Committed to Cultural Diversity n nt m u n i t o a I r n h a r Major League Promoters Build Support for New Stadium Car Wash and Barbeque Just M en In R ecovery will be having a car wash and barbeque (w eather perm itting) on June 16 at the M iracles Club, located at 4069 N .E. M LK . F or m ore inform ation, call M ichael R .B ookerat 503/267-3193 o r M or­ ris P riceat 503/515-8152. Son of Salmon Slam Portland Poetry Slam and Education W ith­ out Borders will host “ Slam F inal.” T hese bouts w ill decide w hich four individuals, o u to fa dozen com petitors, will becom e the 2001 Slam T eam , scheduled to do national poetic battle w ith 55 other team s in A ugust. M oney raised will be donated to the “ Books N ot B om bs" Som aliland Project. T he event will be held on W ednesday, June 13 at the N orthw est C hildren’s Theater, located at E verett and N.W . 18,h. M usic begins at 7 p.m, Poetry Slam at 8 p.m. Call 503/661-1317. ; - Free Cruise on the Sternwheeler D iscover the spectacular views and w on­ ders o f the Eastbank Esplanade as you par­ ticipate in the grand opening program s being offered al 1 summer - absolutely free ofcharge. F orF ather’s Day, discover the new Eastbank Esplanade from the w ater - learn som e o f the stories o f the construction and history o f the Eastbank. The Stem w heeler will leave at 2:30 p.m. Call503/823-5596. Fast Friends Duet Ify o u share asp ecial m usical talent w ith your cat or dog, you are invited to the A dvantage T opical Solution nationw ide contest called “A dvantage F ast F riends D uet.” F or those looking for a new four­ legged fam ily m em ber to love, O regon H u­ m ane S ociety will also o ffer pets for adop­ tion. T he contest w ill be held at the Pioneer C ourthouse Square on Saturday, June 30. R egistration begins at 10:30 a.m. C all Ste- fanie, H odge-L is, E delm an W orldw ide at 312/233-1280officeor630/728-7049. A Walk in the Pearl The Pearl D istrict, O ld Tow n and the Eastbank Riverfront Park w ill be explored during a non-credit Portland W alk A bouts series sponsored this sum m er by Portland C om m unity College. T he four-part guided tour series begins Saturday, June 30 w ith “A W alk in the Pearl " T he three-hour w alk starts at 9:30 a m. at the U.S. C ustom s House at Eighth A venue and D avis Street. C all 503/614-7308. Rose Cup Races : : ► : : I A popular w eekend w ith local racing enthusiasts for m ore than 40 years, the 2001 Rose C up Races presented by T em p C o n ­ trol M echanical Corp, features Sports Car Club o f A m erica’s R egional and N ational C ham pionship point races w ith m ore than 300 am ateur drivers in varied classes o frace cars. The race begins at 1:30 p.m ., Sunday, June 17. Mothers and Daughters Basketball A M others and D aughters B asketball support group w ill be starting in Septem ber 2001. Be one o f the m any 4"' to 12th grade young ladies participating w ith your m other to help bounce this support group to its full potential this com ing season and for sea­ sons tocom e. Call 503/283-7905. American Heart Walk More than 1,000area residents will take art in the A m erican H eart W alk on Saturday, June 16 to help the American Heart A ssocia­ tion raise $ 100,000 for cardiovascular disease research and education programs. Registra­ tion is at 9 a m. and the w alk begins at 10 a m. at Rose Q uarter Com m ons, O ne Center Court Drive in Portland. A m erican Heart W alks are also taking place this m onth in Eugene and Salem. Call Alex Modrell at 503/233-0100. YMCA Camp Collins Celebrates 75 Years Y M CA C am p Collins is 75 yearso ld this summ er. The cam p has served 350,000 chil­ dren in that tim e, and is getting ready for the next 75 years. Com e and share the m em ories w ith them . They w ill be celebrating on S at­ urday, June 16 at the Y M CA Cam p C ollins, locatedat3001 S.E . O xbow Parkway, next to O xbow Regional Park. For m ore info., call 5 0 3 /6 6 3 - 5 8 1 3 , o r v is it w w w .y m c a - K P hotos by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver The Memorial Coliseum (left) and the administration building for Portland Public Schools (right) are two sites in the Rose Quarter area that promoters of Major League baseball say could be sacrificed to make room fora new baseball stadium. A bu ild er o f big-league stadium s is scour­ ing the city for potential places to put a new stadium . T h e planning is part o f the effort to bring a M ajo r League Baseball team to Portland. C urrently, there are hal f a dozen prospects. L ocal architect John V osm ek is w orking w ith H .O .K. Sport, the designers o f Jacobs Field in C leveland and Pac-Bell Park in San Francisco. B ut finding nine square blocks o f real es­ tate for the Portland venture isn ’t easy. T he Portland School D istrict headquarters is one candidate. Tw o blocks south, the idea is to tear-down M em orial Coliseum and use it’s nearby park­ ing. A cross the river sits the central post office, w hich d o esn ’t w ant to sell its old-tow n location.O ther sites are ju st south o f Union Station and on W est Burnside with a cap over the 1-405 Stadium Freeway. L an d on th e E a stsid e b e tw e e n th e H aw thorne and M orrison bridges has also been talked about as a potential site. Prom oters are still w orking to get state lawm akers to support a new stadium at a cost o f about $300 million. Billy Reed Boosts Pride at Jefferson After three years as a physical education teacher and coach at Jefferson High School, Ehren Plummer finally has some new equipment to help his students perform at their best. Billy Reed has donated $40,000 worth of weight room equipment to the north Portland school. “As I took my class into the new weight room for the first time, I saw my students’ eyes get big and smiles grow across their faces,” Plummer said. “I heard them say things like, 'Wow, Jefferson is coming up!’ and 'Look at us. Now w e’re like the rich schools’.” The Jefferson athletic department has not received a dime to buy anything new in the last three years, Plummer said. “No new birdies, no new basketballs, no new nets, and nothing new for our weight room,” he said. “We have been fundraising and bit by bit have been struggling to make our program comparable to other schools around the state. “When Billy Reed called us and said that he had some weight equipment that he wanted to donate to Jefferson High School we were very grateful. When we met with P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver him and saw that the equipment was new and plentiful, Jefferson High’s Andre Miller (left) and Ray Peterson practice their techniques on new fitness equipment we were ecstatic,” Plummer said. donated to the North Portland school. Good in the Hood Festival to Spark City’s Soul A volunteer com m ittee is w orking hard to bring local residents to the Good in the Hood Multicultural Music and Food Festival and ensure that more area businesses benefit eco­ nomically from the event. The 9th annual cel­ ebration ofculture, music and ethnic foods, will be held Friday, June 22- to Sunday, June 24 at the Holy Redeem er A rea School Campus, 127 N. Portland Blvd. In addition, a kickoffparty Yvill be held at 6:30 pm on Thursday, June 21 at M cM enam ins K ennedy School, 5736 NE 33rd Ave. TheG ood in the HoodCom m unity Parade will start at 11 am Saturday, June 23. Dionne Peeples, public relations chairman o f the Good in the H ood Com mittee, says organizers are doubling their efforts to reach neighbors in northeast Portland A s part o f the outreach, residents who live near Holy Redeem er will be admitted to the festival free on opening night, which is called the “G ood N eighbor N ight” celebration, when they present a postcard that the com mittee will mail to surrounding neighbors. M any businesses are planning sidewalk sales during the parade on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard under the theme “ Shopping is Good for the Soul.” The business district now calls itself the “Soul o f Portland." “T his is an important event for our com m u­ nity, It is an opportunity to see liow beauti f i l l the “SoulofPortland"iswithitsmulticultural commu­ nity and diversity." said Peeples, who also is the owner ofthe Peeples Gmup, a public relations firm in Northeast Portland fhecostofadmissiontothe festival isSlOfor families, $5 for adults an d $ l for children. A-3-day family pass is $25. The festi­ val will feature performing groups such the Northeast Afrikan American Ballet, Milagro Bailadores, the Molly Malone Dancers. Linda H om buckle, the Norman Sylvester Band, the Mel Brown Sextet and many others. In addition to entertainment, the festival will feature an. ethnic food court, and ethnic marketplace, 3- on-3 basketball tournament andachildrensarea that willofferaliY'e animal display jugglers.ckiwns, arts andcrafts. story telling, face painting