Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 18, 2001, Page 8, Image 8

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    July 18, 2001
Page A8
^Jortlanb (lf)bseruer
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8 0 4 0 N E S a n d y B lv d ., S u i t e tO O B
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Classy Nails
to Senate
Wc “£& V £’ IJmnt JVaib
e Ye
Leadership Training for Ministers
In Loving Memory of
Cynthia Yvette Harris
their local church and w in their com ­
m unities for the K ingdom o f God.
The conference will have the main
servic.es betw een Sunday - W ednes­
day, 1 1 a.m . through 7 p.m . and the
w orkshops are M onday - W ednes­
day, 8:30 a m. through 10:30 a m.
C hildcare is available. T here are no
registration fees. R egistration is re­
quired for m inisters only.
Form ore information, call 503/256-
v is it
o n lin e
w w w .new beginning.org.
Pastors Larry and Liz H uch o f the
N ew B eginnings C hristian Center,
located at 7600 N.F.. G lisan St., are
em pow ering m inisters from all over
the world, bringing to them the m ean­
ing o f “G od is a good G od" into their
personal lives. M inisters can receive
training at the W orld L eadership
Conference 2001, from July 2 8 - Aug.
2, to expand their understanding o f
faith, prosperity and the pow er o f
B reaking Fam ily C urses, so they can
carry this m essage o f freedom back to
A n ti-D ru g M arch an d R ally
land O bserver N ew spaper. M iracles
Club, and Stay Clean, in an effort to
counter Portland’s drug epidemic.
The anti-drug march and rally called
“Think C learly” is to take place Satur­
day, July 28.The m arch will start at
Laurelhurst, on 39th and Staik St. at 10
a.m. and end at U.S. G rant Park, where
a rally will take place with music, re­
freshments and inform ation tables on
drug education and recovery.
W e are looking for m ore concerned
citizens and groups to participate. For
more inform ation, contact Barbara at
503-963-8121 orMichadat503-267-3192
Portland’s drug problem s, from
m etham phetam ine to Ecstasy to alco­
hol abuse has had some effect on
everyone in our communities. From
teens and young adults dying from an
overdose on the latest "drug craze” to
stolen and dam aged property', we all
need to be aw are o f what this can do to
a community. That is w hy a group o f
Portland’s citizens have taken the step
to do something about it.
The Church o f Scientology along
w ithS.E. Uplift is sponsoring a march
and rally with support from the K em s
N eighborhood Association, the Port-
After passing away 2 years ago on July 17, 1999, Cynthia
Yvette Harris is still greatly loved and missed.
"We love you, miss you. and miss your crazy sense o f
humor,” - Love, mom and dad; sisters Rhonda, Sharon and
Tracey; children Deandre and Jamal; and husband Jerry.
Worship with us at the:
Juco. - Sat. 1C ani - 4 ptn
Cali today pvt yaut appointment!
Church of Cod
Worship Opportunities
(Cleveland Tennessee,
SS22 n. U b i u
Portland, Oregon 17217
Sunday School: 1:45 AM
* 503 283-IS35
Morning Worship: 11 AM
1439 NE. Alberta Street
Portland, OR 97211
Evening Worship: I PM
* * T h « r « ‘c
R u m o r
Sr. Pastor:
Bishop Sam uel M . Irv in g
<2 O 4 R 9
A ro u n d T o w n
A lh iM
T h a t
C h r iw tte n L tT «
♦ •r
fa m ily Training lo u r: 7 PM
Health Plan
Christian Life Center
C o o l« D o w n "
gospel gumbo
A C om m u n ity F e s t iv a l o f M u sic, D a n c e , D ra m a & M ore
Saturday, July 28, 2001
1 0 :0 0 a.m . - 4 :0 0 p.m .
H o lla d a y P a r k / L loyd C en te r
T a le n t info
Dorothy Davis
(360) 695-7605
Vendors info
Pat Howard
(503) 288-8342
C o n testan ts info
Rev. Renee’ Ward
(503) 249-1719
Children must be 31/2 or 4 years old
Within the Portland Public School Boundaries
503 916-5724
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Grades 4-8 cost: $150
Limited financial assistance available
Location: Irvington Covenant Church 4046 NE MLK JR. Blvd
Call Now 503- 287-5226
B x J ux J U mqs
T he P ortland O bserver
"Beloved, I w ish a b o ve a ll things,
that thou m a vest p ro sp e r a n d b e in
h e a lth ..." - 3 Jo h n 2
For m any, pain from a chronic dis­
ease is a w ake-up call to m ake health­
ful life changes. Ifw e respond appro­
priately, a healing response can o c­
cur. T hat w as exactly w hat T hom as
Jackson o f T ennessee had to do.
Since 17 years old, Jackson w as af­
flicted w ith painful arthritis that kept
him from starting a career in p ro fes­
sional basketball. H e found his an ­
sw ers in the B ible. A fter putting
healthful, Biblical principles into prac­
tice, his arthritic condition im proved
A s a service to others, Jackson
and his w ife L aV em e lecture nation­
ally as health educators - teaching
others to heal their body, m in d and
spirit. T hrough their church in T en­
nessee, they run a health retreat pro­
gram on 75-acres o f land th a t’s used
to grow organic foods.
Just recently, the Jacksons w ere in
northeast P o rtlan d atth e S toneT ow er
C hurch,located at 3010N .E. Holladay
to present a w eek-long, free sem inar
on natural healing. T h eir focus was
on im parting practical know ledge o f
natural health, scientific evidence and
personal experiences.
B ased on national studies, there
are 10 leading diseases m any A m eri­
cans die from each year. O f this num ­
ber, 8 are from a p o o r diet an d sm ok­
ing. E ven o u r lifespan has been re­
duced rem arkably since the days o f
A dam and M oses, w here they lived
to be over 900 years old. N ow adays,
living 70 years is the norm .
K now ing this, the Jacksons for­
m ulated a program called G .O .D . ’S.
P.L.A .N ., an effective eight point
strategy for health and happiness
c o n s is tin g o f ( G ) G o d ly T ru s t,
(O )O pen A ir, (D )D aily E xercise, (S)
S unshine, (P )P roper Rest, (L )L ots o f
W ater, (A )A lw ays T em perate and
At the recent sem inar, the Jacksons
lectured on various topics, from build­
ing a strong im m une system to natu­
ral rem edies - w ith G o d ’s Plan as their
core philosophy. T here w as a hands-
on co o k in g d e m o n stra tio n an d an
o p p o rtu n ity for a p riv a te h ealth
c o n s u lta tio n .
T h e Ja ck so n s w ill b e in P o rtlan d
ag ain , la te r th is year. T h e ir p la n is
to e s ta b lish a n o th e r h e a lth retrea t
an d o b ta in lan d to g ro w o rg an ic
fo o d s in th is state. F o r th is p ro jec t,
th ey are se e k in g lo cal su p p o rters
to m ak e th is h ap p en . I f in te re ste d ,
y o u c a n c o n ta c t th e J a c k s o n s
th ro u g h th e C o m m u n ity L earn in g
C e n te ra t 503/281 -8596.