Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 27, 2001, Image 7

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    Committed to Cultural Diversity
June 27, 2001
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ZiT n m nt u n i t y
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30,000 Cheap Books for Sale
30,000 books, none priced higher than
$3.50, will beofferedatPowell’sBooks’ Square
Deal Sale at Pioneer Courthouse Square, 9
a.m. to 9 p.m. everyday from Wednesday,
June 27 through Friday, June 29.
100 Man Chorus Workshop
The Fellow ship M issionary B aptist
Church will present a 100 man chorus work­
shop on Thursday, June 28 with rehearsal at
7:30 p.m. and on Saturday, June 30 with
rehearsal at 9 a.m. and later at 7:30 p.m. The
workshop will be held at the Fellowship Mis­
sionary Baptist Church, located at 4009 N.
Missouri. Call503/281 -0421 or503/249-0377.
The G reening o f
D ivision/C linton
Calling all kids, young and old, floats,
decorated wagons, trucks, golfcarts, bikes,
and buggies, antique and art cars, marching
bands and entertainers who make the 9lh
Annual Division/Clinton Street Fair an event
to remember. W e’ll have a rhythm sectiona
nd a motorcycle escort. The parade “Branch­
ing out to the Future,” begins at 11 a.m. at
St. Philip N eri’s parking lot on 16,h and
Division and with a short detour to Clinton,
ends at 36,h. Call 503/774-2832.
Community Center Camps
Montavilla Community Center, located
at 8219 N.E. Glisan will offer 5 weeks o f
match-up camps for ages 4-6 and 7-10. Each
afternoon, from 1:30 p.m. - 4 p.m., children
are matched with a special interest camp.
Formore information, call 503/823-4101.
Red Cross Training
Red Cross will offer Babysitter’s Train­
ing at HosfordCommunity Center, 2302 S.E.
28th Place. The class will be held on M on­
day, July 9 and Wednesday, July 11, from 9
a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Babysitter’s Training is an
eight-hour Red Cross course that teaches
youth ages 11 to 15 the skills needed to be
prepared and responsible childcare givers.
To register, call 503/916-2906.
W ater C onservation
W orkshop
Come to a free water conservation work­
shop and learn how to detect leaks around
your home, repair leaky faucets and toilets,
save money on your w ater-sewer bill, re­
duce your indoor and outdoor water usage,
and more! The next meeting will be at the
Albina Ministerial Alliance, located at 4867
N.E. M L K B lvd.,from 5:30p.m .-7:30p.m .
Call 503/284-6827 to register.
Blues Festival to Feature 100 Performers
July 4-8 Event Fills Tom McCall Waterfront Park
Roadhouse blues trouba­
dour Delbert M cClinton, soul
legend Solom on Burke, Tex-
Mex roots rockers Los L o­
bos, blues belter Shem ekia
C opeland, funk/blues p io ­
neers Little Feat, and the late
Stevie Ray V aughan’s rhythm
se c tio n , D o u b le T ro u b le ,
highlight a lineup o f more
than 80 blues artists perform ­
ing on three stages as the
W est C o ast’s largest blues
festival expands to five full
days this year over the ex­
tended July 4 w eekend.
The 2001 Safew ay W ater­
front Blues Festival will b e­
gin W ednesday, July 4 at
noon. The independence day
celebrations w ill culm inate in
a spectacular firew orks show
over the W illam ette R iver at
10 p.m. the festival continues
n o o n -10 p.m . T hursday, July
5 through Saturday, July 7,
and noon-9 p.m., Sunday, July
8. The festival is held at the
Shemekia Copeland, an up and coming 21-yearold Blues
south end o f Tom M cCall
belter, recently received the W.C. Handy Award for Best
W aterfront Park in downtown
Blues Album of the Year and Best Female Blues Vocalist
of the Year. She will be performing at the Waterfront Blues
H ighlights o f this y e a r’s
Festival on Wednesday, July 4, from 9-10 p.m.
lineup include Texas R oad­
by guitarists
h o u s e b lu e s tro u b a d o u r
Also featured will be many stalwarts o f
PaulG erem ia
D elbert M cC linton, m aking
the Pacific N orthw est blues scene, includ­
S te v e
his first Portland appearance
ing Curtis Salgado, Paul deLay, Lloyd Jones,
in two years; the “ King o f
Monti Amundson, Duffy Bishop, Linda
h is to ria n
R ock and S o u l” Solom on 01 u Dara, the father of multi-platinum New York rapper Nas, is one the most dynamic
H om buckle, Ellen Whyte, Terry Robb and
i c k
Burke, recently inducted into vocalist and multi-instrumentalists on the music scene. He has collaborated with such
m any more. A dditional national and re­
rm a n ,
the Rock & Roll Hall o f Fame, artists as Cassandra Wilson, Bonnie Raltt, and Bo Dlddley. Olu Dara will be performing
gional acts to be announced.
m an y
who will perform with his soul at the Waterfront Blues Festival on Thursday, July 5.
On July 4, Oregon Food Bank will host
o th e rs . T he
revue as well as deliver G os­
StarSpangled Blues 2001 : The Party on the
Safew ay W aterfront Blues F estival’s tal­
C opeland; the blues infused w orld beat o f
pel service on Sunday; Tex-M ex roots rock­
Hawthorne, an evening o f fine dining and
coordinator Peter D am m ann recently
ers Los Lobos; funk/blues/rock legends
entertainm ent held on the H aw thorne
received the prestigious 2001 K eeping the
revivalists R oom ful o f Blues.
Little Feat; the late Stevie Ray V aughan’s
Bridge. The party will help the food bank
Blues A live Award from the Blues Founda ­
legendary rhythm section Double Trouble;
meet its goal o f raising $2.1 m illion by July
tion for his work to show case legendary
history focus w ill be enhanced by w ork­
the young blues belter Shem ekia Copeland,
S tory C ontinues on P age B4
blues talent.
d au ghter o f late blues legend Johnny
Housing Center Opens Sandy Boulevard Site
2001: Slough Odyssey
Want to
ipwn a
M idsum m er N ight City
Bike Tour
This city bike tour is a bicycle adven­
ture exploring Portland by m oonlight.
Pre-party at 11 p.m ., ride starts at m id­
night. M eet at the Rose Q uarter C om ­
m ons. Sponsored by The Bike G allery.
Call 503/281-9198 form ore information.
This event is free.
holds the key
H ollyw ood T heatre’s
75th A nniversary
4th o f July Firew orks
Join the community for an old-fashioned
celebration. Bring the family to enjoy good
food, live music and a spectacular fireworks
display on W ednesday, July 4 at the Blue
Lake Regional Park in Fairview. At the event
will be great music and lots o f food for all.
Fireworks will begin at ,0 p.m. Call Bruce
Taibet at 360/695-2442.
Waste Fees
Metro removes
household hazardous
waste collection fee
Bring your own hum an-pow ered ves­
sel or RSVP Joe A nnett for a com plim en­
tary 1 hour rental courtesy o f A lder Creek
K ayak & Canoe. This is an opportunity
to explore the W illam ette R iver or the
Colum bia Slough. The launch site will be
at 9363 N. C olum bia Blvd, located 4.5
m iles west o f 1-5, across from Chim ney
Park. Call 503/823-4513.
A lice C otton, the author o f “W hen
B uildings Speak,” will be at H ollyw ood
T h eatre’s 75,h A nniversary on Thursday,
July 19 at 7:30 p.m. She will do a slide
show presentation and book signing. A
panel fo preservationists and p reserva­
tionist organizations will answ er ques­
tions and share their stories. H ollyw ood
T heatre is located at 4122 N.E. Sandy.
Call 503/254-3173.
P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
The staff of the Portland Housing Center welcomes area residents to their new location at 3233 N.E. Sandy Blvd.
Portland Housing Center is celebrating the
o p e n in g o f its new N e ig h b o rW o rk s
Hom eO w nershipCenterlocatedat 3233 N.E.
Sandy Blvd.
The opening coincides with the center's
10-year anniversary as a community resource
for home buyers, homeowners, renters and
The center follows a model to give first time
homebuyers the best information from the
housing and lending industries. Home buy­
ers then have a "one stop place” where they
can seek out trustworthy information to help
counter all the dubious mail, television and
telephone home buying solicitations.
The model provides increased efficiency
w ith a dedicated com m unity room for
classes and offices for counseling.
Services offered by the center include
certified home buyer education classes.
referrals to participating lenders, insur­
ance and realtors, debt and credit counsel­
ing, financial fitness classes, down pay­
ment loans and m ortgage default counsel­
The center also provides education ser­
vices for tenants and landlords through its
tenant education program “Ready to Rent”
and its landlord workshops. Services are
offered in English and Spanish.
The M etro C ouncil has ap proved the
rem oval o f m ost charges for household
hazardous w aste accep ted at M etro haz­
ardous w aste facilities.
T he change in p o licy w ill m ake safe
d isposal o f com m on everyday products
such as paint, oil, p esticid es and c le a n ­
ers even e a sie r for resid en ts. In turn,
safe disposal p rotects the natural re ­
source system o f the region for fish,
w ild life and people. “ T his action fur­
thers M e tro 's effo rts to m ake safe d is­
posal o f these hazardous m aterials as
easy and inexpensive as p o ssib le ," co m ­
m ented D avid B ragdon, M etro C ouncil
presid in g officer. “ W e w ant to provide
as m any incentives as p o ssib le for e v ­
eryone to act in an e n v iro n m e n ta lly re ­
spo n sib le w ay." M etro also is e x p a n d ­
ing efforts to ed ucate re sid e n ts about
less toxic g a rd e n in g te c h n iq u e s and
h o m e -c a re p ro d u c ts . R e m o v in g the
household hazardous w aste collectio n
fee is part o f a M etro po licy that sh ifts
the focus from acco m m o d atio n o f d is­
posal to prev en tio n . P o licies on p re v e n ­
tion include identification o f alternatives,
buying only w hat is needed and proper
d is p o s a l o f an y u n u s e d q u a n titie s .
M e tro 's hazardous w aste fa c ilitie s are
located at M etro South Station, 2001 SW
W ashington, O regon C ity, and M etro
C entral Station, 6161 NW 6 1 st. Portland.
For m ore inform ation about preparing
m aterials to bring to M etro and w hat can
be accepted, call M etro R ecycling Infor­
m ation, 503-234-3000.