Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 11, 2001, Page 7, Image 7

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    July H , 2001
Page A 7
(Ttjv ÿiortlanô (Obstruer
Venus Does a Repeat at Wimbledon
Portland Fire’s
Athlete of the Year
Fire guard Jackie S tiles has
been presen ted w ith the H onda-
B roderick C up as the C o lleg iate
W om an A thlete o f the Y ear, based
o n v o tin g b y m o re th a n 9 0 0
N C A A schools.
S tiles, now a rookie w ith the
Fire, had an illustrious career at
S ou th w est M issouri State. H er
four y ears o f acco m p lish m en ts
w ere h ig h lig h ted in h er sen io r
s e a s o n b y s c o rin g 30 p o in ts
against C reighton on M arch 1 to
b eco m e th e le a d in g s c o re r in
N C A A w o m en ’s bask etb all h is­
to ry , then taking h er L ady Bears
team to an N C A A F inal Four
appearance. The 5-foot-8 senior
guard from C laim , K an., scored
40 points or m ore in six gam es
her final co lleg iate seaso n , in ­
cluding a gam e-high 49. She shot
56.6 percen t from the field, w ith
60 assists and 40 steals.
“ I am truly in a state o f shock
that you w ould honor m e w ith
th is p re s tig io u s a w a rd ,” S tile s
sa id o f th e ho n o r. “ T h is is d e f i­
n ite ly a n ig h t I w ill n e v e r fo r­
g et. T h e re w e re tim es w h en it
Jackie Stiles
w a s n ’t e a s y a n d 1 t h o u g h t
m a y b e I d i d n ’t h a n d le so m e
things the rig h t w ay, and things
w ere tough. But it’s all been w orth
it and I w o u ld n ’t trade a n y th in g .”
In h e r f ir s t s e a s o n in th e
W N BA , S tiles is curren tly a v e r­
aging 13.0 p o in ts, 2.7 rebounds,
and 2.0 assists in 33.3 m inutes
per gam e for the Fire, ranking
her second am ongst W N B A ro o k ­
ies in p o int p ro duction.
Sports Briefs
serve and dominating presence at the
C ontinued F rom F ront P age
won her first Grand Slam title at
net make grass her best surface.
Wimbledon last year, she leaped gid­
She’s 6-foot-1 and looked even taller
dily across the grass. This time she
standing across the court from the 5-
staged a more restrained cel­
ebration, befitting a player
w ho has becom e accus­
tomed to championships.
A few drops o f rain fell as
the final game began, and
Williams rushed to close out
the win. On the first match
point she smoked a service
return that jammed Henin,
who couid only dribble a
backhand to the net. A smil­
ing W illiams waved and
swung her fists at the crowd,
then hopped happily beside Venus Williams is the reigning Wimbledon
her changeover chair. She’s champion for the second year in a row.
familiar with the routine:
Since July 2000, W illiams has won
6 Henin, a 19-year-old speedster who
three major singles titles and two
showed considerable poise in her
first Grand Slam final. It was Williams
Olympic gold medals.
For the latest triumph, W illiams
who appeared nervous at the start,
received $647,500.
double-faulting on the first two
Henin earned $323,750. Aftersix
points. But from there she dominated
months o f mostly disappointing re­
with her serve, which reached 118
sults, she has reason to smile. In
mph, and she faced only one break
January, Williams endured the most
lopsided loss ofher career, 6-1,6-1 to
The first set tookjust 20 minutes,
Martina Hingis in the Australian
but the match then became more com­
Open quarterfinals. Then she was
petitive, and Henin took a 3-2 lead in
upset last month by Barbara Schett
the second set before yet another
in the opening round at the French
shower forced a 15-minute delay. The
crowd was rooting for an upset by the
But W imbledon rejuvenated her
slender Belgian with the ballcap and
game, just as it did a year ago, when
ponytail, and Centre Court erupted
the tournament marked her start o f a
when she broke for a 5-3 lead. She
35-match winning streak. W illiams’
closed out the set, but that was the
Seattle Gears Up for
the All-Star Game
Seattle officials and local organiz­
ers are cleaning up the town, honing
their media messages for hordes o f
journalists and applying the lessons
they learned last year, when an en­
tourage o f Seattle officials traveled to
Atlanta to study the 2000 All-Star
Game. City officials say the city just
wants to do a good job o f accommo­
dating the All-Star Game rather than
consciously engineering an image­
boosting event for the benefit o f the
gam e’s international audience. The
city and other organizations are start­
ing to shine up Seattle for the event.
Crews will pick up trash more fre­
quently, especially in the vicinity o f
Safeco Field and Pioneer Square.
Workers also will clean alleys, streets
and sidewalks around the ballpark.
The Tour de France
Armstrong, trying to win the Tour
for the third straight year, led the
main pack briefly in the final half-
mile, but Zabel rode by him from the
left and stayed out front until the
finish. The G erm an com pleted the
123.27 miles from Antwerp in north­
ern Belgium to this southern town
in 4 hours, 34 m inutes, 32 seconds.
Zabel also won Sunday’s first stage
and now has 10 stage victories in
fiv e
T o u rs .
F ran ce’s Em m anuel M agnien was
se c o n d T u e sd a y , fo llo w e d by
Italy’s Stefano Garzelli.
A ustralia’s Stuart O ’Grady was
credited with the same time and
claimed the yellow jersey as the race’s
overall leader. Marc Wauters finished
more than 6V2 minutes behind Tues­
day and relinquished the overall lead.
Armstrong, also credited with the
same finishing time as the top riders,
moved up from 11 th place to seventh
overall and trails O ’Grady by 21 sec­
Another American, Bobby Julich,
is in sixth place.
High TV Ratings for
The Pepsi 400 in Daytona Beach,
Fla., drew a 5.8 rating on Saturday night
on NBC, which was airing its first race
under a $2.8 billion NASCAR TV rights
deal it shares with TNT and Fox.
Earnhardt led a remarkable 116 o f
160 laps, but his dominance showed
most as he moved up from seventh
place to the lead in a late 3-mile span in
the first race at Daytona since his fa­
ther died in a last-lap wreck during the
Daytona 500 in February. The market
with the largest audience was Greens­
boro, N.C., with a 14.2 rating (each
point represents 1 percent o f TV
homes), followed by Orlando, Fla., with
13.5. The country’s largest market. New
York, produced only a 2.8 rating.
last game she won. Williams reas­
serted control with an headshaking
array o f big serves, return winners,
overhead slams and deft volleys.
Last year Williams became the first
black woman to win Wimbledon since
Althea Gibson in 1957-58. Now, like
Gibson, she’s a back-to-back cham­
pion — the first since Steffi G raf in
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