Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 25, 2001, Page 12, Image 12

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    July 25, 2001
Advertisement For Bids
Advertisement For Bids
Lebanon Schools-Seven Oak Middle School & Hamilton
Creek Elementary
Lebanon Community School District No. 9
Lebanon, Oregon
City of Lebanon 5"1 Street Improvements
Lebanon Schools - Riverview School & Pioneer School Site
Im provem ents
Lebanon Community School District No. 9
Lebanon, Oregon
Notice To Contractors
Sealed bids for the construction o f New Water Intake, Storage Reser­
voir, transm ission and Water Distribution Im provements for the City of
W estfir, Lane County, Oregon will be received by the City until the bid
closing tim e o f 1 0 :0 0 A.M ., Pacific Time, Friday August 10, 2 00 1. A
four hour period shall follow in which all bidders shall subm it to the
City o f W estfir a Subcontractor D isclosure Form, identifying any first-
tier subcontractor th a t will be furnishing labor or m aterial on the Con­
tract. The bid opening shall be 2 :0 0 P.M. Pacific Time, Friday August
10, 2 0 0 1 , at which tim e they will be publicly opened and read aloud.
Bid opening will be conducted in the Council Chamber. Bids shall be
subm itted to Elizabeth Murray, City Recorder, P.0. Box 2 9 6 , Westfir,
Oregon 9 7 4 9 2 or delivered to City Hall, 4 7 4 4 1 Westoak Road, Westfir,
Oregon 9 7 4 9 2 .
The project co n sists of:
Schedule “A”
10" PVC Transm ission M ain.................................3 1 9 0 Linear Feet
1 2 ” D istribution M ain............................................. 3 2 3 5 Linear feet
M iscellaneous Appurtenances and Restoration Work
Schedule “B”
1 0 " and 1 2 ” HDPE Bridge Crossings
Schedule “C ”
C onstruction o f a 0 .2 5 mg steel ground storage reservoir
Schedule “D”
Water Intake and Treatm ent Im provem ents
Schedule “E”
1 0 ” D istribution M ain....................................................4 7 6 0 Linear Feet
8 " Distribution M ain.......................................................1 9 4 5 Linear Feet
6 " Distribution M ain.......................................................7 0 2 0 Linear Feet
Plans and specifications may be seen at the Office of HGE INC., Archi­
te cts, Engineers, Surveyors & Planners, 3 7 5 Park Avenue, Coos Bay,
Oregon 9 7 4 2 0 , and at the follow ing locations:
City of Westfir............................................................. W estfir
HGE INC., 19 N.W. Fifth Avenue....................................... Portland
Daily Journal o f Commerce Plan Center............................ Portland
Construction M arket Data.................................................... Portland
F.W. Dodge/Construction Data............................................Portland
Im pact Business C onsultants.................................................Portland
Oregon C ontractors Plan C enter
W illam ette Valley Bid C enter.............................................. Tangent
The Plan Center.Com.............................................................Canby
Eugene Builders Exchange................................................... Eugene
F.W. Dodge/Central Print.....................................................Eugene
Salem Contractors Exchange................................................ Salem
Douglas County Plan Center................................................. Roseburg
The Plan Center, Com.............................................................Canby
W illam ette Bid Center............................................................ Tangent
One copy o f the Contract Documents may be obtained by prospective
Bidders upon receipt o f cash or check in the am ount o f $ 1 0 0 .0 0
made payable to th e Engineer. D eposit made upon procurem ent of
drawings, sp ecificatio ns, and form s o f contract docum ents w ill be
non-refundable. Individual sheets and specification pages may be
purchased fo r the co st o f reproduction: drawings $ 2 .0 0 per sheet;
specifications $ 0 .2 5 per sheet.
Bidders m ust prequalify with Owner, on Standard Oregon Review Board
Prequalification form s, ten (10) days prior to bid opening. D isqualifi­
cation sta te m e nts shall be issued not later than four (4) days before
bid opening by the Owner. Prequalification form s may be obtained
from the Engineer and should be subm itted to the Owner via the Engi­
neer. If a prequalification form is on file w ith the Engineer and is not
over one year old, refiling is not necessary unless there has been a
substantial change in C ontractor” status.
A mandatory pre-bid m eeting will be held on Wednesday August 1,
2 0 0 1 at 1 :0 0 P.M. those in attendance shall m eet at the W estfir City
Hall, 4 7 4 4 1 W estoak Road, W estfir, Oregon. The m eeting shall con­
clude a t the building site.
No bid will be considered unless fully com pleted in the manner pro­
vided in the “ Instructions to B idders” upon the bid form provided by
the Engineer and accom panied by a bid bond executed in favor o f the
City o f W estfir in an am ount not less than ten percent (10%) o f the
to ta l am ount o f the bid. Bid bond is to be fo rfe ite d as a fixed and
liquidated dam age should the bidder neglect or refuse to enter into a
contract and provide suitable bond for the faithful perform ance o f the
work in the event th e co ntract is awarded them . Funds for the im­
provem ents are available, and m onthly paym ents will be made by
S u c c e s s fu l B id d e r m u s t be re g is te re d w ith th e C o n s tru c tio n
C ontractor's Board as required by ORS 6 7 1 .5 3 0 if awarded a con­
tract. Bidder is not required to be licensed under ORS 4 68 A .7 20 .
Each bid m u st contain a sta te m e nt as to whether the Bidder is a
resident bidder as defined in ORS 2 7 9 .0 2 7 .
C ontracts awarded under th is Notice to Contractors will be financed
w ith a grant from the United S tates D epartm ent o f Housing and Ur­
ban Development (HUD) through the Oregon Community Development
Block Grant Program (OCDBG), adm inistered by the Oregon Economic
and C om m unity Developm ent D epartm ent (OECDD) o f the State of
Oregon. N either the United S tates nor any o f its departm ents, agen­
cies, or em ployees is or will be a party to th is Notice to Contractors of
any resulting contract. This procurem ent will be subject to regulations
contained in P art 3 3 Procurem ent Under Assistance Agreements.
C ontracts are subject to 4 0 CFR regulations.
Bidders on th is work w ill be required to comply with the provisions o f
th e P resident’s Executive Order No. 1 1 2 4 6 concerning equal employ­
m ent opportunity, including all amendments and requirem ents issued
thereunder. The requirem ents for Bidders and Contractors under this
Order are explained in the C ontract Documents.
The a tte n tio n o f Bidders is directed to the requirem ents and condi­
tio n s o f e m ploym ent to be observed and m inim um rates to be paid
under the C ontract. The Bidder shall comply w ith provisions o f the
Davis-Bacon A ct (4 0 U.S.C. 2 76 a) for th is public work project.
Before a C on tract w ill be awarded, com pliance w ith all HUD, OCDBG
and OECDD requirem ents specified in the Contract Documents will be
su b je ct to HUD, OCDBG, and OECDD review and approval.
The City o f W e stfir may reject any bid not in com pliance w ith all pre­
scribed public bidding procedures and requirem ents, and may reject
fo r good cause any and all bids upon the finding o f the City o f W estfir
th a t it is in the public in te re st to do so. No Bidder may w ithdraw or
m odify th e ir bid a fte r the hour set for the opening and thereafter until
th e lapse o f ninety (90) days from the bid opening.
For inform ation regarding th is project and th e included Work, contact
HGE INC., A rch itects, Engineers, Surveyors & Planners, 3 7 5 Park Av­
enue, Coos Bay, Oregon 5 4 1 -2 6 9 -1 1 6 6 .
By o rder o f th e City o f W estfir
Diana V. Tonkin
A dvertisem ent for: Seven Oak Middle School & Hamilton Creek El­
ementary “Earthwork & U tilitie s / Underground Electrical / Under­
ground Plumbing / Demolition / Foundation Concrete / Site Con­
crete / Asphalt Paving / Striping & Signage.”
Lease C rutcher Lewis, LLC, serving as the C onstruction M anager/
General C ontractor (CM /G C ) fo r Lebanon Community School D istrict
No. 9, is so liciting b ids “ Earthwork & U tilities / Underground Electri­
cal / Underground Plum bing / Demolition / Foundation Concrete /
Site Concrete / A sphalt Paving / Striping & Signage” at Seven Oak
M iddle School & H am ilton Creek Elementary in Lebanon, Oregon.
Terms and conditions o f the bid are outlined in Lease Crutcher Lewis,
LLC (CM /GC) “ Invitation to B id", dated July 11, 2 0 0 1 , attached to an
made a p a rt o f the C ontract Documents.
It is the inten tion o f Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC (CM/GC) to subm it a
bid on th e Foundation Concrete portion o f th is work
Bids will be received at the offices of Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC,
9 2 1 SW Washington, Suite 1 5 0 , Portland, Oregon 9 7205, until 11:00
a.m. PDT, August 1 0 , 2 0 0 1 a t which time the bids will be publicly
opened and read aloud. Bids shall be clearly marked “Seven Oak
Middle School & Hamilton Creek Elementary”
Mandatory for Demolition Contractors and Non-Mandatory for all oth­
ers Pre-Bid Conference will be held 10:00 a.m. PDT, August 1 ,2 0 0 1 .
See instruction to Bidders for additional information.
Work will co nsist o f the Earthwork & Utilities / Underground Electrical
/ Underground Plum bing / Dem olition / Foundation Concrete / Site
Concrete / A sphalt Paving / Striping & Signage for Seven Oak Middle
School (8 9 ,5 0 0 SF) and H am ilton Creek Elementary (4 8 ,5 0 0 SF).
Contract Documents may be reviewed at the following locations: Lease
C rutcher Lewis, LLC (C M /G C )/P ortland, OR; C onstruction Data and
N ew s/P ortlan d; Daily Journal Plan C enter/P ortland, OR; Oregon As­
sociation o f M inority E nterprises/P ortland, OR; Oregon Contractors
Plan C ente r/C la ckam as, OR; Salem Contractors Exchange/Salem,
OR; Eugene Builders Exchange/Eugene, OR; W illam ette Valley Bid
C enter/Tangent, OR;
C ontract Docum ents may be purchased in its entirety or in p art from
Precision Im ages, (5 0 3 ) 2 7 4 -2 0 3 0 .
All bidders m u st com ply with the following requirem ents: Prevailing
Wage Law, ORS 2 7 9 .3 5 0 , Licensed with Construction Contractors
Board ORS 6 7 1 .5 3 0 , R esident Status ORS 2 7 9 .0 2 9 . Bidders m ust
obtain business licenses to perform work in the City o f Lebanon, prior
to m obilizing on the job site.
No bid will be considered unless received by 1 1 :0 0 a.m. PDT, Au­
gust 1 0 , 2 0 0 1 , and fully completed in the manner provided by the
“Instructions to Bidders”, upon the “Bid Form” provided.
EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (Executive Order 1 1 2 4 6 )” .
Lease C rutcher Lewis, LLC (CM/GC) is com m itted to taking a ffirm a ­
tive action to encourage and fa cilita te the participation o f m in o rity /
women-owned business enterprises (M/W BE) in State projects and
encourage C ontractors to provide sim ilar o pportunities for th e ir Sub­
Lease C rutcher Lewis, LLC (CM/GC)
M att Pearson
Project Manager
S u b B id R e q u e s te d
Oregon Convention Center Expansion
Bid Package: #5& 6
Site Finishes Building Shell, Building Finishes and MEP
Pre-Bid Meeting & Site Visit: August 8, 2001 at 10:00am
Bids Due: August 29, 2001 at 2:00PM
10% M /W BE and ESB Contracting Goal
Bid D ocum ents - W illam ette Print & Blueprint (5 0 3 /2 2 3 -5 0 1 1 )
Telephone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888
805 SW Broadway, suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - OR CCB #28417
We are equal o pp ortu nity employer and request sub bids from all
interested firm s including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled
veterans and em erging sm all business enterprises.
Other subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffrnancorp.com
Lease C rutcher Lewis, LLC, serving as the C onstruction M anager/
General C ontractor (CM/GC) fo r Lebanon Com m unity School D istrict
No. 9, is soliciting bids for "Division 2 - Site Improvements” at Riverview
K-5 School & Pioneer K-8 School in Lebanon, Oregon. Terms and con­
d itio n s o f the bid are outlined in Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC (CM/GC)
“ Invitation to B id", dated July 11, 2 0 0 1 , attached to and made a part
o f the C ontract Documents.
Bids will be received at the offices of Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC,
9 2 1 SW Washington, Suite 1 5 0 , Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 5 , until
1 1:00 am PDT, July 3 1 ,2 0 0 1 a t which tim e the bids will be publicly
opened and read aloud. Bids shall be clearly marked “Riverview K-5
& Pioneer K-8 School or 5 “ Street Improvements”
A non-mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at Pioneer School on
July 2 3 , 2 0 0 1 at 10am PDT.
Work w ill co n sist o f “ Division 2 - Sitework and Associated U tilitie s".
Contract Documents may be reviewed at the following locations: Lease
C rutcher Lewis, LLC (C M /G C )/P ortland, OR; Construction Data and
N ew s/P ortland; Daily Journal Plan C enter/Portland, OR; Oregon Asso­
ciation o f Minority Enterprises/Portland, OR; Oregon Contractors Plan
C enter/C lackam as, OR; Salem C ontractors Exchange/Salem , OR;
Eugene Builders Exchange/Eugene, OR; W illam ette Valley Builders
Association/Tangent, OR;
C ontract Docum ents may be purchased in its entirety or in p a rt from
Precision Images, (503) 2 7 4 -2 0 3 0 .
All bidders m ust com ply w ith the following requirem ents: Prevailing
Wage Law, ORS 2 7 9 .3 5 0 , Licensed with C onstruction Contractors
Board ORS 6 7 1 .5 3 0 , President Status ORS 2 7 9 .0 2 9 . Bidders m ust
obtain business licenses to perform work in the City o f Lebanon, prior
to m obilizing on the job site.
No bid will be considered unless received by 11:00am PDT, July 31,
2 0 0 1 , and fully completed In the manner provided by the “Instruc­
tions to Bidders”, upon the “Bid Form” provided.
EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (Executive Order 1 1 2 4 6 )".
Lease C rutcher Lewis, LLC (CM/GC) is com m itted to taking a ffirm a ­
tive action to encourage and fa cilitate the participation o f m in ority/
women-owned business enterprises (M/W BE) in State projects and
encourage C ontractors to provide sim ilar o pp ortu nities for their Sub­
Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC (CM/GC)
M att Pearson
Project Manager
Advertisement For Bids (Solicitation No. 01-52)
Jefferson Block
Regulated Building Materials Abatement
The Portland Development Commission (COMMISSION) will receive
sealed bids in w riting at the C om m ission's o ffice located at 1 9 0 0
SW Fourth Avenue, Suite 7 0 0 0 , Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 1 -5 3 0 4 for
abatem ent o f regulated m aterials within a four building site in the
City o f Portland until the deadline o f 1 1 :0 0 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time
on August 9, 2 0 0 1 after which tim e bids w ill not be received. By
3 :0 0 p .m . o f A u g u s t 9 , 2 0 0 1 b id d e rs s h a ll s u b m it to th e
C om m ission's o ffic e by hand delivery Compliance Form 1 and com ­
pliance Form 2 contained in Attachm ent B o f the Project Manual.
These form s m u st be subm itted separately from the bids. At 3 :0 0
p.m. on August 9 , 2 0 0 1 all bids will be publicly opened and read
aloud a t the C om m ission's office.
All work will be perform ed in accordance with the contract documents
contained or referenced in the Project Manual now available at the
C om m ission’s o ffice, 1 9 0 0 SW Fourth Avenue, Suite 7 0 0 0 , Port­
land OR (Stella M artinez 503-823-3337). Inquiries should be directed
to Gregory Chase, OS-Chase, Inc. (tel. 5 0 3 241-7911). A m andatory
pre-bid conference will be held on July 2 6 th at 1 :0 0 p.m. at 1 3 1 2 SW
1 0 th, Portland, OR A job site to ur will be conducted after the pre-bid
conference. P ortions o f the buildings have friable, damaged asbes­
to s and visible mold growth. Therefore, each Contractor shall provide
all necessary personal protective equipm ent including a half-mask
respirator w ith P-100 filters, disposable coveralls, and flashlight for
h is /h e r em ployees attending the job site tour.
Prevailing wage rates m ust be paid on the project in accordance with
ORS 2 7 9 .3 4 8 to 2 7 9 .3 8 0 .
The C om m ission may reject any bid not in com pliance with all pre­
scribed public bidding procedures and requirem ents, and may reject
for good cause any or all bids upon a finding o f the Com m ission that
it is in the public interest to do so.
From c e rtifie d M BE/W BE/ESB Subcontractors & Suppliers for:
Port of Portland
Terminal 6 -F ill Material Rehandeling
Subm it Bid By: July 2 5 , 2 0 0 1 @ 3:00p.m .
A d vertise m e nt for: City of Lebanon 5th Street Improvements &
Riverview K-5 School & Pioneer K-8 S c h o o l/”Division 2 - Site Im­
6920 NE 42 nd Ave. PORTLAND, OR 97218
TELEPHONE (503) 288-7469 FAX (503) 288-7460
EMAIL: EudalyBros@compuservc.com
We are an equal opportunity employer
The C om m ission is com m itted to acting affirm atively to encourage
and fa cilita te the participation o f Emerging Small Businesses (ESB),
M inority Business Enterprises (MBE), and Women Business Enter­
prises (WBE) in the C om m ission's projects and operations. Bidders
m ust comply with established goals a n d /o r good faith e ffo rts in th is
project as required in the Project Manual. Bidders m ust also com m it
to com ply with the Com m ission’s requirement for Equal Employment
O pportunity as outlined in the Project Manual.
The C om m issio n ’s working hours are 8 :0 0 a.m. to 5 :0 0 Monday
through Friday excluding holidays.
Portland Development Commission
By Connie Lively, Project Manager