117-S3940 Per Month (40hr/wk) A w Employment The “Oregon Air National Guard has several part-time positions available. Let the Oregon Air Guard provide you with the ex­ perience to “enhance your civil­ ian marketability! Not only will the Air Guard train you, but pay you to leaml For more informa­ tion on pay, travel, training & various educational benefits call 1-800-392-1801 & inquire about our enlistment eligibility. Salem Area Mass Transit is now seeking application for a Fiscal Assistant. Performs diversified accounting duties, primarily those pertaining to accounts re c e iv a b le . S ta rtin g wage $13 .5 0 per hour, Contact our Human Resources Division at 555 Court St., NE, Suite 5230, Salem, OR 97301-3736 or call 503-588-2424 for official Dis­ tric t application form and de­ tailed recruitm ent announce­ ment. V isit our web site at: Completed applications must be received by D istrict by 4 :3 0 p.m. on Au­ gust 17, 20 0 1 An Equal Em­ ployment Opportunity Employer. Job Opportunities We are seeking qualified candidates to be part of our dynamic public service organization. Communications Dispatcher Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency $14,81-$22.97/hr. DOQ GIS Analyst $4,015-$5,673/m o. DOQ Job information, applications, and b e n e fits in form ation are available from : C lark County Human Resources 1 0 1 3 Franklin St, Vancouver WA Job Hotline: (360) 397-6018 TDD: (360) 397-6032 Equal Opportunity Employer Advertise in Advertise in Jpartlanh (©bseruer Call 503-288-0033 Multnomah County. Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and publicly read. No bidder may withdraw their bid after the hour set for opening until after the lapse of sixty (60) days from the bid opening. The basic work consists of removing the existing roofing and replacing it with new composition shingles or metal roofing. Work also includes, new fascia boards, gutter and downspouts, metal flashing, roof vents, and rough carpentry. This is a con­ tract for a two-year period. Bid documents are available at the HAP Office noted above. A $50 (fifty) deposit for one set and $20 (twenty) for each addi­ tional set is refundable when documents are returned within 10 days after bid opening. The Housing Authority of Portland may reject any bid not in com­ pliance with the prescribed bidding procedures and requirements and may reject any or all bids and waive all informalities if, in the judgment of HAP, it is in the public interest to do so. Ques­ tions regarding this project should be directed to H. David Walter ' ^artlanh C^bscrucr at 735-4210. Housing Authority Of Portland H. David Walter Assistant Director, Public Housing • Data Entry Unit Tech. Asst. Salary $ 1 ,9 2 0 • $2.656/m onth Announcement H0CDT1453, Salem Ä • Document Prep. Unit Tech. Asst. Salary $ 1 ,9 2 0 - $2.656/m onth / 4 Announcement H0CDT1453, Salem CONTRACTS/PURCHASING • Grants Contracts Coordinator Salary $ 2 .6 5 6 - $3.688/m onth Announcement HOCDT1372, Salem These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon. A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job information are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or h) the Oregon jobs page at: The State of Oregon and all its divisions are proud to be equal.opportunity employers. CUSTOMER SERVICE/ENFORCEMENT • Motor Carrier Safety Specialist Salary $ 2 .7 9 7 • $3.483/m o n th Announcement KOCDT1452. Medford • Motor Carrier Enforcement Officer Salary $ 2 .0 1 3 - $2.784/m o n th Announcement HOCDT1047A. Bend OREGON DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE • Field Permit Analyst Salary $ 2 .0 6 3 - $2.876/m onth Revenue Agent 1 Collectors Announcement 40C D T1455, Portland ENGINEERING IMMEDIATE OPENINGS IN SALEM - APPLY NOW Do you want to make a difference? Come join Oregon Department of Revenue's team. We are proud of the work we do in support of Oregon's programs. We value: Professionalism. Ethical Conduct, Diversity. Respect. Teamwork. Creativity, and Flexibility. TO QUAUFY: You must have six months of collection experience. OR one year' collection related experience OR one year' experience doing all of the following: analyzing financial information for ability to pay: explaining regulations, laws, and rules to others: and problem resolution dealing with difficult situations and irate people. No written test required. All applicants meeting minimum qualifications will be considered. Salary range is $ 1 ,8 5 2 to $ 2 .5 3 5 a month. We o ffe r A competitive compensation package: state-of-the-art collection resources; and professional advancement opportunities. Announcement 8 0 C 9 S 0 2 9 8 8 . For required application, call (5 0 3 ) 9 4 5 8 5 5 5 (TTY ( 5 0 3 ) 9 4 5 8 6 1 7 or (8 0 0 ) 8 8 6 -7 2 0 4 hearing or speech Impaired only) EOE/AAE/ADA. • Chief Construction Inspector Salary Negotiable up to $ 4 6 .8 4 8 Announcement 0OCDT1317A. Portland INFORMATION SYSTEMS • 1SS-7 Senior Support Programmer Salary Negotiable up to $ 6 3 ,6 2 4 Annually Announcement K0CDT1363. Salem • ISS-5 Programmer Salary Negotiable up to $ 5 3 ,7 1 2 Announcement #0C D T1367, Salem MANAGEMENT • Technical Support Manager Salary Negotiable up to $ 6 4 ,0 8 0 Announcement H0CDT1428. Portland OREGON BUREAU OF LABOR & INDUSTRIES PLANNING Civil Rights Division Public Service Representative Primary receptionist for Oregonians seeking to resolve problems of discrimination. Position requires excellent telephone and customer service skills, basic computer skills. Working hours are 8 :0 0 a.m. - 5 :0 0 p.m., Monday through Friday. Attendance and punctuality are extremely important. Office conveniently located in Portland in Uoyd District on MAX and transit routes. Salary range is $ 1 .5 6 3 to $ 2 ,1 0 2 a month, with full benefit package and scheduled salary increases. To receive application m aterials through the mall, call (6 0 3 ) 7 3 1 -4 0 7 0 . The Job announcement (Including te s t questions) and application form are also available at Deadline for applying is August 1 7 . 200 1. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Career Opportunities...Join Our Team! ODOT supports a vast range of innovative transportation products and services, touching the life of every Oregonian, every day Explore our variety o f rewarding occupations... ADMINISTRATIVE/CLERICAL • D ata Entry Unit Manager Salary $ 2 ,1 0 4 - $2,964/m o n th Announcement #O CDT1451. Salem • Associate Transportation Planner Salary $ 2 .7 2 7 - $3.9O 4/m onth Announcement #0C D T1429. Salem TRADES • Roadway/Highway Section Maintenance Coordinator Salary $ 2 ,2 0 8 - $3,054/m o n th Announcement #0C D T1338, Portland • Roadway/Highway Maintenance Specialist Salary $ 2 .0 1 3 - $2.784/m o n th Announcement HOCOT133 9, Portland • Roadway/Highway Maintenance Specialist Salary $ 2 ,0 1 3 - $2.784/m o n th Announcement H 0CDT1337. Estacada To apply you must obtain a copy of the aporopnate announcement number, which provides full details, qualifications/requirements. and how to apply instructions. Call (503) 9 8 6 -4 0 3 0 [TTY (503) 9 8 6 -3 8 5 4 for the heanng impaired), or visit As an AA/EEO employer. ODOT is committed to integrating the promotion and management of workforce diversity and affirmative action into every facet of our business. w W W . 0 1r e g o n ji o b s . o 1r g LIQUOR STORE OPERATOR Radio Opportunities e Management of Christian idio, KPDQAM/FM is now eking full-time and part-time plicants for the new Christian jsic Formatted Radio Station, 04.1-The Fish.” Applications e being accepted for: Sales anager, Account Executives, »rations Director, On-Air Per- in alities, Board Operators id Promotions Director. Please X your resum e to Sheryl ansfield at 503-238-7202 or mall to siieiylm@ 3 Calls Please. The deadline 8 /2 4 /0 1 . AN EQUAL OP- 3RTUNITY EMPLOYER. Sealed bids will be received at the Housing Authority of Port­ land (HAP), 8910 N, Woolsey Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97203, until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 28, 2001 for labor and mate­ rials to provide roofing at various residential locations in- Clark County, Washington Call 503-288-0033 County Employment Applica­ Fiscal Assistant Scattered Sites Roofing Job N o. M X -99-01-02 Immediate opening for full and p a rt-tim e a tte n d a n ts w ith Portland's leading parking com­ pany. We are seeking depend­ able individuals with a neat appearance and a Positive atti­ tude. $ 8 .0 0 + sta rtin g wage Huge overtim e potential. Ad­ vancement opportunities Medi­ cal, Dental, 401K available. Applicants must submit to drug te s t and background check. Apply in person daily between 12-1, Monday - Friday. 130 SW STARK Portland, OR C lackam as County Juvenile Department has a vacancy for a Juvenile Counselor 1 to pro­ vide intake services in the County's 24 Juvenile Reception Center. This position accepts custody of youth form police, assesses youth's needs, devel­ ops release plans and is re­ sponsible for a caseload of ju­ veniles charged with misde­ meanor crimes. Bilingual appli­ cants encouraged to apply. tion Required. Application ma­ terials available at Clackamas County Personnel, 9 00 Main Street, Oregon City, OR 97045, (503) 655-8459 or download an application form our wed s ite : h ttp :/y Clos­ ing date, Wednesday, August 22, 2001 5:00 PM EEO Em­ ployer Advertisement For Bids PARKING FACILITY OPERATOR The Oregon Liquor Control Commission has vacancies for independent contractors to operate the following retail liquor stores: A-227 Grass Valley, A-124 Sherwood, & A-121 Wheeler STARTING DATE IS NOVEMBER 1, 2001 FRANZ BAKERY CK1G0H LOUOS (OMROl COMMISSION Nobody Bakes it Better W e evaluate a * applicants on Backgrotaid, knowtedge and w ork experience In: • Retail Business Management Transport Driver/ Dock Loader $ 1 7 .9 9 /h r. Class A CDL, 2 years OTR with doubles and triples Excellent DMV record. Available to work all shifts. Teamsters Union, excellent ben­ efits. Apply No, Portland Em­ p lo y m e n t O fc, 3 0 N o rth W e b ste r, Job re fe re n c e # 1127336, or Franz Office, 340 NE 11th. We are an EEO/AAP employer • Inventory/Cash Management • Retail Sales • Customer Service/PubHc Relations m a retail environment The tucceaaM applicant muat be able to: • Enter into an agency agreemert contract with the OLCC • Ouaiify for a fidelity bond _ _______ _ . Negotiate the lease or purchase of the store location or propose a more suitable location serving the same commurtty subject to staff requirements • Meet the operating expense of the agency • Purchase the fixtures and equipment as specified m the agency information sheet • Begin operation on the date specified above Applicants for the Sherwood and Wheeler liquor stores «M need to find appropriate new locations Selected ftnaHsts will be notified and interviewed by the staff screening committee in Portland. Anal selection will be made by the Commission, based on set criteria. at Its public meeting m October 2001. The appointed agent is an independent contractor lor the State of Oregon. This person will operate the »quor store on behalf of the OLCC and have no ownership or property rights m the agency. Oily fodMttoals may be appointed agents Portland Oregon ‘‘City o f Roses ” For application forms and additional information, axitact OLCC. 9 0 7 9 SE M c U u tfM n M K . Rw (BOO) 4 3 6 3 0 0 4 ). Separate application forms are required tor each store Applications are Are in the Store Operations Office. Room 12 above address, by 5 0 0 p m , Friday. August 17, 2001