Page A 4 PurtlaiiA • £ 1 Opinion (Tire ^ tlo rila n ò Of) h s e rv e r US PS 959-680 Established 1970 STA FF E d it o r P C in h ie f u b l is h e r Charles H. Washington E d it o r Larry J. Jackson, Sr. B M u s in e s s anager Gary Ann Taylor A sst . P ublisher Michael Leighton C E opy d it o r J oy Ramos C r e a t iv e D , Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f 0 H jr f l a r t t a n b ( P b a e r u e r Predatory Lenders Target Mom in the ‘Hood’ 4 7 4 7 NE M artin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Fax 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 e-mail P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer PO Box 31 3 7 Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8 Periodical Postage paid in Portland, OR Subscriptions are $60.00 per year D E A D L IN E S FOR ALL SUBMITTED METERIALS: ARTICLES: Monday by 5 p . m . ADS: Friday by noon the Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned ifaccom- panied by a sel f addressed envelope. All created design display ads be come the sole property o f the news­ paper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage with­ out the wri tten consent o f the general manager, unless the client has pur­ chased the com position o f such ad. Raza and other organizations have become increasingly aware of unscrupulous lend­ ing practices that are going on among their constituents. In its com m itm ent to all Americans 50 and older, but especially those most vulner­ able - the elderly, minority and low-income homeowners - AARP has established a num ber o f resources and events aimed at educating po­ tential victims. Elderly homeowners, their adult children and other con­ cerned relatives or neighbors can call 1-800-424-3410 with their questions about every­ thing from predatory lending F or the While many African Ameri­ cans have climbed aboard the “success express,’’ many of their parents have remained in the “hood.” Too often these parents, many o f whom are single mothers, think that since their “w ell-to-do” adult children have provided them with the added protection of a home security system, they are safe. However, some of the big­ gest rip-offs come through scams that reach them through ads on TV, direct mail and even telephone calls. The result is that “Mama” can be victimized by “preda­ tory lenders.” Predatory lending is a col­ lection of unfair and decep­ tive practices used to trick homeowners into signing up for high cost and o ften - unaffordable mortgage loans. The predatory lender manipu­ lates individuals into obtaining a loan they can’t afford to pay off. “Older homeowners can be­ come trapped in these abusive loans for a number of per­ sonal and family-related finan­ cial re a so n s,” said Dawn Sweeney, associated execu­ tive director of AARP, for­ mally the American Associa­ tion o f Retired Persons. “In the African-American community, older homeowner Muriel Cooper borrowers hold 18 percent of the sub prim e m ortgages. Older women borrowers held 45 percent of sub prime mort­ gages,” Sweeney said. The typical ideal target is an elderly African-American widow. Lenders buy databases and use marketing tactics to trace them down. The game can be run sev­ eral ways, but here are typical examples: Daddy died two years ago and used to do all of the outside work on the house. The last bad storm caused the gutters to fall. The windows should have been replaced a long time ago and the house could stand a couple of coats of paint. A sales re p re se n ta tiv e knocks on the door and ex- ir e c t o r Robert Parker July 25, 2001 Crtje Jlortlanò (Obseruer plains the value (equity) in the house that can be used in or­ der to spruce up. “The sales rep says, ’You know, you have a nice house. I see you need a little work done. I was in the neighbor­ hood and would be happy to do the work cheaper than you could get a big company to do it. I have older parents, too. I just want to help. Just sign here. You know, you remind me of my Mama.’ “There is ample evidence that people are sold loans as a miracle financial cure,” said Sweeney. “Many homeowners are then stunned to find out they can’t afford to pay off these loans and they may lose their homes.” AARP, the NAACP, La CARPET CLEANINS 2001 CARPET CLEAN UP X à J, MARTIN CLEANING Í CARPET CLEANING ] 2 Area Minimum 1 Small Hall Free Pre-Spray Traffic Areas • Stairs $ 1 .5 0 each UPHOLSTERY CLEANING • • • • • In advance o f a major inter­ national conference on rac­ ism, Human Rights Watch has called for re p a ra tio n s to counter the most severe con­ tinuing effects of slavery, seg­ regation, and other extreme forms of racism. The world association said national and international pan­ els should be created with maximum transparency and public participation to identify and acknowledge past abuses and to guide action to counter their present-day effect. “Groups that suffer today because o f slavery or other severe racist practices should be compensated by govern­ ments responsible for these practices,” said Kenneth Roth, Executive Director o f Human Rights Watch. “Those most seriously victimized today by past wrongs should be the first priority for compensation to end their victimization.” Roth said reparations for past abuse should focus first on groups that continue to suf­ fer the most severe hardships. “W e’re not talking about a handout or a winfall,” said Roth. “We are calling for long­ term commitments to correct the damage done to the groups left most seriously disadvan­ taged.” Human Rights Watch pro­ posed the establishments of national panels, in multiracial countries such as the United States, Brazil and South Af­ rica, as well as one or more international panels to look at the effect of the slave trade. These panels would focus on tracing these effects not for particular individuals but for groups. The panels should serve as truth commissions aiming to reveal the extent to which a g o v e rn m e n t’s past racist practices contribute to con­ temporary deprivation domes­ tically and aboard, Roth said, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jimi Johnson adding that they should also educate the public, acknowl­ edge responsibility and pro­ pose methods of readiness and making amends. A primary purpose of repa­ rations would be to address the social and economic foun­ dations o f today’s victim s’ continuing marginalization — through means such as invest­ ment in education, housing, health care, or job training. The question of compensa­ tion for slavery will be one of the most controversial topics when the UN World Confer­ ence Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance meets in Durban, South Africa from Aug. 31 to Sept. 7. M* SERVICE Sofa (under 6 ft.) $69 Sofa (over 6 ft.) $79 Sectional $79 Loveseat $49 Recliner $39 ICARPET Reparations For Slavery, Segregation scams to reducing unwanted sales calls for products and services. They can also learn what to say when approached by a “contractor” seeking work in the neighborhood. AARP offers a free bor­ rowers’ kit with consumer tips and a checklist for those con­ sidering home loans. The kit also has an anti-predatory lend­ ing decal that can be displayed on a front window in the consumer’s home. “Keeping our older citizens safe, much like raising our chil­ dren, requires the efforts of th e e n tire v illa g e ,” said Sweeney. 2 Area Minimum 1 Small Hall Free fsj| • Dining Chairs • Ottoman $20 $20 ADDITIONAL SERVICES • Auto*Boat*RV Cleaning • Deodorizing • Dirt Resistant (Teflon) Protection • Pet Odor Treatment • Spot & Stain Removal NEW SERVICE • Leather Cleaning COUPON $25 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Area I UPHOLSTERY COUPON | Sofa (under 6 ft) $69 Loveseat or Chair $49 ^ n M C tiA n iM o a e i» ^ % Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Commercial and Residential Services % ( Al l. 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J Love Always Your Family I Contact your local Air National Guard Recruiter to determine eligibility 5 0 3 .3 3 5 .4 04 0 8 0 0 .3 9 2 .Ì 801 w w w .o r p o r t.a n g .a f.m il