July 25, 2001 (Jortiunò Page A3 lije JJartlanù Oìhsvrtu'r Health/Education Students do Better in Math, Worse at Writing Achievement divide among racial and ethnic groups continue Oregon elem entary and m iddle school students im proved in their ability to do com plex m ath problem s this year but lagged in w riting ability, according to state educators. Fifth-graders posted the biggest ju m p — 76 percent m et o r exceeded state benchm arks in m ath com pared with 64 percent last year and 32 per­ cent five years ago. T he math problem -solving and w riting results for fifth- and eighth- graders are the latest o f the 16 exam s in m ath, science, reading and w riting that m easure how w ell students are learning. O f the 14 test results announced so far by the O regon D epartm ent o f Education, 10 scores are higher this year than last, three are low er and one score was unchanged. ‘W e c o n tin u e to se e s te a d y progress in student achievem ent,” said state Superintendent Stan Bunn. W ayne N euburger, state testing director, said the gains in m ath prob­ lem -solving m ay reflect the fact that it is a relatively new test, started in 1997. Scores were low at first because teachers and students d id n ’t know w hat to expect, so the im provem ent curve is higher once the test becom es familiar, he said. In contrast, N euburger said the w riting test has been given since the m id -1980s in some schools and scores have leveled off. Portland Public Schools had two o f the highest-scoring schools in the state on the latest math problem -solv­ ing and w riting tests. A m ong fifth- g raders at M arkham E lem en tary School, 98 percent reached the bench­ m ark in writing, and 96 percent did so in math. O ther m iddle schools scoring high were the Howard Street Charter School in Salem, Fem w ood in Portland, Sun­ set in Coos Bay and A they C reek in W est Linn. Portland also had one o f the low ­ est-scoring elem entary schools on the state tests, Sitton, w ith only 19 percent o f fifth-graders m eeting the w riting standard and 45 percent m eet­ ing the m ath problem -solving stan­ dard. T w o P o rtlan d m iddle schools, W hitaker and Lane, also w ere am ong the low est-scoring schools in the state. N euburger said in general that scores on the m ath problem -solving test closely m irrored those o f the math knowledge test. Neuburger said the problem -solv­ ing test, w hich m easures students’ ability to take w hat they know about math and apply it to a problem , is probably the m ore significant o f the two math tests. The results show ed stark differ­ ences among racial and ethnic groups, a continuation o f the achievem ent gap that has dogged state testing since it began. Latino, black and Indian students trailed whites in both reading and math problem-solving, with the great­ est gap, 25 percentage points, be­ tween whites and Latinos in eighth- grade writing. A sian A m erican stu­ dents outperform ed all groups in fifth and eighth grade. Looking fo r a GREA T learning environment fo r your child? Community Learning Center 4212 NE Prescott, Portland, OR Small Class Sizes Christian Values Caring Teachers Reasonable Rates Convenient Location Now enrolling 2 ‘/i years to 3 rd grade. Call 503.281.8596 rnun D am on S toudam ire B lood D rive Saves L ives 79 e//y Ryan takes a The weekend is what you make o f it. K blood donation Saturday from Jacob Deitas at the Damon Stoudamire Summer Blood Drive at the American Red Cross on North Vancouver Avenue. Stoudamire, a member of the Portland Trail Blazers and a Portland native, points out that in the time it takes to play just one game, 1,440 people will need blood. To become a donor, call the Red Cross at 503-284- 4040. A weekend escape ¡s closer than you think. In fact, you'll find it at the luxurious Radisson Hotel Seattle A irp o rt Centrally located between Seattle and Tacoma, you can unwind in the garden courtyard with a heated pool, melt away stress in the sauna, and even savor fresh P hoto by M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver seafood at N o rth by Northwest. Go ahead, make it a weekend to remember Join Gold Rewards Free Nights. Global Rewards. Administrator Wins Praise for Healthcare Advances A hospital ad m in istrato r from the Portland area is w inning praise for her w ork to p ro m o te m inority healthcare. Jacqueline Gaines Conjoined Twins’ Weak Heart Gives Out Conjoined twin girls bom with a shared heart died Thursday at Legacy Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. Jessica Faith and Emily Hope were joined at the torso and weighed a com ­ bined 12 pounds, 15 ounces. They were delivered by Caesarean section July 16. Doctors say it is impossible to sepa­ rate twins that share a heart, and there was no indication that an attempt was made. The m other and her husband, who are from Longview, refused to have their nam es released and re­ quested that little m edical information be revealed. “Jessica and Emily’s mom and dad w ere blessed to be able to hold, rock and feed their babies throughout the night,” according to a statement written by the parents and released by the hospital. “Despite the highest quality o f care and the best technology m odem medicine could offer, the babies’ shared heart was unable to sustain either o f them." The parents knew the twins were conjoined four months before the birth, according to the hospital. h e a lth c a re se rv ic e s re n d e re d to m in o rity an d undeserved com m u ­ nities. T h e e ffo rts w ere o u tlin e d in G a in e s’ P re sid en t’s A w ard honor from the B altim o re C hapter o f the N atio n al A sso ciatio n o f H ealth Ser­ Ja cq u e lin e G ain es, the o p era­ tions ad m in istrato r at P rovidence M ilw au k ie H ospital, received sp e­ cial reco g n itio n for her ad v an ce­ m ent an d developm ent o f Black healthcare leaders, an d for her ef­ fo rts to e le v a te th e q u a lity o f vices Executives. T he n on-profit association p re­ sents the aw ard in recognition o f o u tstanding service. L ast year, G aines left B altim ore to jo in the P rovidence H ealth S ys­ tem . SEATTLE Radisson Hotel Seattle Airport 17001 International Blvd.. 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