July l i , 2001 (lurtlanò (Obser Page A5 (Tlje Jlartlanb 0!)bseruer Focus Summer Concerts in the Park: C athedral Park Jazz F estival July 21 & 22 Sundays in Lents Park Gazebo State, S.E. 92nd, south of Holgate The 2 1 ” annual C athedral Park Jazz F estival is a sum p­ tuous delig h t ju st w aiting for you to experience. C om bining again w ith the F riday night B lue H eron M usic F estival, on July 20. T he free “ Jazz” festival kicks o ff on Saturday, July 21 w ith the lively sounds o f the C astle Jazz B and, with T all Jazz, N ancy K ing, Steve C h r is to f f e r s o n , th e B obby T orres E nsem ble and the Latin Big Band. C oncluding on Sun­ day, p erfo rm an ces w ill be by T h r e e - F if th s C o m p ro m is e , T hara M em ory, Dan B alm er, D o n n y O s b o r n e ’s B a n d , V i c to r i a C o r r ig a n , L a rry C o ryell, and the C arlto n Jack- son Band. 6:30p.m. Jul. 2 9 - Rctta and the Sm art Fellas (country) Sundays in Fernhill Park N.E. 37th and Ainsworth, in the woods 2 p.m. July 15-Innisfree(C elticduo) July 22 - Among Friends Quar­ tet (vocals only) Portland Winds (concert band) July 29 - Jack Straw (blue­ grass) Aug. 5 - O regon C ham ber Players (classical) & G et a Life Pep Band (brass band) Aug. 12 - Woody Hite Big Band (big bandjazz) Aug. 19- Providence Stage Band (big band jazz)andmore, tioni 11 a.m. 4p.m. Spyro Gyra Celebrates Silver Anniversary Commemorating 25 years of recording, contemporary jazz legends Spyro Gyra will perform at PGE Park, located at S.W. 20th and Morrison on Jul. 15. The band will perform at 4 p.m. The performance will featuremusic from the band’s fresh new collection, “In Mod­ em Times.” story is one of The band’s m u sic ’s m ost m o d ern ^ beginning with oft-told tales, Beckenstein a group o f leading ing m usi- revolv- around the c i a n s jazz scene Buffalo early ‘70s. c irc a broke onto S p y ro charts with the pop ‘M o r n i n g 1 97 8 ’ s and has been D a n c e ,” s tr u m e n ta l one of in- most consis- m u s ic ’ s and dy- tent sellers p e r - namic live m o re formers for cades. than two de­ Mondays in Sellwood Riverfront Park S .E . S p o k a n e S tre e t at O a k s P a r k w a y , by th e I Sellw ood Bridge 6:30 p.m. Ju l, 16 - K ath y W alker Band (blues) Jul. 23 - JV A (e c le c tic acoustic pop) Jul. 30 - Buds o f M ay (blue­ grass) LIVE IRISH MUSIC Tuesdays in Mt. Tabor Park Enter Park from S.E. 60th & Belmont \ Every Tuesday from 7pm to 10pm in the Courtyard. 6:30p.m. Jul. 17 - Linda H ornbuckle (blues and soul) Jul. 24 - R hythm C ulture | (reggae roots) Jul. 31 - C om m unity N ight w ith Sw am p M am a Johnson (funky blues) All ag es w elcom e. T hursdays in W allace Park N.W . 2 5 th & R aleigh 6:30 p.m . Jul. 12 - G rupo C o n d o r (Latin A m erican folk) Ju l. 19 - N e w el B rig g s (ch ild re n ’s song and folk m u­ sic) Jul. 26 - C om m unity night w ith A krow a (Afro-Cuban and Latinjazz) N o cover 5 7 5 6 NE 55rd Portland, O regon (5 0 5 )2 4 9 -5 9 8 5 w w w.'mc mena m i ns.roin Classy N ails announces th e 2 n d annual... cW Jtote to Sewe yewe Mailt We J uct. — Sat. 1C cun — 4 ptn d a ti today fa t y oui appointment! 5Ü3-2SS-J79C P R E SE N T E D BY * DAVE KOZ & FRIENDS: ^ M IC H A E L MCDONALD BRIAN CULBERTSON * NORMAN BROWN a ; 1439 NE. Alberta Street Portland, OR 97211 2