Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 11, 2001, Page 2, Image 2

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    July 11,2001
Crime Stoppers
Seeking African American Families with ADHD
Children for a Research Study
Driver Sought in Hit and Run
ADHD, Ethnicity, and Family Environment
Who is the Principal Inv estigator?
Judy Kendall, rn ,
School of Nursing, Oregon Health Sciences University
3181 S W Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, OR 97201
What is the study about?
This study is about gaining an understanding o f what it is like fora family to live with attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Virtually no research exists on how African American and Hispanic
families experience and manage ADHD, what health needs they may have, and what opportunities they
have for receiving these services. The study will involve two meetings, about 2 hours each, at your home
or place convenient for you.
Which families are eligible?
Families with at least one child (age 6-19) with a diagnosis o f ADHD.
Families with at least two people (the ADHD child and one parent). Hopefully both parents
and siblings will participate as well.
Families that are willing to participate in one interview and complete a series ofquestionnaires.
Families that speak English or are willing to work through an interpreter.
Parents that are able to read and write at the 5th grade level or are willing to have the questions
read to them.
AU information will be held strictly confidential.
There will be no cost to you for participating in the research.
In appreciation of your time and contribution,
Each family will receive $50 after each meeting for a possible total of
If interested please call 503-494-4122.
Funded by National Institute o f Health/National Institute of Nursing Research
The Portland Police Bureau
Traffic Division, in coopera­
tion with Crime Stoppers, is
asking for your help in identify­
ing and apprehending the sus­
pect in a felony hit and run to a
On Saturday, June 23, at
about 1:45 in the morning, 50-
year-old Roger Edward Smith
o f northeast P ortland, was
struck by a hit and run vehicle
while crossing Northeast 82nd
Avenue at Fremont Street.
According to investigators,
Smith was walking from the
west to the east side o f 82’”*
Roger Smith suffered serious
Injuries when he was struck by a
hit and run driver.
Avenue when a northbound ve­
hicle struck him. The vehicle
continued northbound on 82nd
without stopping. Smith was
transported to an area hospital
with serious injuries.
The suspect vehicle may pos­
sibly be an early 70’s, full size
Chevrolet pickup truck.
Crime Stoppers is offering a
cash reward o f up to $1,000 for
information, reported to Crime
Stoppers, which leads to an ar­
rest in this case, or any unsolved
felony crime, and you can re­
main anonymous. Call Crime
Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP.
Police Seek Help in Knife Attack
The Portland Police Bureau,
in cooperation w ith C rim e
Stoppers, is asking for your
help in identifying and appre­
hending the suspect in an as­
On Saturday, June 2 at about
12:45 in the m orning, a 40-
year-old m an had just returned
to his residence near SE 162nd
and Burnside Street, when he
encountered the suspect. The
suspect stabbed the victim sev­
eral tim es, then fled.
The suspect is described as
a w hite m ale, approxim ately
A sketch identifies a suspect in an
35 years o f age, 6 ’0 ” tall, w ith
a medium build, dark curly hair
over his ears and a m ustache.
He is known to w ear a dark
colored baseball cap with the
Kansas City C h ie fs logo on
the front.
Crim e Stoppers is offering
a cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,000
for inform ation, reported to
Crime Stoppers, which leads
to an arrest in this case, or any
unsolved felony crime, and you
can rem ain anonym ous. Call
Crime Stoppers at (503) 823-
Man Accused of Murder for Hire
-7—---T r
stolen his com puter. Stai a l­
m an accused o f
legedly gave the m en a gun
hiring two hitm en
and p rovided them w ith the
w as
a r r e s te d
v ic tim s ’ p ictu res
June 27 and charged intended
w ith
and ad d resses, said Sandy
conspiracy to com m it ag ­
Jam es, sp o k e sw o m a n fo r
gravated m urder and so lici­
th e W a s h in g to n C o u n ty
tation to com m it aggravated
S h e r if f s O ffice.
m urder.
P olice also arre ste d 25-
W ashington C ounty d e­
y ear-o ld B rian M cC aw on
tectives said R oy Allen Stai,
W ed n esd ay . M cC aw w as
4 6 , o f f e r e d tw o m en
one o f the m en Stai had
$20,000 to k ill tw o other
hired. Jam es said.
individuals he believed had
II f
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Roy Allen Stai
Volunteers Needed for Police Review
lice R eview D ivision.
P rin te d a p p lic a tio n s are
av ailable in the a u d ito r’s o f­
om ­ The com pleted ap plica­
tions m ust be received no later
he P ortland C ity Au
d ito r is seeking nine
v o lu n teers to serve
on the C itizen R eview
m ittee o f the Independent P o ­
than A ug. 1 at 5 p.m .
A p p licatio n s are also a v a il­
able on the a u d ito r’s w ebsite
at w w w .ci.p o rtlan d .o r.u s/au -
Police Officer in a Deadly Shootout
m ains there in fair condition.
in a front yard w here he was
olice officer C hristian
A fter rec e iv in g an em er­
fatally shot. He w as described
B a rk e r u n d e rw e n t
as a C aucasian m ale in his
gency 911 call from a wom an
surgery on M onday
who was sexually attacked on
m id-40s, carrying a 9 mm p is ­
at Legacy Em anual H ospital
M onday at 11 a.m ., police o f­
tol. The police do not know
a fter being shot in the hand by
ficer B arker responded to the
an a tta ck e r in S outheast P o rt­
w hether the suspect was the
call. A shootout occurred out­
sam e m an w ho sexually a s ­
land. The bullet entered his
side a hom e in Southeast P ort­
saulted the w om an w ho called
hand betw een the ring fin g er
land, located at 3030 S.E. 69th
and m iddle finger, traveling to
A venue.
Police surrounded the hom e
th e in sid e o f h is fo re a rm .
he suspect, who is yet
B a r k e r w as v i s i t e d by
and arrested tw o people w ho
to be identified, was
were hiding in the p roperty.
P o rtla n d ’s m ayor V era K atz
killed during the al­
soon a fter being adm itted to
An in v estig atio n is cu rren tly
tercation. His body was underw
lying ay.
the h o sp ital. He cu rren tly re-
Beaverton Police Kill Man With Knife
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A ll three o fficers fired at
Phongsavanh, who was killed
instantly, H yde said.
H yde said police w ent to
the 204-unit O verlook A part­
m ents after a resident called
to say a man w as threatening
others with a knife.
H y d e sa id P h o n g s a v a n h
m atched the d escription given
by the caller.
All three o fficers fired sev-
(A P ) - A B eaverton m an
w as k illed July 1 by po lice
g u n fire a fte r he a lle g e d ly
th re a te n e d o ffic e rs w ith a
Sengsadaphet Phongsavanh,
29, charged dow n a hill tow ard
three B eaverton po lice o ffic ­
ers w ielding a knife over his
head and m aking a stabbing
m o tio n , said O ffic e r M ark
H yde, police spokesm an.
eral shots at the man from
le s s th a n 30 f e e t a w a y .
P h o n g s a v a n h f e ll to th e
ground; he e ith e r slipped or
was shot. Phongsavanh got up
and ran at the o fficers in the
parking lot again.
O fficers fired several m ore
shots. P hongsavanh fell to the
ground in the p arking lot and
died less than 10 feet from
tw o officers, H yde said.
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