Page A8 HI W ¿Htie $}vtrtUuib © b aeru rr * ¡1 Business |J u t l l a n ò June 13, 2001 ( P b w ru e r Artharee Named PDC Deputy Director Videos Tackle Consum er Com plaints The Better Business Bureau is joining forces with our public li­ brary system to distribute videos on some o f the most troubling issues facing consumers. The series was created to re­ spond to current needs, with fu­ ture video topics driven by con­ sumer demands. “If you Te having difficulty with any consumer issue, call the BBB and let us know, then check the video section of your public li­ brary. If the topic is not yet avail­ able, tell your local librarian and stay tuned,’’ said Robert Andrew of the Better Business Bureau serv­ ing Oregon and western Washing­ ton. The video series includes topics like: Buyinga Recreational Vehicle, Corrective Eye Surgery: reading between the lines, Know Fraud: don’t be a victim, Opportunists Knock: fraud against the elderly, and SelfDefense forCar Expenses. Car repair complaints are among the most common problems re­ ported to the Better Business Bu­ reau. The Car Expenses tape is loaded with advice to help the average car owner get his or her dollar’s worth and is essential for all public librar­ ies and strongly recommended for high schools as well. Farmers Market Expands to North Park Blocks The bounty o f area farms, or­ chards and bakeries will soon come to the Pearl District when the Port­ land Farmers Market sets up shop on the North Park Blocks between Northwest Glisan and Flanders streets. The markets will be held each Thursday, from July 5 to Aug. 23, from 4 pun. to 8 p.m. Shoppers will be able to hand pick and purchase heaps of fresh vegetables, flowers, breads and cheeses, along with enjoying musi­ cal entertainment and chef demon­ strations Chefs from the best Pearl D istrict restaurants, including Bluehour, Fratelli, Café Azul and Oba! are guaranteed to entertain The Portland Fanners' Market was founded in 1992 by a small group o f community supporters, local farmers and food lovers. The vision was to create a positive local point for comm unity interaction and development, and bring a taste of the country into the heartofthecity. The market is run by a volunteer board. For more information, call the market manager, Dianne Stefani- Ruffat 503-241-0032 he P o rtla n d D evel A rtharee served as the D irec­ opm ent C om m ission to r o f the O regon H ousing and C om m unity Services D epart­ h a s n a m e d B a ru ti A rtharee as the a g e n c y ’s m new ent. He was appointed by form er deputy d irector. A rtharee was form erly the G overnor B arbara R oberts in h o u s in g d i r e c t o r f o r th e 1993 and re-appointed by G ov­ a g e n c y a n d m o st re c e n tly ern o r John K itzh ab er in 1995. A rtharee is also the form er served as the interim ex ecu ­ tive d irecto r. P resident o f C oast Industries, In his new role, A rtharee one o f O re g o n ’s largest m i­ w ill assist in the a d m in istra ­ nority -o w n ed firm s. tion o f the agency, focusing Prior to jo in in g C oast, he on in tern al system s and m an­ w orked w ith B oise C ascade agem ent and com m unity o u t­ C o rp o ratio n for 15 years in rea c h . various p o sitio n s in sales and B e fo re jo in in g PD C, m arketing. T Legalcare You Can Afford Been Overchared For A Repair, Moving Traffic Tickets, Tried To Return A Defective Product, No Wilf Discover Real Savings > > > > P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Free Will > Document Review Traffic Tickets 1RS Audit > Retain your own attorney for $26/mo or less! For more Infonnation Kareem Or Sanja (503) 285-1531 Sanjafaye@Aol.Com Paul Peffer of northeast Portland with some of the products he supplies to area chefs and backyard cooks to make a perfect barbecue. Portland Man Shares His Barbecue Passion Stiver Portland’s over gasoline or diesel fu el,” T he P ortland O bserver P effer said, explaining how aul P effer has been b r iq u e tte s b u rn p e tro le u m selling m esquite and products. #1. Customer Service wood charcoals for 13 The barbecue co n n o isseu r • AH Loans renewable y e a rs . H is b u s in e s s , says F a s t too often people w ill use T ra ck M a rk e tin g has been • No Storage Fees sauce to cover up the taste o f supplying N orthw est Cooking burned m eat or fuel at a b ar­ • 30 Day Grace Period W oods for all o f the m ajor b ecu e. on all Loans b arbecue resta u ra n ts in the He believes that properly • Front Door Parking community. cooked m eat should be good • Open Mon-Sat P effer is a m em ber o f the enough to eat w ithout sauce. P acific N orthw est B arbecue “ You can barbecue ju s t as A ssociation. good as the p ro fessio n als. All ♦ Jewelry Specials C e r tif ie d as a b a rb e c u e you need is the right charcoal ju d g e, he is passionate about a and w ood c o m b in a tio n ,” said Starting at $20. good barbecue. P e ffe r. He says the flavor o f wood f you are in terested in sm oked barbecue is far supe­ N o r th w e s t C o o k in g “Gives rio r to barbecue cooked over W oods, call Paul at Fast Bring this ad in and receive briquettes. T rack M arketing 503- 254- “ Y ou w o u ld n ’t b a rb e c u e 0774. P SilverL I Construction to Close West Burnside West Burnside Street will close for up to three months to build a portionoftheTannerCreek Stream Diversion Project. The closure will begin on about July 9 and may last until mid-Octo­ ber. Tanner Creek is one o f several city projects to reduce combined sewer overflows to the Willamette River. The creek was piped in to the city sewer system decades ago. Today, the relatively clean creek water contributes to the sew erover- flows. New pipes will take Tanner Creek out o f the sewer and carry it directly to the Willamette River. West Burnside will be closed to through traffic between 14th and 19th Avenues to allow construc­ tion crews to dig a diagonal trench across the street and install a six- foot-diameter pipe. someone whose g i& ta lk l fell them i Unlimited PhoneCalls Letters Written For You Preventative Legal Service And M ore ntfidentif*