Roberta Flack at Lincoln City: PRSDRTSTD Legendary Singer to ’’Set The Night to Music” USPOSTAGE PAID See Focus Section C PORTLANDOR PERMITNO. 1610 Volume XXXI Num ber 25 Wednesday C om m itted to Cultural Diversity Established in 1970 TUT WEEK Garza Executed in Same Gurney as McVeigh review ' Woman slashes kindergarten teacher in Japan TOK Y O — A woman with a kitchen knife forced her way into a Tokyo kindergarten and slashed a teacher before fleeing T ues­ day, less than two weeks after a man stormed an elementary school and stabbed eight children to death. The teacher was taken to the hospital, but her injuries were minor. Recent attacks have prom pted calls from Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and others for increased school security. Israel may reconsider cease­ fire if attacks continue JERU SA LEM — Israel w arned Tuesday that it will reconsider its com m itm ent to a cease-fire if the Palestinians do not prevent attacks like those on West Bank roads a day earlier that killed two Israelis. A cooling-off period that was supposed to lead to peace talks will not begin W ednesday as planned due to the ongoing violence, Israeli officials insisted. A m eeting M onday between secu­ rity com m anders o f the two sides, who had resumed cooperation in recent days, ended with no agreement on a timetable forthe truce negotiated last w eek by CIA direc tor George Tenet. Gates donates $100M to U.N. group to fight AIDS BRU SSELS, Belgium — The Bill and M elinda Gates Foundation on Tuesday do­ nated $ 100 million to a United Nations health fund to fight AIDS and called on European U nion nations and other countries to m ake further contributions. The fund was pro­ posed byU.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan in April, w hen he called for a “w ar chest” o f $7 billion to $ 10 billion annually to halt AIDS, w hich has hit Africa hardest and becom e the continent’s prim ary killer. The M icrosoft founder has also donated $ 126 m illion to an earlier AIDS initiative and $750million in the past five years to boost global imm unization efforts and to research new medicine. ------------------- an— z* 'a r w m — w frr» i Government bans protests after massive march ALGIERS, A lgeria— The Algerian gov­ ernm ent has banned all dem onstrations in the capital follow ing the fierce rioting that broke out last w eek during a m assive pro­ dem ocracy dem onstration. The unrest b e­ gan am ong ethnic B erbers in the eastern K abyle region but has since spread to the capital, A lgiers, and other parts o f this N orth A frican nation. In a statem ent re­ leased late M onday, the governm ent said it w as determ ined “to tackle serious ex­ cesses ... during the tragic and painful events that have taken place in recent d ay s.” UJS. embassy attack averted W A SH IN G T O N — FBI and N avy in­ vestigators in Y em en looking into the bomb­ ing o f the w arship USS Cole were pulled out o f the country because o f a security threat, an FBI official said M onday. The m ove follows a June 9 State D epartm ent warning o f an increased threat o f terrorism against A m ericans and U.S. interests in Yemen. The departm ent authorized non-emergency em bassy sta ff and their families to leave the country and urged A m ericans to postpone trips to Yemen. i ■ > M .- m . — Parks Grandeur Sparkles During June '■* .... — .«. , P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Many people are enjoying a beautifully restored fountain at the historic Rose Garden in Peninsula Park. The fountain was completed last year as part of a complete renovation o f the park at North Albina between Portland Boulevard and Ainsworth. 1-5 Project Closes Ainsworth Philippine military pinpoints rebels ZAM BOANGA, Philippines— The mili­ tary said Tuesday it has pinpointed M uslim extrem ist kidnappers in a southern jungle and were mov ing in for an attac k, despite the guerrillas' call for negotiations. “It’s still a gam e o f hide and seek, but their world is getting smaller and smaller,” National Secu­ rity Adviser Roilo G olez said on national television. “W e have located them and our troops are closing in.” W ith 5,000 troops reportedly in pursuit, G olez rejected as unac­ ceptable a letter from a leader o f the Abu Sayyaf Muslim extremist group offering to release more o f its about two dozen hostages if the government calls o ff the military hunt. 5œ June 20,2001 P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Closure of the Ainsworth Street overpass at 1-5 in north Portland began Monday and will remain closed for three months. The closure will allow construction crews on the 1-5 Preservation Project to raise the structure several inches and give the freeway below more room fora new surface which will be added later. In another big 1-5 construction note, the freeway in the vicinity o f the Rose Garden will be closed for the resurfacing project every weekend beginning in July for 12 weekends. TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (AP) — With an apology for “the pain and grief that I have caused,” murderer and drug kingpin Juan Raul Garza was executed Tuesday, eight days after Timothy McVeigh became the first federal in­ mate put to death since 1963. Garza died at 7:09 a.m. by chemical injection, strapped to the same gurney where McVeigh was executed last week. He nervously flexed his feet as War­ den Harley Lappin tied the curtains back on the witness rooms. As the chemicals entered his veins, he kept his head cocked to the left, toward the room assigned to his own witnesses. His eyes slowly closed half way and his lips turned a light blue. He went to his death calmly and unlike McVeigh, with remorse. “I just want to say that I'm sorry, and I apolo­ gize for all the pain and grief that I have caused,” he said. “I ask your forgive­ ness and God bless.” As Garza was being executed, about 50 anti-death penalty activists outside the U.S. Penitentiary sang “We Shall Overcome” and other protest songs. The scene was in stark contrast to the buzz of media activity that met McVeigh's final days. Dan Dunne, a U.S. Bureau of Prisons spokesman, said only about 75 reporters had regis­ tered for credentials to cover Garza’s death. More than 1,000 reporters had credentials for the McVeigh execu­ tion. Garza, 44, was convicted of murder­ ing a man by shooting him five times in the head and neck and ordering the deaths of two other men. It was all part of Garza’s marijuana smuggling op­ eration, which federal prosecutors say he ran ruthlessly. He was the first person to be ex­ ecuted under the 1988 federal Anti- Drug Abuse Act, which imposes a death sentence for murders stemming S torv C ontinues on P age B2 Students Lose to Shoppers Youth outrased over Tri-Meis decision to * * B y A lyssa expand Fareless Square Z, B lack T u e P orteanj ? .O bserver T ri-M e t’s d ecisio n to ex p a n d F a re le ss S q u are has d isa p p o in te d a g ro u p o f local s tu d e n ts . S iste rs in A ctio n for P o w e r re p re se n t m in o rity an d low -in co m e w o m en an d g irls w ho w ant m o n th ly stu d en t fares red u ced from $31 to $10. In stead o f allev iatin g the b u rd en on s tu ­ dents, T ri-M et, leaders o f the g ro u p ch arg e, has ca te re d to sh o p p ers an d to u rists. B eg in n in g in S ep tem b er, th e d o w n to w n F areless S q u are w ill be ex p a n d ed to L lo y d C e n te r w ith the aim o f in c re asin g th e e c o ­ no m ic p o ten tial o f the L loyd D istrict. “ T ri-M e t says that th ey are in v e stin g in b u sin esses an d w e say, ‘w hy n o t in v e st in y o u th ? ” ’ said T eren ie F aiso n , a rec en t g rad u a te o f Je fferso n H igh S chool. H o w ev er, ac co rd in g to T ri-M e t, th e F areless S quare expansion also cam e ab o u t b ec au se the city o ffered to su b sid iz e the free se rv ic e to h elp curb a u to m o b ile air po llution. M o st high school stu d en ts in P o rtlan d rely on p u b lic tran sp o rtatio n . S isters in A ction has co n d u c te d research th ro u g h su rv e y s an d the In te rn e t an d found that 10 p ercen t o f stu d e n ts d ro p o u t o f school b ecau se they ca n n o t get there. S tory C ontinues on P age A2 1 fe 01 - ■ - ________ ' ' W em V ▼ J 1 PAy IKE PR! P hoto b \ M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Members of Sisters in Action for Power are behind a proposal to reduce student fares on Portland's public transportation system to help kids get to school and stay In school. ___________