P o rtla n d (Ohi Page B3 (The ^Jortlanò (Observer July 25, 2001 M etro/Sports G reyhound R acing May 4 • October 13, 2001 Post Times Wednesday - Saturday 7 00 pm Sundays/Hol ¡days 1 00 pm NE 223rd & Glisan Wood Village. Oregon G R E Y H O U N D P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver The Peninsula girl's 9-10 year-old division all-stars celebrate their second straight District 1 Championship after a win against Parkrose. The team competes this week for another title In the state Little League tournament. (503) 667-7700 www reultnomahgreyboundpork com F ree P arking and admission i(pHHEDY SCHO qi DT Mcfllenamins • ** P ortland H osts First-E ver H ighland G am es The nation’s to p -12 pro­ fessional Highland Games athletes came to Portland July 21 for the first-ever Scottish Heavy Athletics All Am erican National Cham pi­ onship. In a tim e-honored test o f skill and strength, the k ilt-w e a rin g c o m p e tito rs th re w h a m m e rs, h u rle d stones and tossed cabers in an effort to seize the nation's highest honor for heavy ath­ letics. The National Cham pion­ sh ip w as p re s e n te d by M acT am ahan’s, a longtime s u p p o rte r o f H ig h la n d G a m e s a lo n g th e W est Coast. The N a tio n a l Cham pionship’s top-five fin­ ishers received invitations to this y ear’s W orld C ham pi­ onship, w hile the ev en t’s first-place winner earned ad­ mission to the Scottish Cham­ pionship in Scotland. Duval Earns First Major at British Open Lytham St. Annes, England - David Duval posted a brilliant final round o f four-under-par 67 to capture the 130th British Open at Royal Lytham & St. Annes. His 72-hole total o f 10-under- par 274 earned him a three-shot victory and his first m ajor cham ­ pionship title. Duval two-putted for par at the 72nd hole to en­ sure his name would be the next one etched on the coveted Claret Jug. Armstrong Continues to Show the Way LAVAUR, France — After c o n q u e rin g th e m o u n ta in s , Lance Armstrong began the long ride to Paris w here he will al­ most certainly claim a third con­ secutive Tour de France title in five days. The Texan finished with the m ain pack, about 15 m inutes behind stage w inner Rik V erb ru g g h e o f B elgium but still w ith the overall lead. Tyson to Fight in Denmark? NEW YORK — Mike Tyson could be headed to Denmark for his first fight in almost a year. ‘ ’It looks g o o d ,” Shelly Finkel, Tyson’s adviser, said o f the pos­ sibility that Tyson would fight Dan­ ish boxer Brian Nielsen on Sept. 8 in Copenhagen. Mogens Palle, Nielsen’s promoter, told Danish media that he has sent a *’ready- to-be-signed contract” to Finkel. R u ssian Sets 100- m eter B reastrok e W orld R ecord FUKUOKA, Japan — Rus­ sian Roman Sloudnov, the first man to swim the 100-meter breast­ stroke in less than 1 minute, set the world record, defeating former record holder Ed Moses in a semi- final at the world championships. Sloudnov, the Olympic bronze medalist, finished in 59.94 sec­ onds, just underthe 59.97 mark he swam at the Russian trials last month. Judge Says Knight Lawsuit Will Get Trial BLO O M IN G TO N , Ind. — A law suit filed by a group o f JULY EVENTS Thursday, July 26 • 7pm Summer Music Concert Series JACKSTRAW Bluegrass in the Kennedy School Gymnasium No cover • All ages welcome Friday, July 27 • 7pm BARBECUE DINNER Enjoy barbecued ribs, whiskey chicken, Terminator sausage and live music, in the Gymnasaium Courtyard $20 per person MOVIES ON THE BIG SCREEN Kennedy School Theater Showing great movies every evening with afternoon matinées on Saturday and Sunday. Pizza and our own wines, ales and cocktails are available. McMenamins Kennedy School 5736 NE 33rd • Portland, Oregon (503) 249-3983 • www.mcmenamins.com Indiana U niversity alum ni and basketball fans after the firing o f coach Bob Knight will likely proceed to trial. Special Judge C e c ile B la u d e n ie d th e u n iv e rsity ’s m otion for sum ­ m ary judgm ent on the part o f the law suit that claim s the u n iv e rsity ’s B oard o f T ru st­ ees violated state open m eet­ ings law before the c o a c h ’s firing. Get Connected!! N—d a Telephone at Home? Confused? Too much Information? Want Your Old Phone Number Back? Why Choose?— Have it all1 Can t Wait 10 days? T* L zR Need Features'? W e Offer Affordable Packages Free Cellular Phone. Free Long Distance The Fastest Service— 3 to 5 days Free Anytime Minutes. No Roaming No Activation Fees. No Credit Req d You Can Keep Your Old Number Rates as Low as 05 Cents Per Minute G al Free Call Waiting. 3-Way, *69 C a l For Details Order By Phone 4 More Some Restrictions Apply PORTLAND FIRE vs. LA SPARKS • JULY 28TH 7PM UTAH STARZZ • JULY 30TH 7PM A v a ila b le O n ly A t : Simply Cellular A Telephone Reconnections 8040 NE Sandy Blvd., Suite 100B Portland, OR 97213 5 0 3 -2 8 0 -8 0 0 0 GROUPS of 10 or m ore SAVE! CALL a CALI 1-877-WNBA-TIX 503.797.UUNBA fe s s i- J www.firebasketball.com »