Page B6 June 27, 2001 ¿Ükje 'Portümfr ©hserlwr U o rtlu u b CARPET CLEANING 2001 CARPET CLEAN UP f à i MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE |^ A R P E T T C L E A N IN G j • Dining C hairs • O ttom an 2 A rea M inim um 1 Sm all Hall Free P re-S pray T raffic A reas • S tairs $1.50 each |W D m o\A L ^ S E R V I(T T U PH O L ST E R Y C L E A N IN G • • • • • $20 $20 Sofa (u n d er 6 ft.) $69 Sofa (over 6 ft.) $79 Sectional $79 Loveseat $49 R ecliner $39 • A uto*Boat*RV Cleaning • Deodorizing • D irt R esistant (Teflon) Protection • Pet O dor T reatm ent • Spot & Stain Removal NEW SERV ICE • L eather Cleaning CARPET COUPON 2 A rea M inim um $25 1 Small Hall Free Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Area UPHOLSTERY COUPON Sofa (under 6 ft) $69 Loveseat or Chair $49 H CUBAMMO Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Commi Commercial and Residential Services Tutoring Center Celebrates Success The Hollywood Education and Literacy Project, located at 700 N. Killingsworth, held an informal graduation ceremony June 9 to acknowledge the success o f the volunteer-based organization. People o f all ages and ethnic backgrounds came together for the celebration. Johnnie A. Gage, former ex­ ecutive director o f H ouse o f Umoja, who took a job with the Eisenhower Foundation in Febru­ ary, flew in from W ashington, D.C. to act as Master o f Ceremo­ nies. State Rep. Deborah Kafoury and Portland School Board Elect Lolenzo Poe arrived to speak in support o f the project and its con­ tributions to the community. A bout 40 certificates were awarded to students who have completed courses and tutors who had completed their training. “The HELP Center is a tre­ mendous resource in helping com­ munity residents gain a level of independence that can only occur from obtaining a higher level o f literacy,” said Poe, who is also the director o f Multnomah County Community and Family Services. For some, the work started months ago merely learning the P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver HELP, a nonprofit literacy center located in N.E. Portland, held an Informal graduation ceremony recently for students and trainers who had completed their programs. On hand were supporters of the organization's efforts to combat illiteracy and assist low academic achievers. From left: HELP Director Hillary Larson; Lolenzo Poe, Director of Multnomah County Human Services; Deborah Kafoury, State Rep. for District 18 and Johnny A. Gage of the Eisenhower Foundation. tions that take from our com ­ m unity. It is refreshing to see an o rg a n iz a tio n lik e H ELP w hich gives back.” For more alphabet and putting the sounds together that make up words. Rep. Kafoury stated that, “There are many organizations and institu­ PCC Board Supports Property Condemnations % CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS Killingsworth St., Erickson later told the Portland Observer. The resolution authorizes the use o f condem nation - the purchase o f property w ithout the ow ner’s S tory C ontinued from F ront P age Humboldt plans to host a discus­ sion with legal experts o f property owners and tenants’ rights under con­ demnation at 7 p.m. July 1 Oat 330 N. 503-281-3949 AFFORDABLE JJ LOCK & KEY HEAD START PRESCHOOL IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS. FOR 503-284-9582 FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT7-WE MAKE KEYS F ROM SCRATCH HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR FALL N»#d « Telephon* at Horn?? Time To Get a Cell Phone? Want Your Old Phone Number Back7 Confused? Too much Information? Why Choose?— Have it all' Need Features? OR W e Offer Affordable Packages The Fastest Service— 3 to 5 days You Can Keep Your Old Number ’ Children must be 31/2 or 4 years old BY SEPTEMBER 1ST Serving: North Northeast Southeast Within the Portland Public School Boundaries CALL TODAY FOR AN APPLICATION AND MORE INFORMATION 503 916-5724 ’4 Get Connected!! Can't Wait 10 days? Free Cellular Phone. Free Long Distance. Free Anytime Minutes, No Roaming. No Activation Fees, No Credit Req'd. Rates as Low as 05 Cents Per Minute Order By Phone Get Free Call Waiting. 3-W ay. *69 & More Some Restrictions Apply Call For Details A v a ila b le O n ly A T: Simply Cellular A Telephone Reconnections 8040 NE Sandy Blvd., Suite 100B Portland, OR 97213 5 0 3 -2 8 0 -8 0 0 0 consent - for an enclosed parking lot on the northeast side o f the Cascade cam pus near Jackson Hall, a square block south o f N orth K illingsw orth Street and w est o f Jefferson High School, the Albina C hristian Life C enter building at 5522 N. A lbina Ave., and a series o f properties on the west side ofN orth A lbina A venue and w est side o f M ississippi, north ofK illingsw orth Street. Board m em ber D aniel M oriarity told those present that the resolu­ tion is “not a directive, in every instance, to proceed to the next step.” V oluntary sales agreem ents are alw ays “ our p re fe rred p ro c e ­ d u re ,” he said. B oard c h a ir K aren M cK inney said the m a tte r in v o lv ed “ d iffi­ c u lt issues fo r you, and i t ’s d iffi­ c u lt for this board. I ’d ju s ts a y we h e a r w hat y o u ’re saying. W e ’ll m ake o u r b e st effo rts to respond to you in w ritin g to the issues y o u h a v e r a is e d . B u t w e ’ve w orked very, very hard to reach v o lu n ta ry c lo su re , and it has not w orked o u t.” S ev eral p eo p le w ho spoke at the m eeting qu estio n ed how hard the school had p u rsu ed v o lu n ­ ta ry a g reem en ts. T w o pro p erty ow ners said th e ir o n ly contact had been a le tte r from PCC e x ­ p re ssin g in te re st in bu y in g th eir p ro p e rty , w hich they d iscarded b ecau se th ey w e re n ’t interested. A th ird , L in d say Jack so n , said he rec e iv e d no p rio r pu rch ase of- “If You Aspire to Make Music” Renaissance Academy Is A Must PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ❖ ❖ ❖ Summer Camp 2001 ♦ ♦♦♦ V ♦ Learn guitar ♦♦♦ Play African Drums! Learn Sound Technology! Sing in a choir! Learn Keyboard! ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ July 5-31, 2001 Monday- Friday 8am-Noon Grades 4-8 cost: $150 Limited financial assistance available Location: Irvington Covenant Church 4046 NE MLK JR. Blvd Call Now 503- 287-5226 I inform ation on how you can becom e a tutor, or if you need help with tutoring, please call 503-247-3030 fers. A fo u rth , M a rtin G o n zalez, sa y s he has “p la y e d phone ta g ” w ith PCC officials. H azel S hipley told the board in te a rs th at her ho u se at 5635 N. A lb in a A ve. is “ the only hom e I ’ve ev er ow ned, and y o u ’re g o ­ ing to m ake me m ove and it’s not fair. N o b o d y ’s ta lk e d to m e e x ­ cep t H um boldt. N o o n e ’s given me that re sp e c t.” D a v id U p h o f f , o w n e r o f C larence W alker F low ers, said he has tw o p ro p erties h e ’s w illin g to se ll, but PCC did not m ake an o ffer. “A nd now y o u ’re invoking co n dem nation. I t’s not rig h t!” he said. A n o th e r ow n er, W ayne D oge o f A rgo Safety R ailin g s, said that b ecau se o f the re so lu tio n , the p lan n ed sale o f his b u sin e ss has fallen through. PCC v ice p re sid e n t for a d m in ­ istrativ e services R andy M cE w an la te r told the P o rtla n d O b se rv e r th at in one o f several m eetings w ith Hum boldt, “O ne m essage we were given very clearly was, ‘D o n ’t be bothering residents by having real estate people w alking around and knocking on doors.'” M cEwan said that he had talked to U phoff three tim es, and had scheduled m eetings w ith apprais­ ers that U phoffhad either cancelled or failed to show up. “N o apprais­ als, no sales offers,” M cEwan says. U phoff says that a PCC appraiser did in fact visit his properties. McEwan told the board that PCC p ro v id es re lo c a tio n a ssista n c e to p ro p e rty ow ners and ten an ts o f resid en tial and com m ercial p ro p ­ e rtie s it acq uires. T hese can in ­ c lu d e the p a y m e n t o f m oving c o sts, and su p p lem en ts if those d isp la c e d can n o t fin d a co m p a ­ rable new lo catio n for the sam e co sts they paid for th e ir p re v io u s p ro p e rty , he said. Sean B row n, co -o w n e r o f No F ish G o Fish re sta u ra n t, to ld the board, “ We m ay find it d ifficu lt to re lo c a te e a sily , and I hope it a f­ fects your d e c isio n .” E rickson told the b o ard th at it sh o u ld form ulate and c irc u la te a d e ta ile d relo c a tio n plan for re s i­ dents and b u sin e sse s, and “ d e m ­ o n stra te to the com m u n ity th at it has m ade su b s ta n tia l’ effo rts to co n ta c t and n e g o tia te w ith the com m unity. T hen and only then should the PCC B oard vote to use co n d em n atio n on a case by case b a s is .” T he b o ard , w hich had d is ­ cu ssed the issue at its M ay m e e t­ ing, passed the re so lu tio n w ith ­ out discussion.