July 18, 2001 Page A5 ïb e ÿtarilauô (ßbseruer Co-op Grocery Opens on Northeast Alberta L t± PERLMAN lH £ PORTLAND OBSERVER Inner-Northeast Portlanders have a new place for groceries. The Alberta Co-operative Grocery recently opened its doors at 1500N.E. Alberta St. The store serves custom­ ers from 10 a m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and noon to 5 p.m. on Sundays. A grand opening with free food tastings and entertainment is set for July 28. The co-op grew out o f a commu­ nity survey conducted by the Sabin Community Development Corp, in 1996. Asked what services the neigh­ treasurer and spokesperson Bill Boyd says. The group began with a “buyer’s club,” buying items in bulk at whole­ sale prices to save money, in 1999. They learned the ins and outs o f operating a store from other co-ops and from Portland State University’s Business Outreach Program, whereby students advise businesses on sales and marketing practices. Die Port­ land Development Commission pro­ vided about 35 percent o f their $ 135,000 startup costs, the rest com­ ing from their 230 members. The store offers many - though not all - o f the features o f a full-service - half the size o f the old N ature’s Fremont store, before the company moved out in search o f more space - precludes stocking everything you’d find in a conventional grocery. Many products are precluded by Steinfeld’s Pickles. Nor does it pro­ vide meat, fish or poultry. However, they do stock bananas. “I know they’re organic, but clearly they’re not local and I can’t be sure they meet fair labor practices,” Boyd our values. If people want Coke or Kellogg’s cereals, they don’t need another outlet for that. W ecan’t be all things to all people.” One thing the grocery will offer is a chance to get involved in the store beyond merely shopping there. For $36 a year you can join the co-op, which gives you both a five percent discount on purchases and a vote on policies. If you volunteer at least five hours o f work a month, the discount could be as high as 15 percent. They also honor discounts for members of rnun 79 other cooperatives. All their current members live within a mile o f the store, Boyd says. The store also de­ votes some o f its precious space to a bulletin board, a play area for children and easy chairs for adults. “We want to be more than a place to load up the goods,” Boyd says. “Not everyone will appreciate what we do, but w e’ve heard an incredible amount o f excitement about this in the community. For months people have been asking us, ‘when are you going to open up?” ’ The weekend is what you make o f it. P hotos by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver A weekend escape is closer than you think. In fact you'll find it at the A wide variety o f fresh produce, featuringorganically grown varieties, are featured in the new Alberta co-op. Bill Boyd of the Alberta Cooperative Grocery welcomes a customer to the new store at Northeast 15th and Alberta. Seattle and Tacoma, you can unwind in the garden courtyard with a borhood did not have and could use, 98 percent ofparticipants mentioned a grocery store. Based on this, a group o f 25 interested neighbors held a meeting in April 1997 to consider start­ ing such an enterprise. “There was so much energy and enthusiasm,” board the store’s values: a preference for local companies, and ones that have environmentally sound and fair labor operations. Because o f the last con­ sideration, the co-op is honoring a national boycott against Pictsweet O n io n s, and d o e s n o t sto c k grocery store, including a produce section, whole grains, dairy prod­ ucts, canned goods, coffees and teas, herbai remedies, home and health care products and pet supplies. There are some limitations. In part, the storefront ’ s 2,900 square foot size heated pool, melt away stress in the sauna, and even savor fresh admits. “I don’t think w e’ll ever have perfect standards.” Store representatives are aware that organic products do tend to cost more, and that "price is a huge barrier to people.” Still, Boyd says,” For some things, w e’re holding true to New Vision Outlined For Lloyd District revised vision is taking ment over the next 10 years. shape for the develop The new vision, led by a 16- ment ofPortland’s Lloyd member Steering Committee and the District. The Portland Development community, includes new urban hous­ C om m ission approved a strategy ing, thriving specialty shops and a that will help guide developm ent variety o f different types o f office efforts in the Lloyd D istrict and space in attractive mixed-use devel­ identify public-sector capital im ­ opments. It also includes diverse provem ents to support develop­ dining and entertainment options and A a robust tourist economy, as well as pedestrian friendly walkways, tree- lined streets, bikeways and transit, and many parks and plazas. More detailed strategies for increas­ ing housing and economic develop­ ment are being explored further in two adjacent studies being conducted this summer including, the Lloyd District Kids to Visit Ghana, West Africa A group o f nine kids and six adults, from All the W orld Ministries and Fellowship Church, will leave July 24 for two weeks in Ghana, West Africa. The children will learn about their heritage and the culture o f the G ha­ naian people. In turn, the African children they meet will leant about the culture o f the United States. The group also plans to take school supplies, toiletries, clothing and toys to donate to their African hosts. Most o f the children, lO to 15 years old, are from single parent households. The ministry welcomes contributions to offset the $2,000 cost for each person on the trip, which includes tickets, hotel fees and other expenses. Contributions in checks or money orders can be made in care o f Fellowship Church, Trip to Ghana West Africa, 5131 N.E. 23rd Ave., Portland, OR. For more information, call 503-249-0347. Manage Your Business Reputation T he P ublic R elations Society o f A m erica at P ortland State U n i­ versity w ill be having a rep u ta­ tion m anagem ent co n ference for public relations new com ers and p ro fe ssio n a ls. P a rtic ip a n ts can disco v er how to assess reputa- tion and explore approaches to building, preserving and restor­ ing reputation. K eynote speakers w ill be G ail D undas, C om m unity A ffairs M anager at Intel and Pat M c C o rm ic k , p a r tn e r w ith in C onkling Fiskum & M cCorm ick, In c . T he event is on W ednesday, July 25, from 1 - 4 p.m . at P S U ’s Sm ith C e n te r, C ascad e Room . 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