J^ortlanh (©bseruer ________ sí Focus Learning from Successful Immigrants B y L eticia G allares - J afzon “ Succeeding in America” explores the principles and techniques used by immi­ grants to overcome all man­ ner o f obstacles and become highly successful citizens of the United States. By reading this book, you will learn how to success­ fully handle all aspects of life in the US, from getting the right education and finding the best jobs, to starting your own business and overcom­ ing discrimination. “ Succeeding in America” is not just for immigrants and would be immigrants; it’s a valuable reference for any­ one who wants to overcome obstacles and achieve suc­ cess. It’s also a useful resource for human resource manag­ ers and any organization that relies on immigrants as part of its workforce. Succeeding In Lessons from Immigrants Who Achieved the American Dream Leticia G allares-Japzon July 18,2001 Page 3