Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 25, 2001, Page 18, Image 18

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July 25,2001
Focus In Print
Entertainment Guide
Eckhard Hahnel
Through Aug. 24
Henry V
July 26 - 28
E ckhard H ahnel w as born in
D resden, G erm any in 1935. A lm ost
n o th in g is know n o f his ch ild ­
h o o d d uring the w ar w retch ed
y ea rs o f W W II. W hat w e have
in ste a d is a legacy o f im ag ery ,
th r o u g h p h o to g r a p h s b y h is
d au g h ter, illu stratin g the life o f
th e young, b lu e c o lla r class in
G erm an y du rin g th e m id- 1950’s.
T h e ex h ib it w ill be h eld at S K
Jo se fsb erg S tudio, lo cated at 403
N .W . E lev en th A ve. from T u es­
d ay through S aturday, from N oon
- 5 p.m . C all 503/241-9112.
William Shakespeare’s Henry V will
be presented by the new theatre com­
pany, Quintessence: lan g u ag e and
Imagination Theatre. The play will by
held at the Mago Hunt Center/ Univer­
sity o f Portland, 5000 N. Willamette
Blvd. at7:30p.m Call503/285-2826.
Columbia Backyard
Through Sept. 12
T he C olum bian B ackyard C on­
c e rts o ffe r eig h t co n certs around
th e city and C lark C o u n ty . T hese
concerts are m ostly on F riday and
S atu rd ay ev en in g s, and run until
m id -N o v em b er. C ity co n c erts at
noon offers 10 hour-long W ednes­
day events, b egin n in g July 11 and
concluding Septem ber 12. T he first
se v en noon co n c erts are in E sther
S h o rt P ark and the final three are
in the S cu lp tu re G ard en at N inth
S tre et and B roadw ay. G u ests are
ask ed to b rin g b la n k ets and low -
b ac k law n c h a irs to all concerts.
P ic n ic s are e n c o u ra g e d , an d
v en d o rs w ill be se llin g food.
D ogs m u st b e leashed.
Alt. Brew Fest
Friday, July 27 -
Saturday, July 28
Enjoy great beer and great music at
the first annual Alt. Brew Fest, with two
days oflive music including KINK 102
Showcase, and more than 30 beets on
tap. The event will be heldatS.W .Nai to
Parkway, between Stark and OakStreets
in downtown Portland. Proceeds from
the event benefit the River Network.
Oregon Brewers
July 27, 28 and 29
A Beer Odyssey is the theme for this
year’s Oregon Brewers Festival. The
14'*’ annual event, w hich features
handcrafted beers from 72 o f the top
independent breweries across thecoun-
try, will take place July 27,28 and 29 at
Tom McCall Waterfront Park in down­
town Portland. Hours for the event are
Noon to 9 p.m. on Friday and Saturday,
andNoonto7p.m. on Sunday. Formore
info, call 503/778-5917 o r visit
Scriptfest 2000
July 27, 28 & Aug. 3, 4
Tide Productions presents “ScriptFest
2001," a series o f free world premier
reading o f contemporary plays by local
authors. .All Saturday readings are at the
Central Library. ForthelocationofFri-
day readings, call503/772-3123.
Free World Music
Saturday, July 28
Big River Celebrates
American History
Aug. 2-5
Mark Twain’stimelessclassic,“Big
River” sweeps us dow n the mighty
M ississippi R iveras the irrepressible
Huck Finn helps his friends Jim, a
slave, escape to freedom at the mouth
o f the Ohio River. T he A m erican
Heritage Theater Project and Port­
land Parks and Recreation Theater
Program will present the musical “Big
River” in W ashington Park A m phi­
theater at the Rose Test G ardens and
theCrater A m phitheater at Mt. Tabor
Com munity Park. Show runs Thure-
day through Sunday at 7 p.m., and is
free. “Big River” can be seen in Wash­
ington Park July 19-29 and at ML 4400
Free Jazz
Aug. 2 - 3
The Mt. Hood Jazz Festival will
present two free jazz improvisational
workshops as part o f the Festival’s
Music Education Program. The work­
shops willincludea“Mas ter JazzGui-
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$26.00 or less per month
Re-opening of
Talisman Gallery
Thursday, July 26
Talisman G allery announces a
G rand R e-O pening celebration.
Last Thursday, July 26, located at
1476N .E. Alberta St., from 5 p.m. -
9 p.m. They will be featuring 14
N orthw est artist m em bers. The
Group Show nuts July 2 6 - Aug. 25.
Call 503/284-8800 or visit them on
th e w e b at wxvw.taksmangallerv.com.
tar” workshop taught by the renowned
guitarist Dan Balmer on Thurs., Aug. 2,
and the“Artofthe Duo” woikshop with
vocalist Jenna Mamina and guitarist
Andre Bush on Fri., Aug. 3. Both work­
shops wil be held from 5-7 p.m. at
Babcock’s Music, 6405 E. Mill Plain
Blvd., in Vancouver.
The public is invited to the 8th An­
nual Free World Music Concert. All
ages are welcome who are interested
in learning about Japanese music and
cultural fabric. Performing at the event
will be Masumi Timson and Noriko
Dozono o f Miyabi-Kai o f Porltand.
This free concert will be held at the
Community Music Center, located at
3350S.E.FrancisSt on Saturday, July
28,2 p.m. Call Michael Walsh a t503/
Nikka Costa
Thursday, July 26
N ikka C o sat w ill show and
p ro v e the re su lts to ev e ry o n e
co m e sp rin g tim e o n h e r debut,
“ E v e ry b o d y ’s G o t T h e ir S o m e­
th in g .” S h e ’s a re d h e a d , b u t
s h e ’s no P ink: h e r w ay -so u lfu l
vocals and rock-tinged b u t funky
trac k s w ill ca u se m o re d o u b le
tak es than M a d o n n a d id in the
v irg in a l d ays o f m u sic video.
N ik k a C o s ta w ill b e a t th e
R oseland G rill on T hursday, July
2 6 ,8 p.m . C all 5 03/224-8499 for
tic k e t in fo , o r g o o n lin e to
(Elje P o rtlan d (Observer
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