June 27, 2001 Page B2 llu rtlan ò (Observer «FOCUS Summer’s Biggest Blockbusters Premiering Now: Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Synopsis: Lara Croft, who is carrying on her deceased father s work as an English archaeologist/antiquities hunter, uncovers an ancient puzzle that she msut solve before it’s too late. C en­ tu ries b e fo re ,a m y ste rio u s, otherworldly object with a god­ like power to alter time was split in two and the pieces bur­ ied in tombs on opposite ends of the earth. Jolie must race against time to find both halves o f the object and destroy it before a leader of an evil secret society get his hands on it. Dr. Dolittle 2 G reyhound R acing May 4 * October 13, 2001 Post Times Wednesday - Saturday 7 00 pm Sundays/Hol ¡days 1:00 pm N£ 223rd & Glisan Wood Village. Oregon G R E Y H O U N D (503) 667-7700 www rnulmotnahgreyhoondpork com F ree P arking and A dmission Synopsis: The continuing tale of the doctor who can talk to the animals - this time, it’s Dolittle versus Darwin when the animals launch a labor strike to protect their forest from unscrupulous human developers. Dolittle quickly comes up with a plan: populate the forest with a species o f animal that the law protects. He finds a perfect candidate when he comes across Ava, a lone Pacific Western bear living in the condemned forest. To provide her with a mate, Dolittle turns to Archie, a wise-cracking, fast-food loving, circus performing bear. Can Dolittle play matchmaker to these two mismatched bears before it’s too late? Genre(s): comedy, adaptation, sequel, remake; Rating: MPAA PG 13; Runtim e: 100 mins.; D istributor(s): 20th Century Fox (USA). Atlantis: The Lost Empire Synopsis: The year is 1914. Milo Thatch is a lowly museum cartographer and linguistics expert who knows the whereabouts of Atlantis. He isn’t taken seriously, however, until an eccentric billion­ aire funds an expedition based on Miko’s late grandfather s journal about the lost city. Milo joins a motley group o f mercenaries, led by Commander Rourke, on a dangerous trip through the ocean, where they discover a thriving civilization ruled by the King and his beautiful warrior daughter, Princess Kida. It’s Atlantis, and it’s been kept alive by a crystal energy hidden deep within the city, which thrills Commander Rourke - his evil plan is to steal the crystals. Now it’s up to Milo and the others to save the city from certain doom. SWORDFISH Synopsis: Gabriel Shear has set his sights on a government slush fund established several years ago by the Drug Enforcement Agency in a money-laundering scheme, now worth nearly $10 billion. In order to pull o ff the heist, he needs to find someone who can get into the bank’s computers quickly enough to access the DEA money while delet­ ing all records o f the tra n s ­ fer. Shear is left with one option - S tanley Jobson - recently re­ leased from ja il a fte r s e rv in g two years for hacking into an FBI p ro g ra m that performed unethical surveillance on regular Americans. Jobson is reluctant to do the job even after Shear offers him $10 million because the terms o f his parole prevent him from coming within 50 yards o f a computer. So Shear comes up with an offer that he cannot refuse - a chance to be reunited with his daughter Holly. Jobson’s • LANCE CROUTHER WANDA SYRER and CHRIS RDCR Too cool for words S tarts F riday , J une 29 boozy ex-wife took Holly and m ar­ ried an X-rated film director during his hiatus from society, leaving Jobson to live alone in a trailer. With everything to gain, Jobson accepts the deal and enters Shear’s world where people are obviously not what they seem. A.I. Synopsis: Sometime in the dis­ tant future, after the polar icecaps have melted, major flooding has devastated most major cities and the world is now run by robots with highly sophisticated artificial intelli­ gence. In the midst of it all stands one boy and a robotic teddy bear who long for something more... Genre(s): sci-fi, drama; Rating: MPAA; Runtim e: 73 m ins.; Distributor(s): Warner Bros (USA). US (WSTPOflr T6 Premiering 503-775-0000 CENTUWTHEATRES « E 8 2 N D DIGITAL Soon: Cats and Dogs Synopsis: The age-old turf war between cats and dogs gets more intense when felines discover that humans may be on the brink of developing a vaccine for dog aller­ gies. Dogs, naturally, are all for it, but cats make it their mission to prevent the breakthrough. Genre(s): anim ation, anim al, liv e -a c tio n ; R atin g: MPAA; D istr ib u to r (s): W arner Bros (USA); Theatrical Release: July 4. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT • NO PASSES • HAM CALLTHEATRE FOR SHOWTIMES PG-131 PARENTS STRONGLY CAUTIONED «P» IS' S u n M it w lil May 0« l u ip y a p r iif lot CWMrwi Undw 13 « « • [SEX RELATED MATERIAL, LANGUAGE A DRUG CONTENT ¡a, F o r r a t in g r e a s o n s , g o to w w w .t ilm r a t ln g s .c o m . WWW. pOOtîetaiig. C0H1 SOUNDTRACK ALBUM AVAILABLE ON HOllYWOOD RECORDS w Kiss of the Dragon Synopsis: A Chinese intelligence officer goes to Paris on assignment and becomes embroiled in a deadly conspiracy. G enre(s): m artial arts; Distributor(s): Miramax; Theatri­ cal Release: July 6. hi «CTW1 «LMMÜI C o n t in u e s on P age B 4