Page 4 J u ly 18, 2 0 0 1 Entertainment Guide Columbia Backyard Concerts Through Sep. 12 TheColunibian BackyardConcerts offer eight concerts around the city and ClarkCounty. Ihese concerts are mostly on Friday and Saturday evenings, and run until mid-November. C ity concerts at noon offers 10 hour-tong Wednes­ day events, beginning July 11 and con­ cluding September 12. The first seven noon concerts are in Esther Short Park and the final three are in the Sculpture Garden at Ninth Street and Broadway. Guests are asked to bring blankets and low-back lawn chairs to all concerts. Picnics are encouraged, and vendors will be selling food. Dogs must be leashed. Twelfth Night Through July 28 Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night is a bizarre comedy, a mix o f romance and fàrce played out by the wealthy in the mythKalcomfortoflllyriaawainiexotic country on the seacoast ofthe Adnatic. This Van Ryder Production can be seen at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Cen­ ter, located at 5340 N. Interstate, 7:30 pjn.onJuly 19,20,22,26,27and28.Call 503/359-2211. Eckhard Hahnel July 19 - Aug. 24 Frkhard Hahnel was bom in Dresden. Germany in 1935. Almost nothing is kHu^Liox-tlanb (Obsvnu'r Focus In P rin ts known ofhis childhood during the war wretched years o f WWII. What we have instead is a legacy o f imagery, through photographs by his daughter, illustrating the life o f the young, blue collarclass in Germany during themid- 1950’s. The exhibit will be held at S K Josefsberg Studio, located at403 N. W. Eleventh Ave. from Tuesday through Saturday, from Noon - 5 p.m. Call 503/ 241-9112 Big River Celebrates American History July 19-29 & Aug. 2-5 Mark Twain’s timeless classic, “Big River” sweeps us dow n the mighty M ississippi Riveras the irrepressible Huck Finn helps his friends Jim, a slave, escape to freedom at the mouth o f the Ohio River. The American Heritage Theater Project and Port­ land Parks and Recreation Theater Program will present the musical “Big River” in W ashington Park Amphi­ theater at the Rose Test Gardens and the Crater Amphitheater at Mt. Tabor Com m unity Park. Show runs Thurs­ day through Sunday at 7 p.m., and is free. “Big River” can be seen in Wash­ ington Park July 19-29 and at Mt. Tabor Park A ugust 2-5. Jazz Concert for Hopewell House Thursday, July 19 Portland on Thursday, July 19, in a benefit concert for Hopewell House Hospice Center, a program o f Legacy Visiting Nurses Association and Ecu­ menical MirustnesofOregon. The ninth annual event will be held at the center’s grounds, 6 171 S.W. Capitol Highway. Iheconcertbeguisat7p.m. Call503/ 221-1054or503244-7890. Three Dog Night at Chinook Winds July 20 & 21 Come “Celebrate” with Three Dog N ight at C hinook W inds Casino in Lincoln City on July 20 and 21, start- ing 8 p.m. each night. W hen they struck gold with “Joy to the W orld” in 1971, fans w orldwide acclaim ed their driving pop/rock sound and powerful harmonies. To obtain tick­ e t s ^ l-888-MAIN-ACT(624-6228) orFasdxx, l-800-992-TIXX(8499). Henry V July 1 9 -2 2 & 2 6 -2 8 William Shakespeare’s Henry V will be presented by the new theatre com pany, Quintessence: Language and Imagination The­ atre. The play will by held at the M ago Hunt Center/ University o f Portland, 5000N. WillametteBlvd. at 7:30p.m. Call 503/285-2826. The Literary Triangle Friday, July 20 The L iterary T riangle w el­ comes writers o f works o f interest to the Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans com munities to the store to dis­ cuss their writing. This m onth we welcome the Brinnon, WA. au­ thor o f “From Flitch to Ash: A M using on Carving & Trees by Diane Derrick (Haw thorne Press, 2001) This event will be on Friday, July 20,7 p.m. at Barnes & Noble, LloydCenter, locatedat 1231 N.E. Broadway. Call 503/335-0201. G reyhound R acing May 4 • October 13, 2001 Post Times Wednesday - Saturday 7 00 pm Sundays/Hol ¡days 1 00 pm NE 223rd & Gl.san Wood Village, Oregon G R E YH O U N D (503) 667 7700 < rnultnoroahgreyboundpork com F ree P arking and A dmission The cool sounds o f the Dan Balmer Trio will return to southwest OCEAN 503 COMING EVENTS JUNE FRIDAY, JUNE 22ND - 6:30 TO 10:00 PM BILLY REEDS ON MLK 503-493-6127 Excellent E d u c a tio n a l A ssistance P ro g ra m : S la m m in J a zz Fusion JULY FRIDAY, JULY 6th STERNWHEELER CRUISE - 6:30 PM TO 10:00 PM •M ontgom ery Gl Bill (up to $2 6 3 .0 0 per month) •Ask about our $ 3 5 0 .0 0 per month (tax free) Incentive Kicker •Ask about our $ 8,000 .00 enlistment bonus SATURDAY, JULY 7TH - S 30 PM TO 1:30 AM Candlelight R o o m -5 th * LI iln -503-222-3378 FRIDAY, JULY 13th - 9 :. CHICAGO B L U E S -109W .l ■ 360-73 ifc -M - ~ PM to 1:00 AM IN VANCOUVER •«£,■ SATURDAY, JULY 14th - ,7:30T 0 11:00 PM BILLY REEDS ON MLM 503-493-8127 SATURDAY, JljtLY 21 RED LION INN COLISEUM, EDGEWATER LOUNGE AUGUi. FRIDAY, AUGUST 3RD A FFjDAY AUGUST 10TH STERNWHEELER CRUISE -77:00 PM TO 10:00 PM -< •Student Loan Repayment Program (up to $20,000) « 2. © B v ZS to O p en in g s N o w A v a ila b le in the F o llo w in g Fields: •Aircraft maintenance & avionics •G eneral purpose mechanic & vehicle operations •Computer maintenance & switching •Information & inventory management , v 95 SATURDAY, AUGUST 4TH RIVER CITY SALOON, HOOD RIVER, OR SATURDAY, AUGUST 11 TH - 1 :00 PM TO 2:00 PM MIRACLES STREET CELEBRATION - MLK A MASON ST. FRIDAY, AUGUST 17TH A SATURDAY AUGUST 16TH Candlelight Room - 5th A Llticoln - 503-222-3378 T I Contact your local Air National Guard Recruiter to determine eligibility For booking contact Medale503.25l.45bb LaRhonda Steele 503.255.2053 5 0 3 .3 3 5 .4 0 4 0 8 0 0 .3 9 2 .1 8 0 1 w w w .o r p o r t.a n g .a f.m il