Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 20, 2001, Page 8, Image 8

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    June 20, 2001
Page B2
ÿ b rlkuiô (Öböeruer
® Metro/Religion
Dynamic Leader to Speak at Local Church
Lisa’s Tours
Winnemucca, Nevada
$49.95 includes 2 days &
2 nights Round trip fare.
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Slot machines, video poker, blackjack, craps,
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July 13th - 15th, 2001
For Reservations, Contact Lisa at
Drinking and Driving
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Hodges is a
r. J. Mor
d u a te o f
g a n
N y ack
H odges
Bible C ollege
o f Washington, D.C.
and pastor o f
will be the speaker
the Universal
at an in te rc h u rc h
H o lin e s s
se rv ic e S u n d a y ,
C h u rc h
June 24 at 3 p.m. at
W a sh in g to n ,
the Mallory Avenue
D.C. He has
Christian Church, lo­
ade a num-
cated on the com er
ber o f trips to
o f N.E. Alberta and Dr. J. Morgan Hodges
South Africa.
Mallory. All are in­
He is a practical thinker and
vited to attend.
builder, possesses superb lead-
ership capabilities in the art o f
He is Chairm an o f the Board
o f the Mary B. M ullens Bible
Cam p in Lake Lure, N.C. His
program as an advocate to in-
carcerated men has been a dis-
tinctive success.
A B ib lic a l s c h o la r in
eschatology. Hodges is an or-
dained m inister who has served
as senior pastor in denom ina­
tional churches in Cleveland,
Ohio, M ontgom ery, Alabama
and W ashington, D.C. He is an
authority on the needs o f the
people and how they relate to
current events, social and indi­
vidual problems.
Dr. H odges is the father o f
five children, two granddaugh­
ters and one grandson.
Hosting the event is the Evan­
gelical M inistries International,
located at 3905 N. Vancouver.
For m ore inform ation, call 503-
Gospel, R & B Group Tours City
A local group called Unisun, a
Gospel and R&B sensation,
include performers Ice (from
left), Raymond, Dwight,
Curtis, Angela, Barry, Chili
Dog, Michael R and Leebo.
The group is performing
throughout the month at
several venues. Every
Thursday, they will be at
Seges, located at 818 S.W.
First and Taylor, from 9 p.m.
- 2 a.m.; Every Friday at the
Ramada Rose Quarter Club,
located at 10 N. Weidler St.,
from 9 p.m. - 2 a.m.; Every
Sunday at the Edgewater
Lounge at the Red Lion
Coliseum, 1224 N.
Thunderbird Way, from 9 p.m.
- 2 a.m.
Senator Gives Up Ministry in Scandal
(A P) — State Sen. Frank
Shields, D-Portland, resigned as a
Methodist minister following rev­
elations that he had extramarital
Shields’ wife, Suzanne Gilliam,
filed a sexual misconduct com­
plaint against him to the regional
Methodist bishop on June6. Within
hours, Shields told a near-empty
Senate floor that he would sur­
render his credentials as a Meth-
odist minister.
Shields’ resignation got re­
newed attention after a weekend
M ethodist church m eeting at
Willamette University, when the
case was discussed in a confiden­
tial session.
Shields, 56, said Monday that
he never was legally married to
Gilliam, and lived apart from her
since 1992. But he acknowledged
having two romantic relationships
with other women since then. And
he says he was fully aware the
church bars sexual relationships
for Methodist ministers who aren’t
“I’m no longer a minister,” he
said. “I’ve paid the price, because
I know the high standard that’s
expected o f a Methodist minister.
I asked God for forgiveness.”
Shields started his political ca­
reer in 1992 after making a name
as an activist minister and cru­
sader for the poor.
His Portland congregation,
Sunnyside Centenary Church,
opened Oregon’s first church-
based homeless shelter, and drew
big crowds to its free meal pro­
gram. During five terms in the
Legislature, Shields has been a
leading champion for the poor.
Shields said he married Gilliam
in 1986, a year after divorcing his
first w ife. Y ears later, they
learned the first divorce decree
had never been signed by the
judge. Technically, the divorce
wasn’t legal until 1992, when the
oversight was corrected. Under
Oregon law, he said, that meant
his second marriage was never
legal. Around that time, Shields
said, he and Gilliam moved into
separate homes.
He acknowledged the two con­
tinued going to parties together,
and that people in church and
Salem political circles viewed them
as a married couple.
Though few Senators were on
the floor when Shields made his
statement, one colleague offered
“Whatever the circumstances,
whatever the issues are,” said
Sen. Lenn Hannon, R-Ashland.
“You are loved by this body.”
Gospel Music to Fill Dawson Park
% D
503-281 -3949
aw son Park M usic
(F estival pays horn
age to its roots S at­
urday, June 23 w ith a return to
gospel m usic, co urtesy o f a
lo c a l
A f r ic a n - A m e r ic a n
“If You Aspire to Make Music”
Renaissance Academy
Is A Must
❖ ❖ ❖ Summer Camp 2001 ❖
T he choirs, so lo ists, m im e
team , and m in iste r o f S alv a­
tion and D eliverance C hurch
o f G od in C hrist w ill m in ister
from 2 to 6 pm , acco rd in g to
festival organizer Joyce Boles.
The park is on N orth W illiam s
A venue across from Legacy
E m anuel H ospital.
“ T his p resen tatio n w ill be
the very best o f contem porary
and tra d itio n al gospel m usic,
Learn guitar ♦♦♦ Play African Drums!
Learn Sound Technology!
Sing in a choir! Learn Keyboard!
❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦
July 5-31, 2001
Monday- Friday 8am-Noon
Grades 4-8 cost: $150
Limited financial assistance available
Location: Irvington Covenant Church 4046 NE MLK JR. Blvd
Call Now 503- 287-5226
Jazz, bebop, rock, blues, and
now h ip -h o p and funk, she
T his w ill be the third w eek
o f co n certs in D aw son Park,
long a tro u b le d spot in no rth /
n o rth east P o rtlan d , but lately
rev italized w ith a com m unity­
w ide effo rt to take the park
back into positive fam ily uses,
noted B oles.
For m ore in form ation, call
B oles at 503-335-6923.
Garza Executed in Same Gurney as McVeigh
S tory C ontinued F rom F ront P age
and pro v id es a rare o p p o rtu ­
nity for those w ho h a v e n ’t lis ­
tened to gospel m usic since
M ahalia Jack so n to catch up
w ith th is liv in g , v ib ra n t tra d i­
tio n ,” said B oles.
T he ch u rch es have tra d i­
tio n a lly b e e n th e n u rtu rin g
place for A fric a n -A m e ric a n
m usical traditions, w hich have
h isto rically been the source o f
all A m erican m usic, from R ag­
tim e and D ix ielan d through
from a drug enterprise.
D espite lingering ques­
tions about the racial and
geographic equality o f the
federal death penalty, Presi­
dent Bush and the U.S. Su­
prem e Court refused M on­
day to delay G arza’s execu­
The court rejected claim s
that the jury should have been
told that the alternative to a
death sentence was life in
prison with no possibility o f
release, and that G a rz a ’s
death sentence w ould vio­
late two international trea-
ties. Follow ing the tw o Su­
prem e Court rulings, Bush
turned down a clem ency re­
quest by G arza, a U .S.-bom
M e x ic a n -A m e ric a n c o n ­
victed in B ush’s hom e state
o f Texas in 1993.
G arza atto rn ey G regory
W iercioch said an upcom ing
report on the death penalty
from Attorney G eneral John
Ashcroft w ould som eday be
placed on the shelves next to
the Dred Scott decision and
Plessy v. Ferguson, “ as a
shameful attem pt to justify
the unjustifiable.”
“Some day this precise sav-
agery will end, but not to­
day,” W iercioch said. “T o ­
day President Bush had the
last word. But he will not
have the final say on the death
penalty. H istory w ill.”
Death penalty opponents
and some form er Justice D e­
partm ent officials wondered
w hether Garza would have
been sentenced to death if he
w ere w hite or had com m itted
his crim es elsewhere.
Six o f the 19 men now on
federal death row were sen­
tenced in Texas; 17, includ­
ing all six from Texas, are