J u n e 2 7 , 2001 Page B3 ¿C b e J J p x U a u b © b s e r u e r , r As a t s s Jeff Lorber is Kickin’ It at Jazzfest ® Featuring Recording Gospel Stars "Disciples in Song" Miracle« Club 4069 NE Martin Luther King Blvd. June 30th, 2001 7pm -1 0 pm Masters of Ceremony Michael R. Booker Tickets $8.00 in advance - $10.00 at the Door P a r t ic ip a t in g V e n d o rs Geneva's Sheer Perfection - 5601 NE MLK A Step Above -5130 NE MLK Stepping Out Menswear - 7618 N. Interstate Keyboardist Jeff Lorber and his band will perform Sunday, July 15 at the Portland City Jazzfest at PGE Park In Portland at 2:30 p.m. Lorber's new CD, ‘Kickin’It, ’ marks his first release for Samson Records and debuted at number nine on the Billboard Contemporary Jazz Charts. "Kickin ’ It’ has a smooth sound bringing together elements o f funk, R&B, rock and electric jazz. The album is his first studio recording In two years. k EHNEDYSCH o O| I* McMenainins announces lite 2 n d annua VL PRESENTED « CLASS BEGINS W ITH A HEARTY BREAKFAST BEAVERTON BY IN F IN IT I Monday through Saturday: 7am to 10:30am Sunday: 7am to 1 1:30am »736 \ l TJND 3 3 r d ■ P o r tla n d , O r e g o n (3 0 3 ) ¿ 4 9 - 3 9 8 3 • l u v n . n x n ie n .iin in s .t ntn Legal Services SUITES AND V.l.P. SEATING AVAILABLE Comprehensive Wills & Yearly Updates tickets available at t i c k e t m a s t e r and Debts, Dispute Decisions, Divorce > BOX OFFICE OR CHARGE BY PHONE (5O3) 224-44OO And more $26.00 or loss per month \p For more in fo rm a tio n c a ll Norman Ross at (503) 757-8409 enenee n e tv i n t i m a t e PGE P ark 3 ,0 0 0 seat