July 18, 2001 Page A ll H je ^ o rtia n ò ffibseruer B Classifieds/Bids In The Circuit Court Of The State Of Oregon For The County Of Jackson Case No. 011949-E-3(2) Published Summons Robert J. Gardiner and Brenda J. Gardiner, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, vs, The Heirs And Successors Of Almeda L. Shepard, John K. Helman, Mary E. Niles, Martha J. Carter, Benjamin F.B. Helman, A. Lincoln Helman, U.S. Grant Helman, Otis 0. Helman, Minnie R. Lane, along with all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, lien or interest in the property described in the Complaint herein, Defendants. To: The Heirs and Successors of Alemeda L. Shepard, John K. Helman, Mary E. Niles, Martha J. Carter, Benjamin F.B. Helman, A. Lincoln Helman, U.S. Grant Helman, Otis 0. Helman, Minnie R. Lane, along with all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, lien or interest in the property described in the Complaint herein, the above-named defendants. In The Name Of The State Of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and defend the complaint filed against you in the above-en­ titled court on or before the expiration of 30 days from the date of the first pub of this summons; if you fail to so appear and answer, plain­ tiff will apply to the above-entitled court for the relief prayed for in plaintiff's complaint, to wit: 1) Declaring plaintiffs to be owners and entitled to possession of the real property described on Exhibit "A” attached free of any claim, estate, title, or interest of defendants or those claiming under defendants, and quieting title in the property in plaintiffs; 2) Enjoining defendants and those claiming under defendants from asserting any estate, title, or interest in the real property or any part thereof; 3) Awarding plaintiffs recovery of their costs and disbursements; and 4) Granting such other relief as this Court may deem just. This summons is published by order of the Honorable G. Philip Arnold, judge of the above-entitled court made and entered on the 2nd day of July, 2001, directing publication of this summons once each week for four consecutive weeks in a newspaper published and of general circulation in Multnomah County, Oregon. Date of first publication: July 12, 2001 Date of last publication: August 2, 2001. Notice To Defendant: Read these Papers Carefully You must ‘‘appear’’ in this case or the other side will win automati­ cally. To “ appear” you m ust file with the court a legal paper called a “ motion” or "answer” The “ m otion” or “ answer” (or “ reply") must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of first publication specified herein along with the required filling fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff's attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, proof of service on the plaintiff. If you have questions, you should see an attorney immediately. Jack Davis, OSB 75090 Of Attorneys for Plaintiff 515 E Main Street Ashland OR 9 7520 (541) 482-3111 Beginning at a 5 /8 inch iron pin marking the Southwest corner of Parcel 1 per Partition Plat No. P-28-2000, according to the official plat thereof, now of record, in Volume 11, Page 28 of "Record of Partition P lats' of Jackson County, Oregon and filed as Survey No. 16507 in the office of the Jackson County Surveyor; thence along the West line of said Parcel 1, North 25 0 3 4 '5 2 ” East, 134,44 feet to a 5 /8 inch iron pin at the Northwest corner thereof; thence along the Southerly line of an Alley, North 6 3 0 4 2 ’ 5 0 ” West, 16.00 feet to a 5 /8 inch iron pin; thence South 2 5 0 3 4 ' 52" line of Hersay Street, thence along said Northerly line, South 63 0 4 2 '5 5 ” East, 16.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 2151 square feet, more or less. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED From certified MBE/WBE/ESB Subcontractors & Suppliers for: Port of Portland Terminal 6 - Fill Material Rehandeling Submit Bid By: July 25, 2001 @ 3:00p.m . EUDALY BROS. EXCAVATION 6920 NE 4 2 nd Ave. PORTLAND, OR 97218 TELEPHONE (503) 288-7469 FAX (503) 288-7460 EMAIL: Eudalv Bros@compuserve, com CCB#63295 We are an equal opportunity employer Sub Bids Requested For Sherwood ALF Sherwood, Oregon 1-Story Wood Frame, Slab on Grade, 38 Units of Assisted Living. Bid Date: July 20, 2001, by 3:00 PM Walsh Construction Co., CCB #11398 2905 SW First Avenue, Portland, OR 97201 Phone: (503) 222-4375 Fax: (503) 274-7676 Contact: Don Geddes, Brent Stutz or Cathy Adams Plans available at: Walsh Construction Co., DJC Plan Center, Construction Market Data, Inc., SW Dodge @ Center Print, Salem Contractor's Exchange, Oregon Contractor, 0AME (Oregon Associa­ tion of Minority Entrepreneurs), and Construction Data Trades Excluded: Earthwork/Utilities, Concrete Labor, Rough Carpentry Labor, Plumbing, HVAC and Electrical Bidder Design: Fire Protection and Low Voltage Systems Please call Walsh Construction Co. For bid forms and instructions. Emerging Small Business Enterprises, Minority Business Enterprises and Woman-owned Business Enterprises areencouraged tobid on this work. I Request for Bids Painting Exterior of Main Operating Building At Metro South Transfer Station RFB # 01B-33-REM AFFORDABLE JJ 9 Metro is requesting bids for painting the exterior of the main opera- Potential bidders may obtain bid documents by contracting the REM Department. Sealed bids must be delivered to the Regional Environ­ mental Management Department at Metro, 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97232-2736, to the attention of Pete Hillman, no later than 11:00a.m ., August 1, 2001. At 3:00p.m. the bids will be opened and publicly read aloud in Conference Room, 375, located at Metro Regional Center, also at 6 00 NE Grand Avenue. & LOCK & KEY 503-284-9582 FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT7-WE M a KE KEYS I ROM SCRATCH HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR L isa ’s Tours The work will include repainting metal siding, gutters and trim and sealing precast concrete fascia in an operating facility. Metro will provide Recycled Latex Paint for the siding at no cost to the Contrac­ tor. The successful bidder will have the verifiable experience and capability to successfully perform the work without impacting waste disposal and transfer operations. Details concerning the project are contained in this document, particularly in the Scope of Work and Technical Specifications. — > Winnemucca, Nevada $49.95 includes 2 days & 2 nights Round trip fare. Free breakfast & $20.00 refund upon arrival. Slot machines, video poker, blackjack, craps, keno, bingo. July 13th - 15th, 2001 For Reservations, Contact Lisa at 503-287-0822 >822 All bids must conform to the RFB format and be complete including the use of any required forms. Metro may accept or reject any or all bids, in whole or in part, or waive irregularities not affecting substan­ tial rights if such action is deemed in the public interest. tra n Off.: (503) 286-1103 Fax: (503) 286-1146 ra n a * STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES All bidders must certify that they will pay and comply with the mini­ mum prevailing wage requirements of ORS 279.350. IN S U W A M C I — H O M E O F FIC ES B LO O M IN G TO N . ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Metro Code provisions 2 .0 4 .1 0 0 and 200 require all Bidders/ Proposers to follow and document a specific goof faith outreach ef­ fort to Sate certified Minority, Emerging and Women-Owned Busi­ nesses. Certification of good faith compliance and a declaration f any actual utilization pursuant to both programs are required at the time of Bid Opening/Proposal Submission. Agent 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 Metro and its contractors will not discriminate against any person(s) based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical handicap, political affiliation or marital status. r STEPPINGOUTMENSWEAR1 Hi-Fashion • Suits • Shirts • Neckwear • Footwear • Accessories Store Hours M on-F ri -11 am -7pm S at-llam -6 p m Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically en­ courages minority and women-owned businesses to access and par­ ticipate in this and all Metro projects, programs and services. 10 % O ff Total Purchase with this Coupon 7618 N. Interstate Avenue One block north of the Lombard Fred Meyer Store 503-285-9500 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED wwwSTEPPINGOLTMENSWKARxom From certified MBE/WBE/ESB Subcontractors & Suppliers for: Oregon Child Development Coalition Childcare Center Gresham, OR «Tor ^ o u r c}io TTÎÇ. const Submit Bid By: July 18, 2001 @ 3:00p.m. C C B # 11ÔÔO3 REMODELING A REPAIRS. TOOL A GARDEN SHEDS FENCES. DECKS. PORCHES. DRY ROT. CERAMIC TILE. EUDALY BROS. EXCAVATION 6920 NE 42nd AVE. PORTLAND, OR 97218 TELEPHONE (503) 288-7469 FAX (503) 288-7460 EMAIL: EudalyBros@compuserve.com CCB#63295 RON RECK 6301 Shakespeare Lake Grove. OR 97036 We are an equal opportunity employer Pb-503-624-9Cee Fax-503-624-0322 Pgr-503-204-9003 Dermic T. McCormack CHAIRMAN OF LOMBARD DBA ACE TYPEWRITER CO. 7433 North Lombard (303) 286-2521 Sub-Bids Requested Miller Creek Bridge (Half Viaduct) Lower Columbia River Highway Project No. X-BRF-STP-502W(23) Oregon Department of Transportation Bid Date: July 26, 2001 @ 9:00 AM x Kiewit Pacific Co. 215 “V” Street Vancouver, WA 98661 (360) 693-1478 (360) 693-5582 FAX We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request sub-bids for all subcontractors and suppliers including Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE). Work includes: bridge removal, demolition, concrete barrier, concrete work, clearing & grubbing, fencing, electrical, landscaping, irrigation, asphalt concrete paving, illumina­ tion, construction signs, pavement striping & marking, traffic control & flagging, reinforced steel, surveying, and trucking. Plans & Specs may be obtained by calling the Oregon Dept. of Transportation at (503) 986-3720 or they may be viewed, by appointment only, at our Vancouver District Office. Will assist in obtaining bonding, lines of credit or insurance. A 100% performance and payment bond is required for this project. OFFICE CHAIR REPAIR(end sales) Ribbons for any office machine JUfifW7ipe*w««n Video Memories ’’Where memories are visual” W e ttings, Birthdays, Sportings events, Proms, Graduations Rodney Williams Bus. Phone 503-4934210 BUYANDSELL “T JAY'S MOWER & CHAINSAW SUB-BIDS REQUESTED From certified MBE/WBE/ESB Subcontractors & Suppliers for: S m a l l E n g in e R epair S harping Portland-Hillsboro Airport NE Road and Electrical Vault Upgrade 328 NE SHAVER ST. PORTLAND OR 97212 (Survey, Paving, pavement Striping, Electrical, Concrete, Fencing, Building) 8:30 To 5:30 T h lr F 9:30 To 3:00 S at 503-287-6610 Submit Bid By: July 18. 2001 @ 3:00p.m. i I EUDALY BROS. EXCAVATION 6920 NE 42"d Ave. Portland, OR 97218 TELEPHONE (503) 288-7469 fax (503) 288-7460 EMAIL: EudalyBros@eornpuserve.com CCB#63295 Skan’s Barber & jßeautp &bop H orace Simpson 213 N.E Hancock Portland, OR 97211 We are an equal opportunity employer I A. D. W illiam s 282 292C ’ I I I I j ■ 1