Page A8 July 11, 2001 Ï he JlorUanb (0beeruer ¡»Classifieds/Bids Acute Care Coordinator On- Call (Meutal Health Consultant) On-call Acute Care Coordinator positions are available for various shifts within the Departm ent of Community and Family Services. These positions will assure timely access to appropriate behavioral health services, promote optimal treatment outcomes through clini­ cal review and utilization manage­ ment, increase member satisfac­ tion, facilitate the utilization of cost effective behavioral health care services and provide consultation to acute care providers regarding managed care behavioral health services. Work location is down­ town Portland. Requires two years professional experience in the pro­ vision of mental health services to children a n d /o r adults AND M aster's degree in the mental health field AND must be Qualified M ental H e a lth P ro fe s s io n a l (QMHP) as defined in Oregon Ad­ ministrative Rules 309-032-0535. It is highly desirable that appli­ cants have experience in the pro­ vision of chemical dependency treatment services. Licensed Clini­ cal Social Worker or Licensed Pro­ fessional Counselor desirable. Salary is $20.24 per hour. Send resume and cover letter to Verity, Multnomah County Department of Community and Family Services, ATTN: Peggy Loveless, 4 2 1 SW 6th Ave., 5 th Floor, P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 0 4 . Resumes m ust be re­ ceived by July 15th. Washington County Clark County, Washington Job Opportunities We are seeking qualified c a ndida tes to be p a rt of our dynam ic public service organization. Capital Improvements Environmental Permitting Manager $4,323-$6,110/m o. DOQ Care Manager $3,638-$5,139/m o. DOQ GISTeehnician I/II/III Tech I $14.07 - $17.97/hr.D 0Q Tech II $15.51-$19.82/hr.D 0Q Tech III $17.12-$21.87/hr. DOQ Office Assistant I $10.05 -$ 12.83/hr DOQ W aste« ater Operator II $18.13-$21.27/hr DOQ Job information, applications, and benefits information are available from: Clark County Human Resources 1013 Franklin St, Vancouver WA Job Hotline: (360) 397-6018 TDD: (360) 397-6032 Equal Opportunity Employer The Multnomah County Health Department is currently recruiting for the following position: Financial Partnership Specialist Clinic H ealth A ssistant-B ilingual Spanish C linic H ealth A ssistant Environmental Health Specialist- Bilingual Spanish Preferred S M “’»TV PARKING FACILITY OPERATOR I mmediate opening for full and Part- time attendants with Portland’s leading parking Co. We are seeking dependable individuals with a neat appearance and .a Positive attitude, j $8.00+starting wage Hugeovertime potential A dvancem ent' opportunities Medical. Dental, 401K available Applicants must submit to drug test and background check. Apply in person daily between 12-1, Monday - Friday. 130 SW STARK I Portland, OR 1 The Workforce Investment Board of Portland, Multnomah, Tillamook and Washington Counties invites applications for the position of President. S a la ry range is $ 9 0 ,0 0 0 to $ 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 per year based on ex­ perience. P le a s e v is it o u r w e b s ite at plete details. worksystems inc. is an equal op­ portunity employer and offers a com plete benefit package. All qualified individuals are encour­ aged to submit their credentials for this exceptional career oppor­ tunity. Secretary Application materials and formal job announcements are available at: w w w .co.m ultnom ah jo b s /, in person or by mailing a self-addressed stamped envelop requesting application forms to: Multnomah County Human Re­ sources Division, 1120 SW 5th Avenue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box 1 4 7 0 0 , P ortland OR, 9 7 2 9 3 - 0 7 0 0 . A s s is te d a ccess to Multnomah County job information and web s ite is available at Multnomah County Libraries. Multnomah County Health Depart­ ment is actively recruiting persons from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds to enhance service to our diverse communities. Bilin- gual/bicultural candidates are en­ couraged to apply. An Equal Oppor­ tunity Employer Administrative Assistant $2,821-$3,429/m onth Closes July 20, 2001 Appraiser I $2,891-$3,515/m onth Closes July 20, 2001 Mental Health Services Coordinator I $2,964-$3,6O2/m onth Closes July 20, 2001 Sanitarian I $3,038-$3,692/m onth Closes July 20, 2001 Senior Public Health Nutritionist $3,611-$4,389/m onth Closes July 20, 2001 Cail (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 8 4 648 98 for information or see our website: County application and supplemen­ tal application form s required. Women, m inorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Apply To: Washington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Clinical Records Supervisor This position works in the Medi­ cal Records office of the Depart­ ment o f Community and Family Services. The Medical Records office ensures client confidential­ ity o f all the Division's clinical records in accordance with Federal and State laws and regulations and County and Department Rules. The Medical Records Supervisor is re­ sponsible for the overall m a in te -, nance and quality of Behavioral Health client records. See job an-,, nouncement for specific job duties. Requires national certification in medical records as a Registered Health Information Technician or a Registered Health Information Ad­ ministrator and three years of in­ creasingly responsible office op­ erations experience. Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade is re q u ire d . S alary range is $33,163-$46,428 annually. Apply by August 3, 2001. Further infor­ mation and application materials are available at or by calling (503) 988-5035 Oregon Education Association, a professional labor organization, is seeking FT sec for its Tigard of­ fice. Required: type 55 wpm, ad­ vance Microsoft Word for Windows w /a p titu d e and w illingness to learn new program, Access and Excel, strong math skills w /attn. To detail, able to operate various office equipment, excellent gram­ mar & punctuation skills, Need a self-starter who can help employer m eet d e a d lin e s w ith heavy workload demands while maintain­ ing professional attitude. Starting salary range: $26,684-$32,818. Benefits: paid vacation, FF medi­ cal, dental & vision, retirement, etc. Minority applicants encouraged to apply. Send resume by July 21 to: Karyl Gothe, OEA, 6900 SW At­ lanta St., Portland, OR 97223, or fax to 503-495-2143. Visit our web site at © PORT OF PORTLAND Career Opportunities Information about career opportunities with the Port of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944-7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port's website at www.Dortooortlanrlnr.cnm or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visiting the Port’s office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland. The Port of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer Sub Bids Requested For Sherwood ALF Sherwood, Oregon 1-Story Wood Frame, Slab on Grade, 38 Units of Assisted Living. B id D ate: Ju ly 20, 2001, by 3:00 P M Walsh Construction Co., CCB #11398 Receptionist: Full-time. Bi-lingual Spanish/En- glish. Three (3) years experience in office setting preferred. Com­ puter experience. Detail and task oriented, ability to cope well with stress. Ability to work effectively and demonstrate respect for all people. Ability to work indepen­ dently as well as with a team. Application and Job Description available at Albina Head S tart 3417 NE 7m Ave. Closing date July 18, 2001. 2905 SW First Avenue, Portland, OR 97201 Phone: (503) 222-4375 Fax: (503) 274-7676 Contact: Don Geddes, Brent Stutz or Cathy Adams Plans available at: Walsh Construction Co., DJC Plan Center, Construction Market Data, Inc., SW Dodge @ Center Print, Salem Contractor's Exchange, Oregon Contractor, OAME (Oregon Associa­ tion of Minority Entrepreneurs), and Construction Data Trades Excluded: Earthwork/Utilities, Concrete Labor, Rough Carpentry Labor, Plumbing, HVAC and Electrical Bidder Design: Fire Protection and Low Voltage Systems Please call Walsh Construction Co. For bid forms and instructions. Emerging Small Business Enterprises, Minority Business Enterprises and Worn an-owned Business Enterprises are encouraged to bid on this work. Construction Clackamas area Excavation Com­ pany has employment opportuni­ ties for experienced Pipe layers, Laborers and Equipment Opera­ tors. Must have valid driver’s li­ cense. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Please send re s u m e ' to : PO Box 1 9 9 0 Clackamas, Oregon 97015 or fax to: 503-557-5748. Equal Opportunity Employer Subsidized Units May Be Available At This Time If subsidized units are not available at this time, quali­ fied applicants may be placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed to Equal Housing Opportunity. St Vincent De Paul Emanuel Plaza èv 2800 NE Williams Portland, Oregon 97227 (503) 288-3186 EQUAL HOUSING O P P O R T U N IT Y Public Notice Solicitation O f Interest Annual Fall Combined Fund Drive Multnomah County School Dist. No. 1 is soliciting proposals from qualified agencies to be included in the annual Fall Combined Fund Drive. Complete application packets outlining procedures and qualifications criteria may be ob­ tained by contacting Lew Frederick, Director of Public Information, 501 N Dixon, Portland, OR 97227 or by calling (503) 916-3011. BOARD POLICY 3 .3 0 .0 3 7 SOLICITATIONS - COMMUNITY CAMPAIGNS. Clinical Records Supervisor This position works in the Medi­ cal Records office of the Depart­ ment of Community and Family Services. The Medical Records office ensures client confidential­ ity of all the Division’s clinical records in accordance with Federal and State laws and regulations and County and Department Rules. The Medical Records Supervisor is re­ sponsible for the overall mainte­ nance and quality of Behavioral Health client records. See job an­ nouncement for specific job duties. Requires national certification in medical Records as a Registered Health Information Technician or a Registered Health Information Ad­ ministrator and three years of in­ creasingly responsible office op­ erations experience. Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade is re q u ire d . S a la ry range is $33,163-$46,428 annually. Apply by August 3, 2001. Further infor­ mation and application materials re available at or by calling (503) 988- 5035 Secretary for busy Health Ser- vices/W ellness Clinic at residen­ tial vocation/education training program for youth ages 16-24. Background in appointment sched­ uling and health insurance billing preferred. Teamwork, flexibility and ability to model employability skills required. High School diploma or equivalent, one-year related secre­ tarial experience including word processing and/or data entry ex­ perience, and typing speed o f 60 words per minute required. Medi­ cal office/insurance background preferred. Please submit resume Employment and cover letter to: The Oregon Air National Guard has Human Resources several part-time positions avail­ 31224 E. Historic Columbia River able. Let the Oregon Air Guard pro­ Hwy. vide you with the experience to Troutdale, OR 9 7060 enhance your civilian marketabil­ Responses Must Be Received No ity! Not only will the Air Guard train Later Than Friday, July 13, 2001 you, but pay you to learn! For more As an affirmative action employer, information on pay, travel, training we are seeking qualified minority, & various educational benefits - female, veteran and disabled ap­ call 1-800-392-1801 & inquire plicants; however, all qualified ap­ about our enlistment eligibility. plicants will be considered. Foundation Specialist 240 day .6 FTE position 24 hours week flexible work schedule Closes: 7 /2 3 /0 1 Principal Special Education Training & Education Center 230 Day position Closes: 7 /1 8 /0 1 Registered Nurse/Direct 1- 1 Student Care Full-Time and Part-time positions Closes: 7 /2 0 /0 1 For vacant classroom assistant positions call job hotline 503-257- 1510 To be part of the Multnomah Edu­ cation Service District team obtain application materials including Minimum qualifications M-F8.00- 5:00 in person or via mail send self-addressed stamped legal en­ velope ($.64) indicating position to: Mulnomah ESD, Attn. Recep­ tio n is t, 1 1 6 1 1 NE A insw orth Circle, Portland, OR 97220 or via WEB @ Application materials will not be faxed. An Equal Opportunity Employer & Drug Free W ork Place Walt Walker 1974 P.C.C. Sheet Metal/Husband of Crissy, Dick Weber Your Welding/Dixer Brother would love to see you. Message (360) 892-8730 Campaigns among students and/or employees by community organizations for the purpose of raising funds may be conducted only upon authorization of the Board. Fund-raising campaigns shall be authorized only when sponsored by organizations, which contribute significantly to social service, conservation or cultural aspects of community life. Fund-raising campaigns selected shall have objectives, which are primarily educational and shall be designed to help stu­ dents understand the role and importance of voluntary social service and cul­ tural agencies in community life. Such campaigns shall stress, as well, the importance of voluntary contributions to humanitarian services and cultural re­ sources. The District will permit three sanctioned fund drives each year, as follows: 1. FALL - COMBINED FUND DRIVE A. Participation. Schools and department shall participate annually in the combined campaigns, which shall be coordinated by the Office Public Informa­ tion and Communication. B. Standards of Eligibility. An organization eligible for participation in the Portland School District combined community drive must be an organization which is either (1) ajoint fundraising organization which is a federation of five or more constituent organizations providing or supporting health, education, con­ servation or human welfare services predominantly in Oregon and with signifi­ cant services in Multnomah County, or (2) a fundraising organization which is disbursing/granting funds to five or more constituent organizations providing or supporting health, education, conservation or human welfare services predomi­ nantly in Oregon and with significant services in Multnomah County which is not disbursee/grantee of a fundraising organization. Completed applications must be returned to the above address no later than 3:00 p.m., Friday, July 27, 2001. Michael J. Hutchens Director of Purchasing Multnomah County School District No. 1 501 North Dixon Street Portland, OR 97227