Page 2 J u n e 2 0 , 2001 (Etjp ^ o rtla n h ©bseruer Focus The Finest Asian American Performances OK Portland Taiko presents the finest o f four region's Asian Pa­ cific American performance at ArtExplosion! Asian Pacific American Performing Arts Fes­ tival - celebrating contemporary and traditional dance, music and th ea ter. T he first-e v e r ArtExplosion will feature a dy­ namic range ofbeauty, intensity, drama, and the many diverse c u ltu res o f A s ia n /P a c ific America. Portland Taiko has discov­ ered a veritable explosion o f Asian American art in our re­ gion and will showcase 18 artists and ensembles - over 100 per­ formers in all - at a series o f four Focus A S U P P L E M E N T O F ^ u r tla itb (1i)bscrUer Editor in Chief, Publisher C harles H . W ashington Asst. Publisher M ichael L eighton Copy Editor Joy Ramos Creative Director R o b e rt P ark er 4747 N E M a rtin L u th e r K ing, Jr., Blvd. P o rtlan d , O R 97211 5 03 288-0033 Fax 503-288-0015 e-mail: subscription& ads@ D e a d lin e s Iin su h m i l 1 ed m a leí ¡al: Articles: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: Monday by Noon specti ve disciplines. The per­ formers will draw from their roots in V ietnamese, Chinese, Indonesian, Indian, Hawai­ ian, Ja p a n e se , Nepalese and Per­ sia n c u ltu re s. Sharing excel­ lence in artis­ tic integrity, th e p e rfo r­ m ances w ill span the uni­ verse o f ex ­ p re s s io n s , ranging from traditional to c o n te m p o ­ rary, sacred to secular, and folk to classical. T h e ArtExplosion Fam ily M ati­ nee on Satur­ day,June 23,will treat families to the Chinese rod p u p p e try of Dragon Art Stu­ dio and the col­ orful celebration o f youth p e r­ formers from the Cambodian, Chi­ n e se, H m ong, Lao, Samoan, In­ dian, Japanese and other Asian American com­ munities. The M atinee will also feature p e rfo rm e rs from: The C am ­ b o d ian D ance Troupe o f O r­ e g o n , H m ong Cultural Dance from the Asian Fam ily Center, P acific Islan d C o u n c il of American dancers, musicians, O regon’s Samoan Dancers, and actors. Many o f the per­ and United Voices o f the formers on these evening pro­ Am erican Friends Service grams are masters o f their art Com m ittee Latin/Asian Pa­ forms and leaders in their re- cific Program. events. The first, a Brown Bag Lunch Artists’ Dialogue, will be a free public dis- cussion with the evening program artists on M on­ day, June 18 noon at th< M u ltn o m a h County Public Library. The ArtExplosion Evening Con­ certs on Fri­ day and Sat­ urday nights, June 22 & 23, w ill p resen t o u r r e g i o n ’s most ac- c o m - plished Asian/ Pa­ cific OCEAN 503 COMING EVENTS JU N E FRIDAY, JUNE 22ND - 6:30 TO 10:00 PM BILLY REEDS ON MLK 503-493-0127 e » « © N ■9 a e •w s s — JULY FRIDAY, JULY 6th STERNWHEELER CRUISE - 6:30 PM TO 10:00 PM . SATURDAY, JULY 7TH - 9:30 PM TO 1 :30 AM Candlelight Boom - 5th & Lincoln - 503-222-3378 FRIDAY, JULY 13th - 9:00 PM to 1:00 AM CHICAGO BLUES -1 0 9 W. 16TH IN VANCOUVER 360-735-0600 © SATURDAY, JULY 14th - 7:30 TO 11:00 PM BILLY REEDS ON MLK 503-493-8127 o SATURDAY JULY 21 RED LION INN COLISEUM, EDGEWATER LOUNGE AUGUST FRIDAY, AUGUST 3RD A FRIDAY AUGUST 10TH STERNWHEELER CRUISE - 7:00 PM TO 10:00 PM 2. » 69 SATURDAY AUGUST 4TH RIVER CITY SALOON, HOOD RIVER, OR SATURDAY AUGUST 11TH - 1 :00 PM TO 2:00 PM MIRACLES STREET CELEBRATION - MLK & MASON ST. FRIDAY AUGUST 17TH & SATURDAY AUGUST 18TH Candlelight Room - 5th & Lincoln - 503-222-3378 For booking contact Metíale 503.25l.4806 LaRhonda Steele 503.2M.2M3 Legal Services « Preventive Legal Help & Assistance Defensive Driving Violations Comprehensive Wills & Yearly Updates Debts, Dispute Decisions, Divorce And more $ 2 6 .0 0 or less per month For more in fo rm a tio n c a ll Norman Ross at (503) 757-8409