Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 18, 2001, Page 4, Image 4

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    July 18,2001
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tCtje Fortiani» ©bseruer
n Opinion
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Established 1970
d it o r
h ie f
u b l is h e r
Charles H. Washington
d it o r
Larry J. Jackson, Sr.
u s in e s s
Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views
o f (Eljf ^ la r t la u b (P b a e r lie r
Eugene Lawyer Launches Campaign to Impeach Justices
PORTLAND ( AP) - A formermem-
ber o f C ongress has launched a cam ­
paign to im peach the five conserva­
tive Supreme Court justices w ho voted
to stop the presidential ballot recount
in Florida last year - but adm its it’s a
long shot.
C harles Porter, an 82-year-old at­
torney in Eugene, said the Suprem e
Court ruling was so clearly influenced
by politics that under the C onstitu­
tion, there m ay be grounds to im ­
peach the ju stices for bias.
T he 5-4 decision in D ecem ber re­
sulted in G eorge W. Bush being
nam ed president-elect and his oppo­
nent Al G ore conceding the election.
W hen Joann B ow m an resigned as
H ouse R epresentative for D istrict 19
to run for M ultnom ah C ounty chair,
m any in the black com m unity were
hopeful that she w ouldpull it off. You
see, w hen it com es to city o r county
politics in Portland, representation
from the A frican-A m erican com m u-
d it o r
Joy Ramos
r e a t iv e
ir e c t o r
Robert Parker
4 7 4 7 NE M artin Luther King,
Jr. Blvd.
Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 1
5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3
Fax 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5
Lydia K. Bass
nity could be counted on one hand
and y o u ’d still have fingers left over.
In city politics, it w as C harles Jordan
in 1974 and D ick Bogle in 1984.
The only African-American to hold
a county seat w as G ladys M cCoy in
1979 — this sum s up the statistical
data o f o u r presence in P ortland’s
political history.
For a city that is 150yearsold,w ith
its present form o f government in place
for 88 years, this history has currently
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5 1996 THE PORTLA N L’ OB-
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n E tMivr
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The Journey Continues for Young African
Editor's Note: The following let­
ter is an update to an article that
appeared in the Portland Observer's
April 11 issue entitled “internet Con­
nection, On-line Journey Brings
Young A frican to Portland, ’’ written
by Lorraine Michelle-Faust.
Chriss Kisanga is the young Afri­
can from Tanzania whose dream to
visit and study in America was made
possible by Donovan Pacholl, a lo­
cal college student who made the
internet connection with him, Pas­
tor Rozel I Gilmore ofnortheast Port­
land and other local supporters.
G o d is leading us on a faith jo u rn ey
w ith C h riss, a jo u rn e y that consists
o f o n e step at a tim e.
B lessin g s on y o u r jo u rn e y ,
Pastor Rozell Gilmore
Redeemer Lutheran Church
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Dear Editor:
C h riss K isan g a w as su ccessfu l
in c o m p letin g his co u rses th is past
term . W e had a v isit the o th e r day.
H e is a little h o m esick , b ut realizes
th a t i t ’s o n ly for a w hile. H e feels
g o o d ab o u t h is p ro g ress and is
lo o k in g fo rw ard to his sum m er
classe s. H e is tak in g three classes,
w h ich b e g a n Ju n e 25*. O ne is at
P C C ’s C a sca d e cam pus at 11 a.m .
ea ch d ay , th e o th e r tw o at P C C ’s
S y lv an ia cam p u s, from 6 to 8 p.m .
A n in d iv id u al is loan in g him a
m o re p o w erfu l co m p u ter that is
in te rn et-co m p atib le E'e needs a
p h o n e h o o k u p so he can do h o m e ­
w o rk at his ap artm en t. 1 to ld him
that I w o u ld see if th at co uld be
done. H e w a n t! to spend som e o f
his extra tim e wot king w ith children
at B eth el L u th e ra n C h u rch and
m reting w itn gro u p s. I f you have
su ’ge ic o n s ab o u t g roups for him
to .n eet w ith , p lease in fo rm them
and me.
H is tu itio n and su p p o rt needs
for the n ex t th ree m o n th s is ap ­
p ro x im a te ly $ 3 ,655. Y ou can help
b y p u rch a sin g a cre d it hour, $145,
an d g ettin g so m e frie n d s/relativ es
to d o th e sam e. I still b eliev e that
live with it.” According to the 2000
earned Portland the dreadful distinc­
census here’s what w e’re dealing with:
tion ofbeing the largest U.S. metropoli­
African-Americans com prise 5.7% o f
tan area with an all-white city council
the population, A sians - 5.7% ,
and for m any living in the City o f
Hispanic/Latinos - 7.5%,
Roses, this is a distinc­
Am erican Indian/
tion that stinks!
A la s k a n N a ­
W e cannot
Politics is not a specta­
tives - 1.0%
a llo w o u r ­
a n d
selves to be­
tor sport, but rather a con­
E u ro p e a n
com e pessi­
tact sport. And like any
A m ericans
sport, you can only win it
p la c e n t or
C le a r ly ,
sim ply hold
if you’re in it.
to be
our nose in re­
sponse to the im­
m ense challenges
that this presents us. As
We must weigh individual pursuits
African-Americans, our triumphs have
against ‘nation building. ’ A s we climb,
always rested with our own determ ¡na­
we must also lift. It’s time to think about
tion to be both conscientiousness and
our future and our potential options.
judicious in our pursuit for political
It’s tim e to galvanize, m obilize and
pow er, and now is not the time to be
ourselves with Herculean
losing ground.
efforts. W hen the next com missioner
In 1998, Joann Bowman and Avel
and mayoral race com es around, will
Gordly contacted more than two-dozen
we have someone ready? Someone
African-Americans to run for the seat
who can negotiate rather than battle; a
that was being vacated by House Rep­
coalition builder if you will. In other
resentative Margaret Carter when term
words, someone w ho can also gam er
limits forced her out o f office. No one
the w hite vote, not ju st m inority votes.
opted to do so and Deborah Kafoury
W e m ust continue to work hard to
w on that seat. For many ofus, this has
protect and build upon gains made,
been a tough issue to live with. Per­
and take advantage o f new opportuni­
haps, because we as a community have
ties as they arise. M eeting the chal­
not really dealt with this matter. What
lenges is mandatory — not optional.
com es to mind is the adage: “Y ou’ve
Obviously, the time to begin this is
got to leam how to live with it and deal
with it. I f you can deal with it, you can
news® portlandobserver.com
aro u n d the c o u n try h av e sig n ed a
petition decrying the Suprem e C ourt
d ec isio n , and so m e h av e ask ed the
S en ate to refra in from ratify in g any
ap p o in tm en ts to the c o u rt w hile
P resid en t B ush is in o ffice.
A b o u t 14 law p ro fe sso rs in O r­
eg o n have sig n e d o n, acco rd in g to
S tev e B ender, a law professor at
U niversity o f Oregon.
Porter served tw o term s in C on­
gress beginning in 1957. H e later used
his practice in Eugene to litigate over
a 30-year period for the rem oval o f a
cross from public lan d in th e city.
An Absence o f Color: Politics in Portland
Michael Leighton
posal for a vote at the p a rty ’s central
com m ittee m eeting on July 22. I f it
passes, the state party could recom ­
m end oth er states pass sim ilar reso­
“ The idea is to draw attention to
th e p ro b le m ,” E d m u n so n said .
“ W e’re treating this as som ething
w ith legal m erit. W hether it’s politi­
cally feasible is an o th e r q u e s tio n .”
C o n g ress, w h ich m u st in itiate
the articles o f im peachm ent, is now
co n tro lled by a m a jo rity o f R e p u b ­
M ore th an 600 law p ro fe sso rs
Ii\ L. 'K. Hass
A sst . P ublisher
ter said.
Porter w rote a resolution seeking
the rem oval o f ju stic e s W illiam
Rehnquist, A ntonin Scalia, Clarence
Thom as, Sandra D ay O ’C onnor and
Anthony Kennedy.
“A lot o f people think the Suprem e
Court is all powerful. W ell, they are if
they’re handing dow n decisions. But
not if th ey ’re violating the C onstitu­
tion,” he said.
Porter found som e support over
the w eekend w ithin the state D em o­
cratic Party.
The chairm an o f the p arty ’s E x­
ecutive Com m ittee, Jim Edm unson,
agreed Saturday to sponsor the pro-
Som ebody Ought To Say Something
Gary Ann Taylor
“T hey did w rong, they voted po­
litically to stop the election,” Porter
“A lot o f people out there think
this w ould be a terrible precedent for
the U nited States if the court c o u ld .
vote for political reasons," he said.
A t issue is a clause in the C onsti­
tutioncalling onjudges to show “good
behavior,” Porter said. W hile this is
not defined in the founding d ocu­
m ent, the A m erican B ar A ssociation
says judges should avoid bias or
even the “ appearance o f im propri­
“ W e say they tarnished the integ­
rity o f the U.S. S uprem e C ourt,” Por-
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