Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 18, 2001, Page 10, Image 10

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    July 18, 2001
Rage AIO
3Tt|v 'Portiani* (ßbaeruer
_____________ _ HttOI
• Clinical Records Supervisor
• This position works in the Medi-
5 cal Records office o f the Depart-
• ment o f Com m unity and Family
; Services. The M edical Records
' office ensures client confidential­
ity of all the D ivisio n 's clinical
1 records in accordance with Federal
; and State laws and regulations and
’ County and Department Rules. The
; Medical Records Supervisor is re-
: sponsible for the overall mainte-
• nance and quality o f Behavioral
Health client records. See job an­
nouncem ent for specific job duties.
Requires national certification in
medical records as a Registered
Health Information Technician or a
Registered Health Information Ad­
ministrator and three years of in­
creasingly responsible office op­
erations experience. Equivalent to
the completion of the twelfth grade
is re q u ire d . S a la r y ra n ge is
$33,163-$46,428 annually. Apply
by August 3. 2001- Further infor­
mation and application materials
’ are available a fwww.co.multnomah
.or.us or by calling (503) 988-5035
s tr o n g ,
G rowing a n d
frie n d it,
These are just a few of the qualities
that have made American Family
Insurance one of the nation s toprated
insurance companies. Our continued
expansion offers you an opportunity
in the following position at our
Lake Oswego office.
Claim Adjuster (PIP)
Job ID 450
In this position you will investigate,
negotiate and settle to conclusion
Oregon PIP claim s. The success­
ful candidate should have at least
3 years of PIP experience, prefer­
ably in Oregon, a valid drivers li­
cense, good com munication and
custo m e r s e rvic e s k ills are a
We offer a competitive salary and
benefits package. Please apply
through our Career link to Job ID
! The W orkforce Investment
; Board of Portland,
• Multnomah, Tillamook and
Washington Counties invites
applications for the position
. of President.
S a la r y ra n g e is $ 9 0 ,0 0 0 to
. $150,000 per year based on ex­
P le a s e v is it o u r w e b s ite at
» w w w .w orksystem s.o rg for com-
; plete details.
w orksystem s inc. is an equal op­
portunity em ployer and offers a
com plete benefit package. All
qualified individuals are encour­
aged to subm it their credentials
for this exceptional career oppor­
Community Coordinator
PT-5O%-Afternoon, Resp for the
dvpmt and coord of support serves
provided to fam ilies of children
attending Buchman Elementary.
Prim resp incl coord and implemen­
tation of the Buchman extended
day prgm. Req Bach deg or equiv;
min 4 yrs exp working w/school;
ect. Entry Sal $27,171-$32,088
w /benefits. Apply in person at
P o rtla n d Im p a c t, 4 7 0 7 SE
Hawthorne. Questions call 503-
988-6000. EOA/AA
O HSU/Partnership Project 503-
230-1202 HIV social work case
manager. Two positions— 1.0 FTE
and .5 FTE positions. MSW or
equivalent with HIV experience.
Bilingual in Spanish highly desir­
able. 31-35 K with excellent ben­
efits. Call Julia Lager-Mesulam.
Prevention Case M anager - Use
motivational interviewing with cli­
ents at high risk for HIV transm is­
sion. MSW or equivalent with HIV
prevention experience, especially
with MSW. Call Hyatt Yu. All posi­
tions close July 23. OHSU is an
equal opportunity-affirm ative ac­
tion employer.
If you are unable to apply online,
please submit a resume (with Job
ID 450 listed on the cover letter),
on plain white paper, using stan­
dard types and fonts, no bold or
italic print to:
mar bushess heam lot
Attn: Job ID 450
Resume Processing Center
P. 0. Box 3600
Nogales, Arizona
Equal Opportunity Employer
The M ultnom ah County Health
Department is currently recruiting
for the following position:
Business Services Manager
Fiscal Assistant-Business
Clinic Health Assistant-Bilingual
Clinic Health Assistant
Environmental Health Specialist-
Oregon State University
Centralized Career Services
Career Advisor
Bilingual Spanish Preferred
Application m aterials and formal
job announcements are available
, in person or by mailing a self-
addressed stamped envelope re­
qu esting application form s to:
M ultnom ah County Human Re­
sources D ivision, 1120 SW 5th
Avenue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box
1 4700, P o rtla n d O R , 9 7293-
0 7 0 0 . A s s is t e d a c c e s s to '
Multnomah County job information
and w eb s ite is a v a ila b le at
Multnomah County Libraries.
Multnomah County Health Depart­
ment is actively recruiting persons
from various ethnic and cultural
backgrounds to enhance service
to our diverse communities. Bilin-
gual/bicultural candidates are en­
couraged to apply.
An Equal Opportunity Employer
State Farm Insurance is seeking
ediate opening for full and Part-
candidates to work in a
attendants with Portland s
office. Excellent ver­
ng parking Co. We are seeking
skills are re­
ndable individuals with a neat
and filing.
arance and a Positive attitude, i
er service
0 + starting wage I luge overtime
wage and
irtunities Medical, Dental, 401K
lable Applicants must submit to tirement/+). Accepting applica­
; test and background check, tions for Milwaukie, Tualatin, North
ly in person daily between 12-1. Portland
iday - Friday. 130 SW STARK Equal opportunity employer
Mail or fax resume:
land. OR
Restaurant S p a ce\
For Rent
State Farm Insurance
P.0. Box 11007
Portland, OR 97211
Fax 503-247-4104
aside Factory Outlet Center
ime location * Primary Food
Provider for over a million
annual shoppers
Program Development Specialist
This position will support the Safe
Schools Project, which is part of
the School Mental Health Program
within the Behavioral Health Divi­
sion. The Safe Schools Project
involves the provision of mental
health se rvic e s by Multnomah
County mental Health consultants
in d e signa te d P ortland Public
Schools. This position will provide
ongoing support to this project and
all project staff. This position pro­
vides planning, development, and
monitoring support to the project
listed above. Additionally, this
position will take the lead in re­
searching clinical best practices as
it pertains to school mental health
programs and research evaluation
of school mental health programs.
Requires three years of increasingly
responsible administrative, mana­
gerial. program development and/
or policy analysis experience and
equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree
from an accredited college or uni­
versity with major course work in
so cia l w ork, so cio lo gy, public
health, English, journalism , busi­
ness administration or public ad­
m inistration or a related field.
Position also requires excellent
time management and word pro­
cessing skills, broad knowledge of
computer applications for the pur­
pose of contract monitoring, under­
standing of grant related issues,
familiarity with budgetary concepts
and budget monitoring, manage­
ment of financial information, ex­
perience in program planning and
development, excellent time man­
agement skills. Starting salary is
$ 1 7 .3 8 p e r h o u r ($ 1 7 .3 8 -
$21.27 per hour full range). Ap­
ply by July 27. Further information
and application materials are avail­
able at www.co.multnomah.QLus
or by calling (503) 988-5035.
Advertise in
The Portland Observer
Call 288-0033
This is a 12-month fixed-term po­
sition that will provide career ad­
vising to students, and expertise
and leadership in internship and
co o p education experiences. Mini­
mum qualifications: M aster's de­
gree in Counseling, College Stu­
dent Personnel administration or
related area: 12 months of expe­
rience in a university career cen­
ter; and expertise working with
students throughout career devel­
opment process. Competitive sal­
ary with excellent benefit package.
To apply, send letter of interest re­
lating qualifications to job respon­
sibilities, current vitae, names, ad­
dresses and phone numbers of 3
references to: Mike Mays, Career
Advisor Search Com m ittee, 008
Kerr Admin Bldg, OSU, Corvallis,
OR 97331-2127; or call (503)
7 3 7 -0 5 2 0 . For c o m p le te an­
n o u n c e m e n t, v is it h t tp :/ /
dem ic/Q15.htm . OSU is an AA/
EOE. To ensure full consideration,
com plete applications m ust be
received by August 13, 2001.
Oregon Education Association, a
professional labor organization, is
seeking FT sec for its Tigard of­
fice. Required: type 55 wpm, ad­
vance Microsoft Word for Windows
w /ap titude and w illin gn e s s to
learn new program, Access and
Excel, strong math skills w/attn.
To detail, able to operate various
office equipment, excellent gram­
mar & punctuation skills, Need a
self-starter who can help employer
m e e t d e a d lin e s w ith h e a vy
workload demands while maintain­
ing professional attitude. Starting
salary range: $26,684-$32,818.
Benefits: paid vacation, FF medi­
cal, dental & vision, retirement, etc.
Minority applicants encouraged to
apply. Send resume by July 21 to:
Karyl Gothe, OEA, 6900 SW At­
lanta St., Portland, OR 97223, or
fax to 503-495-2143. Visit our
web site at www.oregoned.org
Program Development Technician
There are two positions available.
Both positions work within the
Behavioral Health Division of the
Departm ent of Com m unity and
Family Services. One full-time
position will su ppo rt the Safe
Schools Project and the Day Sup­
ported Classroom Project and one
half-time position will support the
Safe Schools Project. These po­
sitions will provide ongoing sup­
port to the designated project(s)
and all project staff in the areas
of data collection, data analysis
and data reporting and will develop
and maintain a computerized da­
tabase. Additionally, the positions
will assist in research design in
the areas of school mental health
and clinical best practices. Re­
quires equivalent to the comple­
tion of the twelfth grade with addi­
tional course work or specialized
training in social services, social
science, public adm inistration,
business adm inistration, math­
em atics, or a related field plus
three years experience working
with a variety of data management
and reporting packages (see job
announcem ents for sp ecifics).
Position requires some expenence
in program planning and develop­
ment, excellent writing and speak­
ing skills, and excellent time man­
agement skills. Starting salary is
$14.41 per hour ($14.41-$16.61
per hour full range). Apply by July
27. Further information and appli­
cation materials are available at
w w w .co.niultnQm ah.or.us or by
calling (503) 988-5035.
We are seeking qualified
c a n d id a te s to be p a rt o f our
dynam ic public s e rvic e
1 Part-time
$22.99 - $27.95 / hour
C loses August 10, 2001
$4,323-$6,110/M 0. DOQ
INSPECTOR 11 - Electrical
$3,701 - $4,499 / month
C loses August 3, 2001
$3,638-$5402/mo. DOQ
$3,889 - $4,727 / month
C loses July 27, 2001
$24,11- $28.74/hr. DOQ
$3,350 - $4,071 / month
C loses July 27, 2001
$3,935 - $5,023/M 0 DOQ
Job information, applications,
and benefits information are
available from:
Clark County Human Resources
1013 Franklin St., Vancouver WA
Job /hotline: (360) 397-6018
TDD: (360) 397-6032
Alberta Cooperative Grocery is hir­
ing cashiers and a FT produce
buyer. W e're looking for natural
foods or previous co-op experi­
ence. All are welcome to apply.
Wages from $8.00 - $10.00 an
hour based upon experience. Call
503-287-4333 for more informa­
tion. "
The Oregon Air National Guard has
several part-time positions avail­
able. Let the Oregon Air Guard pro­
vide you with the experience to
enhance your civilian marketabil­
ity! Not only will the Air Guard train
you, but pay you to learn! For more
information on pay, travel, training
& various educational benefits -
call 1-800-392-1801 & inquire
about our enlistment eligibility.
Full-time. Bi-lingual Spanish/En-
glish. Three (3) years experience
in office setting preferred. Com­
puter experience. Detail and task
oriented, ability to cope well with
stress. Ability to work effectively
and demonstrate respect for all
people. Ability to work indepen­
dently as well as with a team.
Application and Job Description
available at Albina Head S ta rt
3417 NE 7th Ave. Closing date July
18, 2001.
$3, 3611 - $4,389 / month
C loses July 27, 20010
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information or see
w e b s ite :
www.co.washington.or.us. County
application and supplemental ap­
p lic a tio n fo r m s r e q u ir e d .
W om en, m inorities, and people
with disabilities are encouraged to
W ash in gton C o u n ty Hum an
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Career Opportunities
Information about career opportunities with the Port of Portland can
be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing
impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944-7485. Applications
are available by visiting the Port’s website at www.portoportlandor.com
or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visiting the P ort's office, located
at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland.
The Port of Portland is an
Equal Opportunity Employer
Advertisement For Bid
Sealed bids for the Oak Creek Building Steam System Extension Project
will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until
2:00 PM local tim e, August 14, 2001. Bids will be opened and pub­
licly read aloud on August 15, 2001 at 2:00 PM local time. All bid­
ders m ust be registered with the Construction Contractor's Board.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting Facilities Ser­
vices, 100 Adam s Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone
• Junior PhotogrammeVIst
L ■
Salary $2,727 - $ 3,904/m onth
Announcement #0CDT1404, Salem
• Structural Design Engineer
Negotiable Annual Salary Up to $59 ,86 8
Announcement #0CDT1405, Salem
• Senior Designer
Negotiable Annual Salary Up to $59 ,86 8
Announcement #0CDT1294, Salem
• Hydraulics Designer
These «ire just a few of the current job openings .
available with the State of Oregon A more
complete announcement listing, application forms,
and additional job information are available at:
a) local Employment Department field offices, or
b) the Oregon jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org
The State of Oregon and all its divisions are proud
to be equal opportunity employers.
OOOT supports a vast range o f innovative transportation products and
services, touching the life of every Oregonian, every day.
Underfill Option Available
Negotiable Annual Salary Up to $51 .68 4
Announcement #0CDT1406, Salem
• Paym ents Technician
Salary $2,102 - $ 2 ,9 l3 /m o n th
Announcement #0CDT1361, Salem
• Paym ents & Payroll Technician
Salary $2.102 - $ 2,913/m onth
Announcement #0CDT1362, Salem
• Executive Support Specialist 1
Explore our variety o f rewarding occupations
Salary $1,920 - $ 2.656/m onth
Announcement #0CDT1364, Salem
• M oto r Carrier Support Unit Supervisor
Salary $2.1 04 • $2,9 64 /m o n th
Announcement #0C 0T1118, Salem
• Specifications Unit Manager
Underfill Option Available
Negotiable Annual Salary Up to $74,232
• Driver
A M otor
Announcement #0CDT1187A, Salem
Vehicle Investigator
Salary $2,784 ■ $3,8 70 /m o n th
Announcement #0CDT1119, Salem
’ Purchasing Analyst
Salary $2,535 ■ $ 3.520/m onth
Announcement #0CDT1360, Portland
• Chief Construction Inspector
Salary $32 ,72 4 $ 46 ,848/year
Announcement #OCDT1317, Portland
• Contract M anagem ent Analyst
Salary $2,535 $ 3.520/m onth
Announcement H0CDT1365, Salem
• Bridge M aintenance Supervisor
Salary $2,4 43 - $3.4 38 /m o n th
Announcement »0CDT1318. East Portland
Bridge (1-5 Interstate & Steel Bridge)
• Landscape M aintenance Specialist
Salary $1,852 $2.535/m onth
Announcement »0CDT1330. Portland
. M ain ten ance Supervisor
Salary $2,443 - $3.4 38 /m o n th
Announcement 40CDT1319. Portland
• R oadw ay/H ighw ay M aintenance Specialist
Salary $2,013 - $2.784/m onth
Announcement »0C0T1332, Baldock
• Senior Constructions Inspector/'Senior Surveyor
Salary $2,4 72 • $3,5 45 /m o n th
Announcement XOCDT13O9, Portland
• M a p p k ig G IS Specialist
To apply you must obtain a copy of the appropriate announcement number,
which provides full details, quallfications/requirem ents. and how to apply
Salary $ 2 ,2 4 3 - $3,2 13 /m o n th
Announcement #0CDT1403, Salem
Salary $2.2 43 - $3,2 13 /m o n th
Announcement »OCDT1402, Salem
Clark County, W ashington
Job Opportunities
• G IS /W e b Specialist
instructions. Call (503) 9 8 8 4 0 3 0 [TTY (503) 986-3854 for the heating
Impakedl, or visit www.odot.state.or.us/Jobs. As an AA/EEO employer.
OOOT is committed to Integrating the promotion and management of
workforce diversity and affirmative action Into every facet of our business
e g o n