June 13, 2001 Page A 4 3Il|p ÿtarUanfc (ßbaeruer as Opinion Wi|C ^ o r t la n b (Dhseruer USPS 959-680 Established 1970 STAFF E d it o r C h ie f , in P u b l is h e r Charles H. Washington E d it o r L a r r y J . J a c k s o n , S r. B u s in e s s M A sst P ublisher M ichael Leighton E opy d it o r Joy Ramos C r e a t iv e D ir e c t o r R o b e rtP a rk e r 4 7 4 7 NE M artin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Fax 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 e-mail news@portlandobserver.com stijscripUon@portiandoteefver.com » ads@portlandobserver.com P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer PO Box 313 7 i Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8 I Periodical Postage paid in Portland, OR j of Drug/Prostitution Free Zones Take Away Our Rights nesses, all o f w hich are designed to rug and P rostitution Free be accessible to all. Z o n e s ta r g e t c e r ta in T h e ex c lu d e d in d iv id u a ls are neighborhoods by using barred a “p ro file” to determ ine w hich areas for three m onths prio r to their arraignm ent, and then up to one en ­ have m ore crim e than others. O ffend­ tire year after conviction and sen­ ers cannot physically be in or pass tencing. The Portland C ity C ouncil through the designated areas for any calls this disciplinary action a “ sanc­ reason during a certain calendar p e­ D riod. T hese zones discrim inate against those w ho have m ade m istakes and changed their lives for the better. This is not a solution to the problem ofcrim e in our neighborhoods, and is not constitutionally supported by our C onstitution, the Bill o f Rights and the A m erican Civil Liberties Union. C rim e is prevalent throughout this entire city. D rugs and prostitution have never existed in one area, but are as m obile and diverse as the individu­ als that com m it them. Statistics show that these targeted com m unities are usually the low er incom e, m inority neighborhoods. T h ey ’re com m unities w ith private hom es, apartm ent buildings and busi­ tion.” It is through this term inology that our rights are violated. T he zones create double punishm ent for the same offense, delay the right to a speedy and public trial by an im partial ju ry , and result in cruel and unusual pun­ ishment, discrim inatorytreatm entun- der the 5*, 6*, 8*, 9* and 14* A m end­ m ents to the C onstitution. A p erso n ’s past should rem ain their past. Y et w ithin these zones, the ability for suspects and convicted crim inals to rehabilitate them selves in their ow n com m unities is denied. H ow m any civil rights m ovem ents is it going to take until it its decided that discrim inationofany kind is m ost definitely w rong. It seems ironic that in p red o m i­ nately upper class w hite n eig h b o r­ hoods, no drug exclusion zones exist nor have been proposed. It seem s that drugs and prostitution are b eing treated only as a m inority p roblem . The C onstitution w as designed for everyone, yet it seem s that a few pow erful people are once again find­ ing ways to discrim inate. T h ey are giving the rights to a few to take aw ay the rights o f m any. People like m e, w ho are form er offenders, have a voice that needs to be heard. DFZ zones do n ot solve crim e. They only perpetuate a new type o f discrimination. There once w as a m an long ago who w alked am ong us and forgave everyone. Instead o f condem ning our futures, he gave us a chance at re­ dem ption to im prove our lives for the I l j e ^ o r t l a u b (S )h » e r u tr Wyden Welcomes Jeffords to Democratic Caucus U. s. Sen. Ron W yden. D-Ore., w el­ com ed Sen. Jim Jeffords, I-Vt., into the D em ocratic caucus, saying that the new Democratic majority in the Senate will be committed to promoting a bipar­ tisan approach tow ard working on b eh a lf o f the public’s interest. “O ne o f our biggest challenges in W ashington is to build effective bipar­ tisan coalitions to w ork on real solu­ tions to A m erica’s problem s. The de- cision by Senator Jeffords, and the resulting Democratic majority, willhelp pave the way for a balanced, more effective bipartisan approach in the future. “O ur challenge over the com ­ ing m onths will be to learn from and change the unfortunate political atm o­ sphere that contributed to Senator Jeffords’decision. “T odothepeoples’ business, C ongress and the W hite House must recom m it to bipartisan­ ship as the vehicle through w hich to get things accomplished,’ ’ W yden said. The weekend is what you make o f it. FROM 79 better. W here is that kind o f spirit today? T racle A. M itchell Northeast Portland anager G a ry A nn T aylor C Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views Subscriptions are $ 6 0 .0 0 per year D E A D L IN E S FOR ALL SUBMITTED METERIALS: ARTICLES: Monday by 5 p . m . ADS: Friday by noon The Portland Observ er welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeledandw illberetum edifaccom - panied by a self addressed envelope. All created design display ads be­ com e the sole property o f the new s­ paper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage w ith­ out the written consent ofthe general manager, unless the client has pur­ chased the com position o f such ad. © 1996 TH E PO R T LA N D O B ­ SER V ER . A L L R IG H T S R E ­ SER V E D ,R EPR O D U C T IO N IN W HOLEORINPARTW ITH OIT PERMLSSIONLSPROHIBITED. The Portland O bserver-O regon's Oldest Multicultural Publication-isa m em ber o fth e National Newspaper Association—Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Represen­ tative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, N ew York. NY, and The W est Coast Black Publishers Association • Serv­ ing Portland and Vancouver. Numbers Speak Louder Than Words c re d it, an e x p a n d e d E arn ed In ­ hile b ac k ers o f P re si­ c o m e C red it, o r a p ro sp erity b o ­ d en t B u s h ’s ta x cu t n u s . T r i c k l e d o w n f ro m th e p o in t to th e a v e rag e ie r­ st is n ot lik e ly .” tax cut, d a ta rele ase d b w y ea th lth e O T h e f ig u r e s s h o w th a t th e e g o n C e n te r fo r P u b lic P o lic y w ea lth ie st o n e p erc en t o f O re g o ­ sh o w s th a t th e ty p ic al O re g o n ia n n ia n s, w ith an n u al in c o m es a v e r­ w ill get m u c h less, a n d 23 p erc en t ag in g $ 9 5 1 ,0 0 0 , w ill re c e iv e 39.8 o f O re g o n ia n s w ill g et n o th in g . p erc en t o f th e tax cut. O n e p e rc e n t o f O re g o n ia n s w ill The poorest 20 percent o f Orego­ rea p a b o u t 4 0 p e rc e n t o f th e tax nians will receive less than tw o percent c u t’s b en e fits. o f the total tax cut w hile the top 20 “T h e P re sid en t p ro p o ses a wand- percent o f Oregonians will receive fall fo r a v e ry few w h ile at th e sam e about 60 percent o f the tax c u t tim e cu ttin g h ea lth ca re for the T h o m p so n n o ted th at “ o v er the u n in su red and ch ild ca re fo r w o rk ­ n ex t ten y ea rs, th e p o rtio n o f the in g fa m ilie s,” said J e f f T h o m p so n , P re sid e n t’s tax cu t th at g o es to the th e c e n te r ’s p o lic y a n a ly s t an d n a tio n ’s w ealth iest on e p ercen t w ill e c o n o m ist “ A s o u r ec o n o m y slo w s, ex c ee d th e co m b in ed co st o f all o f th e ty p ic al O re g o n ia n n eed s h elp the n ew d isc re tio n a ry sp en d in g in i­ to d a y , w ith a re fu n d a b le ch ild tax W Voting Irregularities Deeply Troubling tiativ es - ed u c atio n , a M e d ic a re p rescrip tio n d ru g b en e fit, as w ell as ad ditional d efe n se sp e n d in g - p ro p o sed in th e P re sid e n t’s sp e n d ­ in g plan. “ M o st O re g o n ia n s d id n o t rea p th e b en efits o f th e e c o n o m ic p r o s ­ p erity o f th e 1990s an d th e y w ill get p recio u s little from th e B u sh tax p la n ,” said T h o m p so n . “ T h e B ush tax plan is a feast fo r th e co m fo rtab le an d cru m b s fo r th e stru g g lin g .” T h e O re g o n C e n te r fo r P u b lic P o licy is a n o n -p ro fit rese arch o r­ g an izatio n th at an a ly z es b u d g e t, tax , an d p ro g ram issu es im p o rta n t to low - and m o d e ra te -in c o m e O r­ eg o n ian s, th e m a jo rity o f O re g o ­ A weekend escape is closer than you think. In fact you’ll find it at the luxurious Radisson Hotel Seattle A irp o rt. Centrally located between Seattle and Tacoma, you can unwind in the garden courtyard with a heated pool, melt away stress In the sauna, and even savor fresh seafood at N o rth by Northwest. G o ahead, make it a weekend to remember. Join G old Rewards. Free Nights. Global Rewards. SEATTLE Radisson Hotel Seattle A irp o rt 17 0 0 1 International Blvd., Seattle. W A 98188 206-244-6000 • Fax 206-246-6835 www.radisson.com/seattlewa I-8OO-333-3333 o r contact your travel professional •Based on avoi/oMity. Must mention this ad at time of reservation Good through 12/30/01 nians. Seeking African American Families with ADHD Children for a Research Study ADHD, Ethnicity, and Family Environment Who is the Principal Investigator? I com m en d C h airp erso n M ary Frances B erry and the m em bers o fth e U.S. C om m ission on C ivil R ights for their investigative rep o rt on voting irregularities in Florida during the 2000 presidential election. Election reform is a top priority for the D em ocratic Party and I am deeply troubled b y the C o m m issio n ’s find­ ings. N o t o nly has the C om m ission uncovered clear and conclusive evi­ dence that Floridians w ere disenfran­ chised, this report also confirm s w hat w e at the D em ocratic P arty have al­ ready know n: G ov. Jeb B ush and Secretary o f State K atherine H arris w ere negligent in preventing the dis­ enfranchisem ent o f F lo rid a’s voters, in particular m inority voters and v o t­ ers in low -incom e com m unities. I am com m itted to protecting the voting rights o f all A m ericans, and I am ap­ palled that 54 percent o f the 180,000 discarded ballots in Florida w ere A f­ rican-A m erican votes. I am equally disturbed that state officials, Bush and H arris included, chose to disregard clear w arnings concerning inaccurate felon lists for a voter purge effort w hich resulted in the rem oval o f m any eligible voters from the registration rolls. “W hile Florida’s recent election reform legis­ lation w as a step in the right direction, this report proves that m oney for upgraded voting m achinery w ill not be enough. Florida and m any oth er states will need m ore voter education and train­ ing, effective poll place m anagem ent and enforcem ent o f the federal Civil Rights A ct, V oting R ights A ct and local election law s to have real elec­ tion reform .” Terry M e A ulifee D em ocratic N ational C om m ittee Chairman t Ju d y K endall. R N .P h .D . School o f N ursing, O regon H ealth Sciences U niversity 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road Portland, O R 97201 503-494-3890 What is the study about? This study is about gaining an understanding o f what it is like for a family to live with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Virtually no research exists on how African American and Hispanic families experience and manage ADHD, what health needs they may have, and what opportunities they have for receiving these services. The study will involve two meetings, about 2 hours each, at your home or place convenient for you. Which families are eligible? • • Families with at least one child (age 6-19) with a diagnosis of ADHD. Families with at least two people (the ADHD child and one parent). Hopefully both parents and siblings will participate as well. • Families that are willing to participate in one interview and complete a series of questionnaires. • Families that speak English or are willing to work through an interpreter. • Parents that are able to read and write at the 5th grade level or are willing to have the questions read to them. All information will be held strictly confidential. There will be no cost to you for participating in the research. In appreciation of your time and contribution, Each family will receive $50 after each meeting for a possible total of $100. If interested please call 503-494-4122. Funded by National Institute of Health/National Institute of Nursing Research OHSU 1RB # 5275