Ju ly 11, 2001 U ortlanò Ulbvrrurr P ag e A 3 (Elje Jlo rtla n ò ffibseruer Family More Families Choose Adoption ^»Inrthtnh (©bserücr A doptions o f children from foster care have continued to increase d ra­ m atically because o f both state and federal adoption reform initiatives. T h e State O ffice for Services to C hildren and Fam ilies finalized 831 adoptions in the last fiscal year, com ­ pared to 665 adoptions in the year earlier. “T he success o f the sta te’s adoption program in achieving per­ m anent placem ents for children is the result o f strong relationships with com m unity partners,” said Ram ona Foley, SCF adm inistrator. Partners include the Special N eeds A doption C oalition, the Boys and G irls A id Society, the N orthw est A doption Exchange and m ore than three dozen out-of-state private adop­ tion agencies that refer prospective adoptive families. USPS 9 5 9 -6 8 0 Established 1970 S TA FF P hoto by D avid G iezyng /T he P ortland O bserver A C o m in g o f A g e D e b u t a n t e s B a ll E d it o r P C in h ie f , u b l is h e r Charles H . Washington E u s in e s s M * P e a c e G ro u p F o c u s : D iffic u lt P e o p le d it o r L a rry J. Jackson, Sr. B Marking their passage into adulthood, the La Femmes organization in Portland brought together their young women to celebrate at the Marriott in downtown last month. The debutantes honored attend classes in etiquette, do well in school and follow a moral code of behavior that would encourage them to live a moral life. anager m aking my life m iserable, and what can I do about it?” will be led by Stan Sitnick on July 17th from 6:30-9 p.m. at the F irst United M ethodist Church, 1838 SW Jefferson, Room 201. Sitnick The O regon Peace Institute will sponsor a w orkshop to explore self- help tools in dealing w ith difficult people and situations. “W hy are all these difficult people is the coordinator o f the C lackam as County Dispute Resolution Center. He has been a therapist, mediator, fa­ cilitator and trainer in private practice. Pre-register by calling 503-725-8192. The goal o f the A doption and Safe Fam ilies Act, passed by Congress in 1997 and im plem ented in O regon in 1999, is to movechildren more quickly from foster care to perm anency. For m ore than a decade, the num ­ ber o f children in state custody who are free for adoption has grow n from fewer than 500 per year to m ore than 900 per year. The num ber o f adoptions, how ­ ever, should begin to level o ff over the next several years as officials continue to m ake strides in reducing the num ber o f abused and neglected children com ing into state custody. For m ore inform ation about be­ com ing a foster or adoptive parent, call SCF at (800) 331 -0503 or the spe­ cial Needs Adoption Coalition at (800) 342-6688. The weekend is what you make o f it. G ary Ann Taylor Powell’s Books Challenge A sst . P ublisher Michael Leighton C opy E d it o r Joy Ramos S econd C hance is a business en terp rise o f C entral C ity C on­ cern, an organization that pro­ vides pathw ays to self-sufficiency through active intervention in pov­ erty and hom elessness. Second C hance also gives the M ichael P ow ell, o f P o w e ll’s B ooks, has d o n ated $15 ,0 0 0 in b ooks to th e S econd C h an ce on B ro ad w ay Thrift Store. H e ’s also challenging other local businesses to m atch, do llar for dollar, his gift th ro u g h Ju ly 20. co m m unity an alte rn a tiv e site for donating clo th in g and household item s for use by resid en ts in the L etty O w in g s C e n te r, a n o th e r C entral C ity C o n cern program . F orm ore inform ation, call (503) 284-0277. A weekend escape is closer than you think. In fact, you'll find it at the C r e a t iv e D ir e c t o r U tility O ffe r s S u m m e r S a fe ty T ip s luxurious Radisson Hotel Seattle Airport. Centrally located between Seattle and Tacoma, you can unwind in the garden courtyard with a Robert P arker 47 4 7 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 503-288-0033 Fax 503-288-0015 e-mal newseportlandobserver.com subecr^doneportlandobeervwxxan adseportlandobserver.com to play,” said G ary LeMoine, Pacific Power’s corporate safety director. “The danger is very real and could be deadly.” Pacific Power offers the following tips for a safe summer: S u m m er v a c a tio n m ean s th at young people are taking o f f for play­ grounds, open fields, parks and just about any location where they can fly kites, climb trees or play ball. Although Pacific Power doesn’t have “kite-eating” trees made famous by Charlie Brown cartoons, the electric utility does have pow er poles, over­ head wires and substations to stay away from when seeking the best places for outdoor fun. “Electrical facilities overhead wires, poles, substations or ground-mounted transformers are not at all good places • Keepallkitesawayfromover- head power lines. Ifakitedoes become tangled in electrical wire, m ake no at­ tempt to remove it! Call Pacific Power at 1-888-221-7070. • Check trees for overhead wires running near or through limbs and branches before climbing. I f lines are present, do not climb the tree for any reason. • heated pool, melt away stress in the sauna, and even savor fresh N ever clim b a substation seafood at N o rth by Northwest. Go ahead, make it a weekend to fence. Fences protect people from a serious hazard. I f a ball or other per­ sonal property lands inside a substa­ tion fence, call Pacific Pow erat 1-888- 221-7070. • N ever poke, pry or climb tan remember Join Gold Rewards. Free Nights. Global Rewards. or green boxed ground-mounted trans­ formers. T hey’re sate while sealed, but pose a threat if tam pered with. “W e encourage everyone to remem­ ber these simple safety rules and help ensure a safe and pleasant sum m er for all, said Lemoine. SEATTLE Radisson Hotel Seattle A irp o rt 17001 International Blvd.. Seattle. W A 9 8 188 206-244-6000 • Fax 206-246-6835 w w w .radisson.com /seattlew a I-8OO-333-3333 o r contact your travel professional *6 o s e U on availability M u st m ention this a d a t tim e of reservation. G ood th ro u g h 1 2I3O IO I P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer PO Box 313 7 Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8 Periodical Postage paid in Portland, OR Subscriptions are SAFEWAY FOOD & DRUG $60.00 per year D E A D L IN E S FOR ALL S U B M IT T E D M E T E R IA L S : Attention SENIORS N E W FO R SE NIO R S ONLY... ARTICLES: Monday by 5 ADS: Friday by noon The Portland Observei welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled andwill be retumedifaccom- panied by a selfaddressed envelope. AH created design display ads be­ come the sole property o f the news­ paper and cannot be used in other publications orpersonal usage with­ out the written consent o f the general manager, unless the client has pur­ chased the composition o f such ad. © 1996 THE PORTLAND OB­ SERVER. ALL RIGHTS RE­ SERVED, REPRODUCTION IN WHOLEORINPART^TTHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED. ThePortlandObserver-Oregon's OldestMulticultural Publication-isa member o f the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Represen­ tative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, New York, NY, and The West Coast Black Publishers Association* Serv­ ing Portland and Vancouver. 1 Safeway Senior Shuttle Service! p . m . S) Introducing a great n ew service for o u r n eighborhood senior citizens FREE grocery shopping shuttle \ service to your nearby Ainsworth J & M L K Blvd Safeway Food & D rug I an d Renaissance M a rk e t T W IC E a ' M o n th 1 O n or around th e 3rd and 15th o< each m o n th This Service is FREE to seniors age 6 0 and over Hrast t o w n QronOrttortr. and intarm W U NQT K fflM TTtD on H* tomit at ony now L O O K FO R O U R SPFCIAL R A Z TR A N SPOR TA TION TROLL F Y S IR V K S S C H F D U l F FLYFR AT YO U R M L K BLVD SAFFW AY and RFN A ISSA N C F M A R K F T FOR C O M P L F T F D t TAILS! 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