June 27, 2001 Page A 2 ®be ^ìovl lauft Uf)b«mwr i Police News/Vancouver Three Face Federal Charges in Prostitution Case Vancouver. A trial in a Canadian shopping mall, beating her and Three Portland residents ar­ court is set for July 10. It is drugging her. Police said they rested by V ancouver, British unclear when they w ould be gave her LSD, speed, caffeine Columbia, authorities for alleg­ edly forcing an 11-year- old into prostitution were c h arg ed w ith s im ila r crimes by a federal grand ju ry in P o rtla n d . An in d ic tm e n t nam es Jabari A. McCrory, 26, David Martin Walker, 26, and Melinda Mae Alma , . . . . . . .. ^ , - . . David Walker (from l e f t . Jabari McCrory and Melinda Carter all face C a rte r, 25, w ith to u r ' counts related to taking char&es in an ^ e g e d e d forced prostitution case. the girl across the interna­ tional border and forcing her into prostitution. Carter faces a fifth count for traveling for prostitu­ tion purposes. The three are accused o f ab­ ducting the girl in a Portland and ecstasy and forced her to work 11 to 12 hours at a time on the streets o f Vancouver’s infa­ mous “kiddie stroll," an area known for prostitution. All three are in custody in brought back to Portland to face the U.S. charges. The 11-year old lived with foster parents and has since been returned to them . They reported her m issing Feb. 17 after she told them she was going to a movie but never came home. The girl told police that her alleged captors told her she could m ake a lot o f money by going with them to Canada. According to the U.S. indictment. Walker and Carter helped the girl buy clothes and Walker supplied her with fake identification. The group crossed the border Feb. 21. On Feb. 24, a V ancouver vice of­ ficer spotted the girl working the street and stopped to check on her. She eventually told the officer what was happening, and police arrested her alleged captors later that day. □ Y e s . r, D LO VE TO USE ONE OF YOUR F R E E C O U P O N S TO SAVE M O N EY ON A C O M P A C T FLUO RESCENT L IG H T BULB. O N o , THANKS. AND CAN BUY ALL T H E FO R MY HOMES, W ELL AFFO RD COMPACT HOME (A N D TO H IR E I’ m SOMEONE FLUO RESCENTS MY lo ad ed SECOND TO I NEED AND T H IR D A S W E L L ). Interview Describes Mother’s Killing Spree The m other who alleg ed ly drowned her five children one by one in a bathtub told police the oldest one tried to escape but she chased him through the house, the Houston Chronicle reported Friday. In the videotaped interview with police. Andrea Yates described how she methodically killed the children June 20, the newspaper said. It quoted an unidentified police investigator as saying she spoke in a “zombie-like fashion.” Yates, a former nurse, told police that 2-year-old Luke was the first child to be drowned, followed by Paul, 3, and John, 5. After each child died, Yates recounted on the video­ tape, she carried their bodies into a bedroom, put them on a bed and covered them with a sheet. She said 7-year-old Noah walked into the bathroom and saw her hold­ ing the youngest child, 6-month-old Mary. “What's wrong with Mary?” Noah asked his mother, according to the account. Yates told police she chased Noah through the house, dragged him back to the bathroom and drowned him next to Mary, the investigator told the newspaper. Noah’s body was found in the bathtub, the others in a bedroom. The 36-year-old m other was charged late Wednesday with one count ofcapital murder, but that could change after more investigation. A ssistant D istrict Attorney Joe Owmby said Friday. No decision has been made about whether to seek the death penalty, he said. Yates appeared briefly in court Friday, her arms folded and wearing an orange jumpsuit, and said she could not afford a lawyer. State Dis­ trict Judge Belinda Hill told her an attorney would be appointed for her. “This is the most horrendous thing that I have ever seen,” said Owmby, a 15-yearprosecutorwhosaidhehas handled a dozen capital murder cases. “I mean, we have five children at the morgue,” he told CNN. Preliminary results from autopsies conducted Thursday indicate the children drowned, Harris County Medical Examiner Dr. Joye Carter said. There's no wrong decision when you choose to save energy. And, since compact fluorescents use 70% less energy than regular bulbs, it's a smart choice. So dig that coupon out of your PGE statement (or have the hired help do it for you), and start making your castle more energy- efficient. Because we all have the power to help. /