Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 25, 2001, Page 11, Image 11

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(Elje Ç tartlanh © bseruer
July 25, 2001
Portland International
Airport (PDX)
The Port of Portland is recruiting
candidates to establish an eligibil­
ity list for Fire Fighters for Portland
International Airport Fire Depart­
RATE: $39,906 per year
Responds on all alarms for aircraft,
structural, and medical emergen­
Combats fires and removes vic­
tim s from aircraft, buildings, au­
tos, and adm inisters first aid and
other emergency support care.
Performs fire inspections, daily
routine house duties, vehicle pre­
vention maintenance and inspec­
Participates in and conducts all
phases of training as set forth in
Fire D e p a rtm e n t tra in in g pro­
Immediate opening for full and Part-
time attendants with Poitland’s
leading parking Co. We are seeking
dependable individuals with a neat
appearance and a Positive attitude
$8.00 + starting wage Huge overtime
A dvancem ent
opportunities Medical, Dental, 401K
available Applicants must submit to
drug test and background check.
Apply in person daily between 12-1,
Monday - Friday. 130 SW SI ARK
Portland, OR
Cash Office Supervisor
Oregon Zoo. $40,676 - $ 5 6 ,9 4 8 /
annually, FT, Open Until Filled. Su­
pervises three to seven cash of­
fice clerks. The clerks prepare a
daily bank deposit, meet cash
needs of Zoo cashiers and gener­
PREFERRED EDUCATION AND ate a daily report of Zoo revenue
activity. The supervisors prepares
High School graduate or equivalent audits accounting docum ents,
com bination o f experience and writes and updates procedures and
maintains the Zoo's charge card
Course work or experience equiva­ processing system
lent to a degree in fire science or Required application m aterials
available a t” Metro Human Re­
related field.
Demonstrated experience in air­ sources, 6 00 NE Grand Avenue,
craft fire rescue and Emergency Portland, OR Resumes are not
Medical Services (EMS) opera­ accepted. Please call (503) 797-
1570 if you would like application
materials mailed to you. Wed ad­
Candidates may obtain application dress: www.metrQ-region.org
materials at Portland International A/EEO Employer
Airport Administrative Offices or
the Airport Conference Center or
by ca llin g (5 0 3 ) 4 6 0 -4 1 5 1 or
(503) 460-4050. Office hours are
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through
Friday. Employment application
forms may also be download and
printed from the Port's website at
Applicants must apply by August
10 to be eligible for the test which
will be administered on August 18,
2001, at Portland State University.
Applications received after Friday,
August 10, 2001, may not be con­
There will be a $5.00 fee, payable
at the te st site, for those taking
the test. Applicants who may ex­
perience a hardship by paying a fee
for the test may request an exemp­
Please Note: On-line applications
WILL NOT be accepted for this
Women and minorities are encour­
aged to a p p ly .________________
The Oregon Air National Guard has
several part-time positions avail­
able. Let the Oregon Air Guard pro­
vide you with the experience to
enhance your civilian marketabil­
ity! Not only will the Air Guard train
you, but pay you to leam! For more
information on pay, travel, training
& various educational benefits -
call 1-800-392-1801 & inquire
about our enlistm ent eligibility.
ClarkCounty, Washington
Job Opportunities
Me are seeking qualified candidates
to be part of our dynamic public
service organization.
$3,638 - $5 ,1 3 9 /m o . DOQ
Job information, applications,
and benefits information are
available from:
Clark County Human Resources
1013 Franklin St, Vancouver WA
Job Hotline: (360) 397-6018
TDD: (360) 397-6032
Clinical Supervisor Quality
This position works within the Be­
havioral Health Division of the
This position works within Verity
Department of Community and
Integrated Behavioral Healthcare
Family Services and will be part of
Systems which is a program area
the School mental health consult­
of the Department of Community
ant team. The Turnaround Mental
and Family Services Managed
Health Consultant will provide a
Care Division that is responsible
range of mental health and alco-
for the administration of managed
hol/drug intervention services to
behavioral health care programs
referred families who utilize ser­
and services. The Clinical Super­
vices o ffe re d by Turnaround
visor of Quality Assurance will as­
School. This position will provide
sure that services provided meet
integrated mental health and alco-
the quality standards as required
hol/drug intervention services to
by statute, best practice and con­
Children enrolled at Turnaround.
tract and will promote timely and
Requires two years professional
appropriate access to services for
experience in the provision of men­
vulnerable populations, defining
tal health services to children and
performance outcomes and evalu­
fa m ilie s and e q u iva le n t to a
ating contracted services. Re­
M aster's degree in the mental
quires three years of increasingly
health field. Must be Qualified
health services, and fam iliarity
M ental H ealth P ro fe s s io n a l
with principles and methods of
(QMHP) as defined in Oregon Ad­
program monitoring and evalua­
ministrative Rules 309-032-0535.
tion. Knowledge and experience in
CADCI or II required. Licensed Cli­
Quality Assurance preferred. Also
nicians (LCSW, LPC, or LMFT) may
requires a Bachelor's degree from
provide A & D services if 60 hours
an accredited college or university
of continuing education in A & D
with major course work in social
have been completed (this must
work, sociology, public health, pub­
be indicated on the application).
lic administration, or a related field
Starting salary is $20.24 per hour
is required. M aster's degree in
($20.24-$24.89 full range). Apply
behavioral health, health, admin­
by August 3. Further information
istration, or a related field highly
and application materials are avail­
desirable. M ust meet Qualified
able at www.co.multnomah.or.us
M e n ta l H e a lth P ro fe s s io n a l
or by calling (503) 988-5035.
(QMHP) and OAR requirements for
Clinical Supervision (eg: Master's
plus two years experience in the
field). Salary range is $44,434-
$62,208 annually. Apply by August
3. Further information and appli­
cation materials are available at
Unity Worker I
O regon C o n ve n tio n C enter.
$ 1 1 .0 3 - $12.42/hour, FT, Dead­
line 7 /2 7 /0 1 . Responsible for the
clean and sanitary maintenance of
the Oregon Convention Center fa­
cility. Duties include but are not lim­
ited to sweeping, moping, waxing
floors, vacuuming, dusting, emp­
ty in g tra s h , and c le a n in g
restrooms. Sets up tables and
chairs, requiring the ability to lift
and carry. Requires the use of
equipm ent such as scrubbers,
vacuums, pressure washers and
carpet shampooers.
Required application m aterials
available at: Metro Human Re­
sources, 600 NE Grand Avenue,
Portland, OR. Resumes are not
accepted. Please call (503) 797-
1570 if you would like application
materials mailed to you. Web ad­
dress: www.metro-region.org
A/EEO Employer
Utility Maintenance Technician,
Oregon C o n ve n tio n C enter.
$12.72 - $13.86/hour, Ft Grave­
yard Shift, Deadline 7 /2 7 /0 1 .
Performs project work in Custodial
M aintenance. W ashers w alls,
clean carpet, waxes floors and pro­
vides relief to route janitorial staff
on the graveyard shift. Requires
the use of equipment such as
scrubbers, vacuums and pressure
Required application m aterials
available at: Metro Human Re­
sources, 600 NE Grand Avenue,
Portland, OR Resumes are not
accepted. Please call (503) 797-
1570 if you would like application
materials mailed to you. Web ad­
dress: www.metro-region.org
equal opfortunityemfloyer
Walt Walker 1974 P.C.C.
’ J— *
Sheet M etal/Husband of Crissy.
Dick Weber
Your Welding/Dixer Brother would
love to see you.
Message (360) 892-8730
' '
Your Church i
H jc |J o r tla u h (Dbaeruer
Call (503) 288-00
Behavioral HealthConsultant
Portland State University
Office of Research and
Sponsored Projects.
Is recruiting for the position of
Contract Specialist. Primary job
functions include negotiating re­
search and sponsored projects
contract term s and conditions in
accordance with State and Federal
laws, and the policies of PSU and
the Oregon University System.
Requirements for the position in­
clude a baccalaureate degree or
adequate paralegal training. Ap­
plicant should have at least three
years of progressively responsible
experience in research grants and
contracts. University experience is
preferred. Experience with budget­
ing processes is highly desirable.
To apply, submit a letter of inter
est, resum e, and nam es, ad­
dresses and telephone numbers
of at least three (3) references.
Application review will begin on
August 1, 2001; position will re­
main open until filled. Send to:
calling (503) 988-5035.
Mental Health Consultant
A position description is posted on
the Office of Human Resources
land State University is an Affirma­
tive Action/Equal Opportunity Insti­
G rowing
The proposed Columbia Empower­
ment Zone contains portions of
Vancouver, N/NE and Downtown
Portland. Find out what the Em­
powerment zone is and how it
might benefit you and your com­
munity. Come and give your input
at the upcoming forums:
Oregon State University
Centralized Career Services
Career Advisor
frie n d to
These are just a few of the qualities
that have made American Family
Insurance one of ttie nation's toprated
insurance companies. Our continued
expansion offers you an opportunity
in the following position at our
Lake Oswego office.
Claim Adjuster (PIP)
Job ID 450
In this position you will investigate,
negotiate and settle to conclusion
Oregon PIP claims. The success­
ful candidate should have at least
3 years of PIP experience, prefer­
ably in Oregon, a valid drivers li­
cense, good communication and
custom er service s k ills are a
We offer a competitive salary and
benefits package. Please apply
o n lin e a t: w w w .a m fa m .co m
through our Career link to Job ID
If you are unable to apply online,
please submit a resume (with Job
ID 450 listed on the cover letter),
on plain white paper, using stan­
dard types and fonts, no bold or
italic print to:
Columbia Empowerment Zone Ap­
plication-C om m unity Forums
This recruitment will be used to fill
tw o p o s itio n s a t s c h o o ls in
Multnomah County. These posi­
tions work within the Behavioral
Health Division of the Department
of Community and Family Services.
The School Mental Health Program
provides comprehensive direct
mental health services at con­
tracted school districts with the
purpose of advancing the county
b e n ch m a rk o f 100% sch o o l
completion. Travel to schools, com­
m unity agencie s and c lie n ts
homes is necessary. By providing
com prehensive d ire ct m ental
health services at school based
sites, Mental Health Consultants
assist students who are at risk of
or are experiencing a mental health
disorder (and therefore may be at
risk of not completing school) in
their natural school environment
that will support the students to
continue working towards 100%
school completion. Requires two
years professional experience in
the provision of mental health ser­
vices to children and families. Two
years post-Master's experience,
and recent experience in a health
care and/or school setting, desir­
able. Also requires equivalent to a
M aster's degree in the mental
health field, Licensed Clinical So­
cial Worker or Licensed Profes­
sional Counselor desirable. Bilin­
gual Spanish/English desirable.
Starting salary is $20.24 per hour
($20.24-$24.89 full range). Apply
by August 3. Further information
and application materials are avail­
able at www.co.multnomah.or.us
or by calling (503) 988-5035.
Office of Research and Spon­
sored Projects
Attn: Barbara Sestak
Portland State University
PO Box 751 (ORSP)
Portland, OR 97207-0751
„ s tro n g .
wm Haut auawtss new» wr
Attn: Job ID 450
Resume Processing Center
P. 0. Box 3600
Nogales, Arizona
Equal Opportunity Employer
This is a 12-month fixed-term po­
sition that will provide career ad­
vising to students, and expertise
and leadership in internship and
coop education experiences. Mini­
Clinical Records Supervisor
mum qualifications: M aster’s de­
This position works in the Medi­
gree in Counseling, College Stu­
cal Records office of the Depart­
dent Personnel administration or
ment of Community and Family
July 25th
related area; 12 months of expe­
Services. The Medical Records
6:00-8:00p.m .
rience in a university career cen­
office ensures client confidential­
Vancouver City Hall
ter; and expertise working with
ity of all the Division's clinical
210 E. 13”1
students throughout career devel­
records in accordance with Federal
Vancouver, WA
opment process. Competitive sal­
and State laws and regulations and
ary with excellent benefit package.
and Department Rules. The
August 2nd
To apply, send letter of interest re­
Records Supervisor is re­
6:00-8:00 p.m.
lating qualifications to job respon­
for the overall mainte­
Kaiser town Hall
sibilities, current vitae, names, ad­
quality of Behavioral
3704 N. Interstate
dresses and phone numbers of 3
Health client records. See job an­
Portland, OR
references to: Mike Mays, Career
nouncement for specific job duties.
Advisor Search Committee, 008
Requires national certification in
August 8 th
Kerr Admin Bldg, OSU, Corvallis,
medical records as a Registered
6:00-8:00 p.m.
OR 9 7 3 3 1 -2 1 2 7 ; or call (503)
Health Information Technician or a
Pacific Northwest
7 3 7 -0 5 2 0 . For c o m p le te an­
Registered Health Information Ad­
College of Art
n o u n c e m e n t, v is it h t t p : / /
ministrator and three years of in­
1241 NW Johnson
osu.orst.edu/adm in/hr/jQbs/aca
responsible office op­
Portland, OR
r lftm ic /0 1 5 .h tm . OSU is an AA/
erations experience. Equivalent to
EOE. To ensure full consideration,
Sponsored by the City of Portland, com plete applications m ust be the completion of the twelfth grade
is re q u ire d . S alary range is
Portland Development Commis­ received by August 13, 2001.
$33,163-$46,428 annually. Apply
s io n , th e C ity o f Vancouver,
by August 3, 2001. Further infor­
Multnomah County and the N orth/ State Farm Insurance is seeking
Northeast Economic Development energetic candidates to work in a mation and application materials
Alliance. If you have any ques­ fast paced office. Excellent ver­ are available at www.co.multnomah
tions, please contact Pam Johnson bal communication skills are re­ .or.us or by calling (503) 988-5035
a t PDC, 5 0 3 - 8 2 3 - 3 3 1 3 or quired. Data entry and filing.
Heavy phones. Customer service
a priority. Competitive wage and
benefits (m e d /d e n ta l/4 0 1 K /re -
ent/+). Accepting applica­
Fill-time Home-Based Intervention­
Milwaukie, Tualatin, North
ist /QMHA needed to provide in­
tensive home-based services for
Equal opportunity employer
children and fam ilies where the
, ^Restaurant S pace\,
Mail or fax resume:
child is at risk of out of home,
placement by State Offices for
For Rent
Children and Families. These ser­ P.0. Box 11007
Seaside Factory Outlet Center
Portland, OR 9 7211
vices include assessment, case
Fax 503-247-4104
■Prime location * Primary Food
management and skills develop­
•Provider for over a million
ment. Bachelors degree in Social
annual shoppers
Services or related field plus one
Portland Oregon
1-503-20 l-4254/ Z
year of experience working with
“City o f Roses "
children and families preferred.
Send cover letter and resume to
Attn: C linical S upervisor, c /o
Morrison Center, 3355 SE Powell.
Portland, Oregon 97202. Position
open until filled. Equal Opportu­
Career Opportunities
nity Employer.________________
Program Assistant
Seeking P/T creative, energetic,
organized person. Req'd: Strong
communication, organization, ba­
sic accounting skills, ability to
multi-task, proficiency in MS pro­
grams. Bilingual Spanish, BA pre­
ferred. Familiarity with PPS a plus!
Resume to Corrie Coston, Metro­
politan Family Service 1808 SE
Belmont St. Portland, OR 97213
fax: 503-232-9178. Equal Oppor­
tunity Employer.
(20-25 hrs/w k) Pt-time co o k/ nu­
trition ed specialist.
Blazers Boys & Girls Club, c /o
BGCP, 7119 SE Milwaukie Ave.,
Portland, OR 97202 or fax to 503-
Information about career opportunities with the Port of Portland can
be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing
impaired applicants may call TDD. (503) 944-7485. Applications
are available by visiting the Port's website at www.portoportlandor.com
or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visiting the Port's office, located
at 121 NW Everett Street. Portland.
The Port of Portland is an
Equal Opportunity Employer