Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 20, 2001, Page 10, Image 10

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June 20,2001
¿Flp> JIorManò (Dhaeruvr
Scholarship Honors Departing Consul
Mexican Consul Alma
Patricia Soria Ayuso
(left) and Lydia
Muniz, a member of
Scholarships for
Oregon Latinos, at a
reception honoring
Soria for her work in
Portland. She soon
leaves the city for a
new diplomatic
mission. Muniz said
her group is naming
a scholarship in
honor of Consul
uponga que esta noche un árbol cae sobre su garaje...
P hoto by L arrn J ackson /
T he P ortland O bserver
Landslide Kills at Least 36 in Ecuador
QUITO, Ecuador(A P)— Rescue
workers braved the risk ofm ore land­
slides W ednesday as they struggled
to reach the bodies o f some 36 people
killed when an avalanche swept over
them as they huddled by the roadside
in the rain-soaked Andes.
Three bodies have been recov­
ered so far, and more bodies were
thought to be trapped under a large
boulder, said Red Cross spokesman
Cristian Rivera. “The zone is very
difficult to get to. We have terrain
saturated with water,” Rivera told
The Associated Press. “ In many
cases, the mud is waist-deep, and for
that reason the recovery efforts are
so difficult.”
The tragedy occurred around
dawn Tuesday when the avalanche
swept over a campsite where a group
o f motorists were huddled in an aban­
doned shack, seeking warmth and
shelter from torrential rains. Their
vehicles — buses, trucks and cars —
had been stranded by smaller land­
slides on the road about 30 miles east
o f Quito, the capital.
Rivera said about 10 people sur­
vived. He said it would be impossible
to reach the bodies trapped under the
boulder before the end of operations
W ednesday. E fforts to reach the bod­
ies were suspended Tuesday night
due to concerns that heavy rain could
spark another mudslide. There was a
break in four days o f heavy rain
Wednesday, but terrain in the area
was still saturated, and rescue work­
ers were under instructions not to do
anything risky. The slide took place
near the town ofPapallacta, a midway
point between the Andes mountains
and the Amazon jungle. At least 41
people have been killed during sev­
eral days o f heavy rains in Ecuador’s
Andes Mountains. Nearly 2,500 other
people, mostly in Ecuador’s eastern
and southern Amazon region, were
forced to evacuate their homes be­
cause o f rivers overflowing their
banks, officials said.
Landslides near Papallacta also
dam aged a 200-foot section o f
Ecuador’s main oil pipeline, sending
flames shooting into the air.
R odolfo B am iol, president o f
Petroecuador, said the rupture is ex­
pected to cut off transport o f crude oil
for four to five days.
Between 800 and 1,000 barrels o f
gas had escaped and was on fire, and
some 10,000 barrels ofcrude had also
spilled nearby, he said. A pipeline
carrying cooking gas was also dis­
rupted. The accident comes four
months after the government signed
a $ 1.1 billion contract for the con­
struction o f a second oil pipeline.
Environmentalists have opposed that
project because its planned path will
take it through some 53 miles o f eco­
logically fragile mountain forest lo­
cated between the petroleum-rich
Amazon jungle and Pacific coast.
Oil is Ecuador’s primary export,
accounting for about 43% o f the
nation’s annual budget.
U sted está d e n tro de su casa, lejos de la am enaza de la gran to rm en ta. De repente...
¡ b o o m !. ..cae un rayo. Y la siguiente cosa que ve es un árbol que p en etra p o r el techo de su
garaje. Para a te n d e r reclam os com o éste es que existe A m erican Fam ily Insurance. M ás de
70 años de experiencia significan servicio rápido y eficiente, y protección de casas en que
usted puede confiar. La vida nos da sorpresas. Por eso es im p o rtan te te n e r una póliza de
seguros para dueños de casas que no lo haga. Si una to rm e n ta hace que un árbol e n tre por
el techo de su garaje esta noche, es bueno ten e r la confianza de que m añ an a Fam ily e n tra rá
po r la pu erta para ayudarle. Llame hoy a uno de nuestros aten to s y capaces agentes. O vis­
ite nuestro sitio en la red: w w w .a m f a m .c o m .
¡Averigüe to d as las m aneras en que “Fam ily” puede ayudarle!
¡Toda Su Protección Bajo Un Solo Techo!
Busque el agente más cercano a usted en su directorio local. La póliza que compre está disponible sólo en Inglés.
Scholarships Available to Study
Medicine in Cuba
Campaign for Peace with Cuba and
1FCO/ Pastors for Peace are pleased
to announce that the medical schol­
arship program promised by Cuban
President Fidel Castro to the Con­
gressional Black Caucus early this
spring has become a reality, with eight
United States students currently en­
rolled in the Latin American School o f
Medical Sciences, and250more schol­
arships to be awarded for Fall 2001.
The six-year full scholarships, in­
cluding tuition, textbooks, and room
and board, are offered to youth 18 to
25 years old from the humblest and
neediest communities in the United
States, who will commit to practicing
medicine in poor and underserved
communities in this country after their
In fo rm atio n al b ro ch u res and
scholarship applications are now
The deadline for application for
Fall 2001 admission is June 30,2001.
This is not a one-time offer; it is the
beginning o f the creation o f a health
care infrastructure for generations to
Please call 503/287-9806 forappli-
cation forms and information. Cuba
has sent thousands o f doctors and
medical personnel to serve in the
poorest areas o f Latin America and
Africa, has treated more than 16,000
Chernobyl victims, is organizing a
health-care task force to tackle the
AIDS epidemic in Africa, and has
trained hundreds o f doctors from Af­
rican and Latin American nations.
Cuba now reaches out to “third world”
regions o f the United States to pro­
vide medical services where they are
most desperately needed.
For more information, call Eliza­
beth Ally at 503/287-9806.
Awaiting Adoption
©American Family Mutual Insurance Company y sus subsidiarias. Oficina Central - Madison, Wl 53783 Oficina Centra - Columbus. OH 43240 www.amtam.com
Se buscan familias latinas con hijos que tengan ADHD
Para un estudio de investigación.
ADHD, Etnicidad y Ambiente Familiar
¿Quién es la Investigatora Principal?
Judy Kendaii. rn , PhD .
Escuela de Enfermería, Oregon Health Sciences University
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland,OR 97201
¿De qué se trata el estudio?
En esteestudio se trata de lograry entender lo que significa para una fam ilia vivir con el desorden deladeficienciade atención hiperactiva
(ADHD). Virtualmenteno existe ninguna investigación sóbrela forma en que las familias hispanasyafricanoamericanasexpenmentany
m anejan AD HD , las necesidades de salud que pudieran tener, y las oportunidades con las que cuenten para recibir estos beneficios. El
estudio consiste en dos reuniones, com o de dos horas cada una, en su casa o en algún otro lugar que le convenga a usted.
¿ Cuáles familias son elegibles?
Las fam ilias que tengan al m enos un niño (de 6 a 19 años de edad) yadiagnosticado con AD HD .
Las fam ilias que estén form adas por al m enosdos personas (el niño con A D H D y su padre o madre). Ojalá que am bos padres y
los hermanos también participen.
L asfam iliasqueesténdispuestasaparticiparenunaentrevistaycom pletarunaseriedecuestionarios.
Las familias que hablen inglés o que estén dispuestas a trabajar por m edio de un intérprete.
L o sp a d resd efam iliaq u esep an leery escrib iran iv eld eq u in to añ o d ep rim ariao q u eestén d isp u esto saq u eleslean las
preguntas en su idioma.
Se podrá contar con intérpretes en español.
Toda la información será estricamente confidencial.
No habrá ningún costo para quien participe en la investigación.
I f you are interested in becoming an adoptive parent or
would like to provide foster care to the children under the
State of Oregon custody, please call Judy Orellana and Helen
Anghtry at the Services to Children and Families, 503/731»
3147, ext. 2247.
Se necesitan padres temporales de crianza o padres
adoptivos. Si está interezada en adoptar a cuidar a uno de
estos niftos, llame a Judy Orellana and Helen Aughtry a!
teléfono 503/731»3147, ext. 2247.
Como manifestación de aprecio por su tiempo y contribución,
cada familia recibirá $50 después de cada reunión hasta un posible total de $1QO.
Si tiene interés por favor llame al teléfono 503-494-4122
Funded by National Institute ofHealth/National lnstitute of Nursing Research
OHSU 1RB # 5275