School Board’s Derry Jackson Says He’s Not Prejudiced See story inside, Metro Section Peninsula Girls Repeat PRSDRTSTD USPOSTAGE Little Leaguers advance to the state tournament for the second straight year. See story in Sports, Page B3 PAID Ä PORTLANDOR PERMIT NO. 1610 Knight Library 1299 University o f Oregon Eugene OR 97403-1205 "The City Of Roses" Volume XXXI Number 30 Wednesday Committed to Cultural Diversity Established in 1970 50c July 25,2001 Toddler’s Death Investigated Bush Thanks Troops in K osovo CA M P BO N D STEEL, Y ugoslav ia— P re sid e n t B ush to ld U .S. tro o p s in K osovo that he hopes to speed the day w hen peace in the region is self-sustain­ ing. H ebrought with him a $ 1.9 billion bill that boosts com pensation for A m erican troops. N elson M andela Has P rostate C ancer JO H A N N ESB U R G , South A frica — Form er South A frican President N elson M andela has been diagnosed w ith pros­ tate cancer. The cancer should not pose a threat to his life, M an d ela's foundation an n ounced. E arthquake R attles Puget Sound Area SEATTLE — A moderate earthquake gently rattled the Puget Sound area. No damage or injuries were reported. The 4.3- magnitude temblor was possibly related to the 6.8-magnitude earthquake that shook the area in February, a seismologist said. Bush, Pope Talk Stem C ell Issue CA STELG A N D O LFO , Italy — Pope John Paul II urged President Bush in their first m eeting together to bar cre­ ation o f hum an em bryos for medical re­ search, saying that A m erica has a moral responsibility to reject actions that “de­ value and violate hum an life.” Bush said he will take the P o p e ’s com m ents into consideration. R ights Group: U.S. Should Pay for Slavery UNITED NATIONS — Human Rights W atch said the U nited States should o ffer reparations to blacks because o f slavery, and it urged other countries to m ake sim ilar pledges at a U.N. confer­ ence on racism next m onth. The B ush adm inistration opposes offering finan­ cial reparations. P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Prom oting the soulfu l “ Gospel Gumbo" festival are Portland-Vancouver Gospel m usic a rtists Dorothy Davis (from left), Pearl Thomas and Patricia Howard. Saturday Celebration To Warm Souls at Holladay Park Som e o f the best G ospel e n te rta in ­ m ent in the no rth w est w ill take c e n ­ ter stage S atu rd ay d u rin g G ospel G um bo: A S pirited and T asteful C e l­ ebration. The event w ill be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m . at H olladay Park, across from L loyd C enter, and is sponsored by the Portland V ancouver C h ap ter o f the G ospel M usic W ork­ shop o f A m erica, Inc. in asso ciatio n w ith B asiq Blaq P roductions. A d ­ m issio n is free to the public. F estiv alg o ers can expect to enjoy som e o f the best ch o irs, so lo ists, d ram atic perform ances and dancers in the N orthw est. F ood vendors will also be on hand to tem pt your taste buds. Non-profit agencies and craft persons will display their wares. A Gumbo C ook-off contest co-spon­ sored by The Portland O bserver and Billy Reeds Restaurant will boast some o f the best gumbo connoisseurs and recipes in Oregon and W ashington. Also, a fashion show presented by Sheba’s House o f Elegance will enter­ tain the audience. For more inform a­ tion on participating as vendor, talent or contestant, call Pat Howard at 503- 288-8342, Dorothy Davis at 360-695- 7605 or Rev. R enee’ W ard at 503-249- 1719. Woman Astronaut Holds Science Camp for Kids An Era of More Major Hurricanes Threatens USA B y J oy R amos T he P ortland O bserv er H urricane disasters like those that hit the East C oast and the C aribbean Sea from the 1940s into the 1960s could be on their way back, a study o f Science m aga­ zine says. In fact, the authors say, a new era o f more “ m ajor” hurricanes probably began in 1995. Bush Begins European Trip LONDON — President Bush defended his positions on clim ate change and m is­ sile defense system s, issues that Senate M ajority L eader Tom D aschle, D -S.D., said are driving a w edge betw een the U nited States and its allies. “ I will con­ tinue to stand for w hat I think is right for A m erica,” Bush said. Econom ic Downturn H its C olleges The econom ic dow nturn is rippling through state budgets to public colleges, as som e state colleges and universities are increasing tuition in double-digit per­ centages this fall. For several years, a survey tracking tuition increases placed average public four-year college tuition increases at 3.4% to 4.4% . Federal Report Supports Stem Cell Study on All Fronts W A SH IN G TO N — Em bryonic stem cell research should be included am ong the p o ssib le a v e n u e s for tre a tin g d is­ ease, fed eral re se a rc h ers to ld the Bush a d m in istra tio n as it c o n sid e rs w hether to allo w fed eral fu n d in g o f the a p ­ p ro ach . (AP) — The state Justice Department will investigate how a 20-month-old Gresham girl on a state-supervised visit with her mother wound up strangled to death. Alexis Lopez, who has been in state cus­ tody since last fall, died July 11 during a scheduled visit with her mother, Sharon W eston. Weston was arraigned Friday in Multnomah County Circuit Court on aggravated murder and attempted aggravated murder charges. A trial date has not yet been set. Police say the caseworker who supervised W eston’s visit was not aware that she had taken off with Alexis until police contacted him in the park after the child was killed. Police said the agency worker was found in a state car reading a newspaper more than 45 minutes after Weston had taken her daughter’s body to a nearby funeral chapel. Kristen Grainger, assistant to Attorney General Hardy Myers, said the agency will assist the State Office for Services to Children and Families in investigating the events that led to Lopez’s death. Grainger said the Justice Department is not conducting a criminal investigation. But agency lawyers will look into whether SCF employees involved in W eston’s visita­ tion with her daughter made errors. Grainger also said Justice Department officials will collaborate with the children’s welfare agency to review its visitation policies and help make recommendations for changes if needed. Bob Mink, director o f the Department o f Human Services, said he asked for Justice Department involvement to ensure that the investigation is impartial and thorough. “We will be accountable for what hap­ pened in this case,” Mink said. Ramona Foley, administrator o f the DHS, said the agency is also reviewing the possi­ bility o f harm in other cases. “What happened to Alexis Lopez is tragic,” said Foley. “Safe parent-child visits happen daily throughout the state. Clearly, we will find out why that didn’t happen here.’ M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Students and other Portland area residents gather around Dr. Mae C. Jemison (top center), the first African American astronaut, during Monday's science day camp at the Cascade Campus of Portland Community College In north Portland. I Up to 50 kids from throughout the Portland area participated in a one-day science camp Monday called “The Earth We Share Day.” The free program was designed by Dr. M ae C. Jemison, the first African A m eri­ can woman astronaut, and co-sponsored by the Urban League o f Portland. Students were shown the practical value o f science and technology during the pro­ gram at Portland Com m unity C ollege’s Cascade Campus. As a group, they formed a think tank to creatively solve global issues. They were asked to figure out a way o f disposing garbage that’s environmentally friendly; design the perfect video game; come up with an exercise program to keep high schoolers fit and strategize a plan to effec­ tively reduce crime. Je m iso n ’s program is based on her foundation's four-week residential camp that has been held at sites across the country since 1994. The aim o f the D or­ othy Jem ison Foundation o f Excellence is for students to build critical thinking and problem -solving skills. At the science camp. Dr. Jemison talked about her life, relating with child-like won­ der and curiosity. She was an encourage­ ment and inspiration to many there for achieving her lifelong dreams. Since childhood. Dr. Jemison has had a fascination with astronomy and knew with conviction that she was going to be a scientist. After graduating from high school S tory C ontinues on » P age B2 *