June 13, 2001 Page A5 ^Jurtlanò (ßbserUer i Health/Education Citizens Lobby for Water, Air and Land Protections The delegation met with both Rep. Jackie Dingfelder and District 10 Sen. Avel Gordly. Despite the state's revenue shortfall, the citizen turnout asked elected officials to plan wisely for the environment and to cut funds for programs Portland were Pat Clancy, Bob ore than 300 Or and Dawn Wilson, Betsy and e g o n ian s from Mark Winslow, Rebecca Perry across the state Bob Belcher. gathered at the state and Capital They took the day off from recently to ask the legislature work to get their voices heard for stronger environm ental in sup p o rt o f p ro te c tin g protections. Attending from northeast Oregon’s environment. M that are wasteful or even dam­ aging to the environment. Gov. Kitzhaber echoed this theme in his speech to the group. He insisted, “We must tund conservation programs that p rotect O re g o n ia n s' health, our water, our air and our land. We have an obligation to our children to leave a legacy of protecting our natural re­ sources.” At the rally, the Governor, a medical doctor, received a gi­ ant “ conservation” scalpel symbolizing the need to end wasteful spending on pollu­ ‘Revolutionary Math’ Honored for Excellence fi- 4** “¿Sr <1- i Nia Gray (from right) and Stanford Killingsworth accept the Best of Video Award in the education category at the 2001 Videographer Awards. The northeast Portland residents are the photographers and producers of ‘Revolutionary Math:" I can Think,' a product of Portland video production company Grassroot News. The firm, headed by executive producer and editor LaNita Duke, specializes in programs for children and at-risk youth. »I tion control tax credit in the face of a budget deficit. 1000 Friends o f Oregon member Bob Belcher said, “We are here as constituents to urge the Legislature to act wisely for our children, neigh­ bors and Oregon's future, and we will be back.” Like father, like son. Protect your children from tobacco. If you are concerned about secondhand sm oke please call the M ultnom ah C ounty Tobacco Prevention C o alitio n at 503-988-3674 New Labor Contract for School Workers Portland Public Schools and the Portland Federation of Teachers and Classified Em­ ployees have reached a tenta­ tive agreement for a new two- year contract, effective July 1. School officials said the con­ tract is a fair settlement that is fiscally responsible and sup­ ports the district’s strategic plan. The tentative agreement pro­ vides for a 2.9 percent salary increase for 2001-2002 and a 2 percent increase for 2002- 2003. The tentative agreement also includes a new salary schedule for sign language in­ terpreters, which provides in­ centives for increased educa­ tion and training; and a one­ time $200 bonus for employ­ ees with 15 or more years with the district, recognizing long­ term service. “We had the opportunity to work w ith an ex cep tio n al group of employees,” said PPS Executive Director of Human Resources Steve Goldschmidt. “ It is one of the most collabo­ rative negotiations efforts I have participated in.” ‘Heart Watch’ is Dose of Medical Reality TAKE TRI-MET TO THE MUSEUM. Besides taking yon to work am day of the w eek 1 ri-Met ean also take you to the art m useum , sum m er co n certs at the zoo and all Lucelia Hernandez (from left) and Yanez Mendoza from Grant High School look over materials with Karolina Puk from West Linn High School prior to observing open heart surgery as part of “Heart Watch," a program at providence St. Vincent Medical Center that enables high school students to get a dose of medical reality. Spearheaded by world-renowned cardiac surgeon Alberta Starr, M.D., "Heart Watch" was launched at Providence St. Vincent in 1995, in an effort to raise awareness about what it takes to save a life, to encourage healthy lifestyles and to show teamwork involved in open heart surgery. the aeti\ ities at Waterfront Park Ride to many Rose festival events. PGF Park and an yw here in betw een w h ere th e re 's a good tim e h a p p e n in g , lo r sch e d u le s and ro u te in fo rm atio n to v o u r next Inn tilled event t all SOS 2 AS RIDL or log o n to w w w .tri-m et.o rg & TRI-MET VOl-OMIOt www How we g et th e r e m a tte rs . TTY 503 25» 5«1 !• rri-mct.org —---------------------------------------i, Ì . I