Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 08, 2001, Image 1

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    Museum Place Passes Design Review
Downtown development incorporates new housing and Safeway
See story, Metro section inside
th f i y r
Volume XXXI
Number 32
" t The
I ip
City Of Roses"
r iti
Committed to Cultural Diversity
Established in 1970
August 8, 2001
Oregon Braces For West Nile Virus
State monitors for mosquito-borne disease
Doctors Mull Cloning
W ASHINGTON — The National
Academy o f Sciences is bringing an
international panel o f scientists together
for a discussion o f cloning technology
and where it may be heading. At least
three researchers attending the meet­
ing have said they plan human cloning
M ultnom ah C ounty and 8 oth er O r­
egon counties are developing a m onitor­
ing system to detect W est N ile virus.
C losely related to St. L ouis E ncephali­
tis, the W est N ile virus first appeared in the
U nited S tates in 1999.
T o date, the virus has been detected in
12 eastern states and has the potential to
spread to O regon and oth er areas o f the
W ild birds are the principle reservoirs
o f m osquito-bom encephalitis viruses.
M osquitoes feed on infected birds and
then transm it the virus to hum ans and
T he O regon H ealth D ivision w ill co n ­
centrate on m onitoring m osquito species
likely to feed on birds m igrating from the
northeastern U nited States.
O f the approxim ately 45 species o f
m osquito found in O regon, the N orthern
house m osquito, Culex pipiens, has been
targeted as a possible carrier o f W est Nile
S tory C ontinues on P A ge A4
W hat Can I Do?
Because the insects grow from sw im ­
ming larva to flying adults, people should
take steps such as em ptying stagnant
w ater from flow er pots and other con-
O fficials say the b e st w ay to stop the
W est N ile virus is by disrupting the
breeding cycle o f m osquitoes.
S tory C ontinues on PA ge A4
Civil Rights Group
Focuses on Profiling,
MONTGOMERY, A la - - leaders of
the SCLC, the group founded by Martin
Luther King Jr. at the dawn o f the mod­
em civil rights movem ent, said its
agenda for a new century would include
seeking reparations for slavery and
ending racial profiling.
Japan Marks 56th
Anniversary of
HIROSHIMA, Japan— A bell tolled
and hundreds of white doves were re­
leased to mark the moment 56 years ago
when the city of Hiroshima was reduced
to ashes by the world’s first atomic bomb
Connecting Kids With the Community
‘Code Red BP Hits Net
WASHINGTON — A new destruc­
tive Internet virus similar to the “Code
Red” worm is spreading across the
Internet. The new worm, dubbed “Code
Red II," moves faster than Code Red but
can still be stopped by downloading a
software patch for some Microsoft oper­
ating systems.
‘Barry’ Lands in Florida
MOBILE Ala.— Tropical Storm Barry
plowed across the Florida Panhandle and
into Alabama, rapidly weakening as it
lashed the region with heavy rain and
wind. Bany was downgraded to a tropical
depression after it moved inland and all
other warnings have been dropped.
Midwest Swelters in
Heat, Humidity
P hotos by D ave G iezyng /T he P ortland O bserver
Kids from Self Enhancement, Inc., the Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA and other
youth programs enjoy the musical group Fire, while others get a face painting,
during the Teen Summit and Community Party Saturday at Unthank Park, next to
the SEI Center at 3920 N. Kerby. The celebration which included free food,
haircuts and more, was part of Project Youth Connect, a mentoring program
designed to help students improve school performance and to educating
students about drug and alcohol prevention.
Interstate Renewal Funds Run Short
B v .L ee _P eri . man
T he P ortland O bserver
No question, the $ 3 0 0 m illion w hich the
Interstate M A X U rban R enew al D istrict
has to spend, is a lot o f m oney. M ultnom ah
C ounty com plained bitterly w hen threat­
ened w ith the loss o f ju st one-third o f this
H ow ever, as m em bers o f the d istrict’s
advisory com m ittee have discovered, the
sum is ju st a drop in the bucket for w hat
som e people w ould like to see done inside
the 3,700 acre district o f north and north­
east Portland.
T his is especially true in the short term ,
w hen tax increm ent funds from increased
property values in the area have yet to be
generated and w ith $30 m illion earm arked
Historic Home on Church Site Moves
C H IC A G O — S w elterin g h eat
prompted the National W eather Service
to issue a warning about dangerously
hot weather from Minnesota to Texas.
Ninety-degree heat and humidity have
combined tocreate temperatures that feel
like 110degrees or more.
THE HAGUE, Netherlands — The
U.N. war crimes tribunal foundaBosnian
Serb general guilty o f genocide for the
killing of up to 8,000 Muslims at the
U.N.-protected enclave of Srebrenica in
1995. It was the first genocide convic­
tion in Europe since W orld W ar II.
Thus, when the com m ittee met last w eek
to finalize a five-year budget and im ple­
m entation strategy for the district, their
S tory C ontinues on P A ge B2
Apologizes Again
Editor 's note: Portland School Board
D erry Jackson appeared on K A T U 's A M
N orthwest Tuesday to m ake a second apol­
ogy f o r his remarks that “Jew s run every­
Bosnian Serb Convicted
of Genocide
for the new North Interstate M AX light rail
be former church parsonage, the residence adjacent to the historic and former Mt. Olivet Baptist Church at 126 N. E.
chuyler, is put on wheels early Sunday morning and moved out from the property where it stood for more than 100
ears. The home, one of the oldest on record for the neighborhood, was moved down Broadway to Williams to a new
¿cation on northeast Thompson, a few blocks away. Roy Roos says he bought the parsonage to remodel it into his
| residence. There's no word on the future of the church building itself, rich in African American history.^____________
thing. ”
Today I stand before you as a public
serv ant, com m itted to serve this com munity
and to be an advocate for all children. My
recent statements have been a distraction to
that role and were inappropriately directed.
1 now understand the impact and gravity of
my assertions. T o the children and em ploy­
ees o f Portland Public Schools, totheirfam i-
lics and this w onderful city we call home,
Portland-1 apologize for: Making statements
that do not create positive support for the
efforts o f the Board. M aking statements that
discredit other m em bers o f the board. M a­
ligning Jewish people with generality and an
inference o f unfairness. Allowing my frus­
tration to distort my judgm ent.
In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr„
“In the process o f gaining ourrightful place,
wc must not be guilty o f wrongful deeds Let
us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom
by drinking from the cup o f bitterness and
In this model, 1 reaffirm my com mitm cntto
serve in my elected position with respect to
all - whatever their race, creed, gender, or
sexual persuasion.