Page 10 June 13,2001 'oeus on Careers IporHmib (Ohseruer Profile of a Cabinet Maker Bv J oy R amos T he P qrtlanp O bserver Jessie H iggins A p p re n tic e C a b in e t M ak e r Age: 25 No. of years in business: 3 years H ours of w ork: 40 hours Potential E arnings: For finish. Once it’s dry, I then per week with occasional a Jo u rn ey m an C ab in et add three coats of lacquer. overtime. Maker, $20,000 - $60,000 2:30 p.m. - The last and Typical Day: My day most important sequence is starts at 8 a.m. by look- the finished quality. I hang PACIFIC POWER Pacific Power a Division ofPacificorp Joins with (Llic o rtkutb COhscx^uei* In Celebratili" P hoto by J ohn H ayes C areers Pacific Power is in the business of Empowering.. Our Communities, our City and this great State. Pacific Power designs, builds and operates facilities that provide the Power for the residents of Portland. Pacific Power is Opportunity.... Jessie Higgins works as an Apprentice Cabinet Maker at B. Hayes Custom Cabinets. ing over job folders and planning for the day. Sometimes I act as Job Boss to oversee the de­ tails of another person’s work. 9 :3 0 a.m . - Begin work on the cabinets by assem b lin g the basic frame. 10:30 a.m. - Take a 15 minute break. 10:45 a.m. - Do put­ ting, the process of filling nail holes in cabinets, and then sanding work. 12 p .m . - T ake a lunch break. 12:30 p.m. - I place two coats of sealer on the cabinets that gets sanded down to a smooth the doors and drawer fronts; fix any odds and ends. Em­ ployer then does a quality control check. 5 p.m. - End of work day. W h at do you like th e most about your w ork? 1 get a lot of pride out o f cabi­ net making. I have a love for woodworking that runs in the family. W hat do you least like about your w ork? There’s a lot to learn. Sometimes it gets frustrating and over­ whelming because o f it. W h a t a d v ice can you give fo r som eone in te r ­ ested in getting into this p ro fe s s io n ? M ake sure cabinet making is something that you like to do. Be as patient as you can be, be­ cause it will test you.